Statistics about Society in United States
- Share of students studying online in the U.S., by ethnicity and education level 2023
- Number of college students enrolled in distance education U.S. 2022, by institution
- Amount of money spent on librarian salaries/wages at academic libraries in 2015 U.S.
- Skillshare brand profile in the United States 2022
- Number of college students enrolled in distance education U.S. 2022
- Pluralsight brand profile in the United States 2022
- Rosetta Stone brand profile in the United States 2022
- Share of Americans with student loan debt U.S. 2023, by state
- Enrollment in 4-year postsecondary institutions U.S. 2021, by state
- Babbel brand profile in the United States 2022
- Leading educational institution advertisers in the U.S. 2023, by ad spend
- U.S. bachelor degree granting institution library average expenses 2015, by segment
- Student familiarity with college financial aid options U.S. 2015, by type of aid
- E-book categories offered at academic libraries in the U.S. 2012-2016
- Monthly share of academic library e-book purchasing U.S. 2016
- 5-year prediction e-book share of academic library acquisition budgets U.S. 2016
- E-book budget share at academic libraries in the U.S. in 2016
- LearnWorlds brand profile in the United States 2022
- Academic library e-book acquisition model preference in the U.S. 2016
- Share of academic library e-book acquisition models in the U.S. 2016, by school type
- E-book categories offered at academic libraries in the U.S. 2012-2016, by school type
- E-book categories in demand at academic libraries in the U.S. 2012-2016
- Library collections in associate degree granting colleges U.S. 2015, by item type
- E-book category demand at academic libraries in the U.S. 2016, by school type
- E-book purchasing motivation share at academic libraries in the U.S. 2016
- Median size of academic library e-book collections in the U.S. 2016
- U.S. academic library average interlibrary loans 2015, by type of degree granted
- U.S. academic library average annual attendance 2015, by type of degree granted
- U.S. academic library reference consultations in 2015, by type of degree granted
- U.S. academic library reference desk usage in 2015, by type of degree granted
- Students receiving/expecting to receive college financial aid U.S. 2015, by aid type
- Khan Academy brand profile in the United States 2022
- Share of adults who believe taking out student loans is worth it U.S. 2022, by income
- Coursera brand profile in the United States 2022
- U.S. number of early childhood learning centers 2013-2023
- Number of undergraduates at Harvard University 2022, by gender
- Length of time expected by Gen Z to pay off undergraduate student debt U.S. 2023
- edX brand profile in the United States 2022
- MasterClass brand profile in the United States 2022
- Number of student loan borrowers by balance U.S. 2023
- Stanford Online brand profile in the United States 2022
- Perceived opportunities for advancement among higher ed employees U.S. 2021, by race
- U.S. student satisfaction with hybrid college courses 2023
- U.S. students' preferences for college activities to be online or in person 2023
- Instances of book bans in U.S. public schools 2022/23, by ban status
- U.S. views on how slavery and racism should be taught in schools 2023
- Study field distribution of Chinese students in the United States 2023/24
- Annual growth rate of the number of Chinese students in the U.S. 2013/14-2023/24
- Number of Chinese students in the U.S. 2013/14-2023/24
- Value of student loan debt outstanding, by repayment status U.S. 2023
- Share of K-12 students who feel their school respects who they are U.S. 2023, by race
- Value of outstanding student loans U.S. 2006-2024
- Leading colleges for social mobility U.S. 2021, by index score
- Codecademy brand profile in the United States 2022
- Proposed bans on sex or gender identity in K-12 schools U.S. 2023, by grade level
- Number of degree-granting postsecondary institutions U.S. 2021, by type
- Share of adults who believe paying for college was easy U.S. 2022, by education level
- Share of adults who believed that paying for college was easy in the U.S. 2022
- Number of magnet schools in the U.S. 2001-2022
- Share of adults who could afford to make payments towards student loans U.S. 2022
- Udemy brand profile in the United States 2022
- Perceptions on the importance of a college degree for a successful career U.S. 2022
- Harvard Extension School brand profile in the United States 2022
- Princeton Online brand profile in the United States 2022
- FutureLearn brand profile in the United States 2022
- Fall enrollment in the United States 2017-2022 by sector
- Share of bachelor's students as caregivers or full-time employees U.S. 2022, by race
- Importance of various factors to remain in bachelor's programs U.S. 2022, by race
- Black students who feel discriminated in higher education U.S. 2022, by program
- Grand Canyon Education net income 2019-2023
- Median income of engineering majors by race in the U.S. 2009
- Institutional discount at public U.S. four-year colleges, by family income 2016
- Median income of computers, statistics, and mathematics majors in the U.S. 2013
- U.S. universities with most Bachelor's degrees conferred to Hispanics 2017
- Share of U.S. charter schools, by regional location 2003 to 2010
- Share of charter schools, by teaching level in the U.S. 1999 to 2010
- Number of charter schools in the U.S. 2001-2022
- Number of 4-year academic institutions in the U.S. 1980-2017, by type
- Ratio of FTE staff to FTE students in private U.S. colleges, 1991-2011
- Ratio of FTE staff to FTE students in public U.S. colleges, 1991-2011
- Share of business school enrollment in the U.S. vs non-U.S. 2009/10
- Share of business degrees conferred in the U.S. 2010, by gender and program level
- Annual tuition for top U.S. undergraduate business administration programs 2012
- Median income of architecture and engineering majors by study focus in the U.S. 2013
- Median income of humanities and liberal arts majors by study focus in the U.S. 2013
- Top universities to graduate Hispanic students in the U.S. 2014
- Median income of psychology and social work majors by study focus in the U.S. 2013
- Higher education graduation rate in the U.S. 2000-2017
- Median income of arts majors by study focus in the U.S. 2013
- Median income of biology and life science majors by study focus in the U.S. 2013
- Median income of business majors by study focus in the U.S. 2013
- Median income of communications and journalism majors by study focus in the U.S. 2013
- Average undergraduate budgets U.S. 2023/24, by expense and institution type
- U.S. enrollment in pre-primary programs, by gender and attendance type 2018
- Tuition and fees at public two-year colleges U.S. 2022/23, by region
- Tuition and fees at public four-year colleges U.S. 2022/23, by region
- College payment - average amount in the United States, by income level, 2007-2024
- Student acceptance rates at four-year degree-granting colleges in the U.S. in 2013/14
- U.S. universities with most Master's degrees conferred to Hispanics 2015
- Average college savings of American families by savings vehicle U.S. 2018