Statistics about Society in United States
- U.S. student self-rated social confidence as of 2016, by gender identity
- Enrollment on journalism and mass communications programs in U.S. 1988-2013
- Barriers to educational technology implementation in U.S. classrooms 2016
- U.S. elementary school principals 2007/08, by teaching experience and school type
- U.S. positive influence of education technology usage 2016
- U.S. share of first generation students as of 2016, by gender and ethnicity
- Countries with the most U.S. students studying abroad 2021/22
- U.S. student self-rated leadership ability as of 2016, by gender identity
- Time spent on social media by U.S. students in 2016, by sexual orientation
- Undergraduate enrollment in the U.S. 1970-2031, by gender
- Time spent on social media by U.S. students in 2016, by political identity
- U.S. public school revenue sources from 1989 to 2009
- Financially dependent undergraduates in the U.S. from 2003-2014, by family income
- Faculty/librarian opinion on necessity of academic library services U.S./Canada 2015
- Faculty/librarian opinion on academic library service quality U.S./Canada 2015
- Share of U.S. schools that provided digital training for teachers as of April 2012
- Revenue of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions U.S. 2021/22
- Share of U.S. elementary school principals 2007/08, by experience and school type
- Share of U.S. elementary school teachers 2007/08, by ethnicity and school type
- Educators evaluation of U.S. students access to in-school resources 2016
- U.S. student attitudes towards tablets and digital textbooks 2015, by education
- U.S. teachers' most desired areas of professional development 2016
- Tuition and fees for the top 10 executive MBA programs in the U.S. in 2023-24
- Mobile devices used daily by U.S. students at school 2015, by education level
- Enrollment at leading universities in the United States 2022/23
- Most effective formats of professional development for U.S. educators 2016
- U.S. student loans - number repaying debt/in default 2008, by 4-year institution type
- U.S. adults on if libraries should charge late fees 2021
- Parental income distribution in the U.S. in 2015, by student Pell Grant status
- Share of U.S. undergraduates with financial need from 2000/01 to 2013/14
- Most common programs/services provided to U.S. schools by community partners 2016
- Share of students receiving student aid in the U.S. in 2009/10, by type of aid
- Breakdown of U.S. teachers' classroom libraries, by number of books 2016
- Average monthly expenditure on day care, by state U.S. 2015
- Average money spent by teachers for school, classroom or student use in the U.S.
- Percentage of U.S. students with student loans 2020/21, by institution type
- Shopping preferences of U.S. teachers 2017
- Tuition costs and student loans at U.S. 2-year institutions by institution type 2022
- Inclusion of technology usage skills in U.S. teachers' evaluations 2012
- U.S. student attitudes towards tablets and digital textbooks 2014-2015
- U.S. belief that good educational opportunities exist in their area 2024, by race
- Share of public school teachers employed in a summer job by experience U.S. 2015
- Share of U.S. public high schools with low 12th grader retention rates 1990-2010
- Share of undergraduates whose needs were met by federal aid U.S. 2013/14, by state
- Educators evaluation of U.S. students access to important resources outside of school
- U.S. metropolitan areas with the most international students 2014/15
- U.S. student attitudes towards mobile device usage in class 2015, by education level
- Student loan default rate U.S. 2022, by race
- Number of student aid applicants in the U.S. 2006-2022
- Number of freshmen who received student loans in the U.S. 2000-2013
- Share of freshmen who received student loans in the U.S. 2000-2013
- Share of U.S. undergraduates who applied for financial aid 2000-2014
- Share of students receiving student aid in the U.S. 2020-2021, by type of aid
- U.S. teachers' usage of digital classroom content in 2012
- Per capita graduate debt levels in the U.S. 2013/14, by state
- Tuition cost and student loan amounts U.S. 2021/22, by institution type
- Student loan cohort default rate in the U.S. 2019, by institution type
- U.S. student loans - number repaying debt/in default 2008, by 2-year institution type
- Student loan default rate U.S. 2022, by family income
- Student loan default rate U.S. 2022, by degree type
- Percent of U.S. graduate students employed, by level of employment in 2011
- U.S. principals' most desired areas of professional development 2016
- Impact of digital technologies on disparities in U.S. schools as of April 2012
- K-12 teachers' views on how gender identity should be taught at school U.S. 2023
- Number of English Language Learner students in U.S. public schools 2000-2020
- K-12 teachers' support for parents to opt children out of race/gender topics U.S 2023
- Average student loan debt per borrower U.S. 2023, by age group
- Total outstanding federal student loan debt U.S. 2023, by age group
- Adults’ opinion on how K–12 schools should handle AI advances U.S. 2023-24
- Share of Americans facing various issues due to student loan debt U.S. 2022
- Impacts of restricting race, sex, and identity topics for K-12 teachers U.S. 2023
- U.S. teens' comfortability with race and LGBTQ+ topics in the classroom 2023
- Industry revenue of “grant-making and giving services“ in the U.S. 2012-2024
- Share of parents who say their child worries about select issues at school U.S. 2023
- U.S. preferences for race-related curricula in K-12 schools 2023, by race
- Parental concerns of gun violence at their children's school U.S 2023, by demographic
- Public K-12 teachers' views on how to effectively prevent school shootings U.S 2023
- Share of teachers who feel their school prepared them for an active shooter U.S 2023
- Rate of school shootings U.S. 2008-2024, by state
- U.S. opinion on policies to effectively reduce fatalities from school shootings 2023
- Survey on the importance of a degree beyond high school in U.S. 2013
- U.S. teachers' reports of physical security measures at school 2022, by demographic
- U.S. students' beliefs on the effects of online programs in higher education 2023
- Gen Z teens' trust in U.S. institutions 2023, by demographic
- Public K-12 teachers' opinion on carrying firearms to increase school safety U.S 2022
- Familiarity with planetary science by region U.S. 2019
- Number of Taiwanese students studying in the U.S. 2013/14-2023/24
- Federal student loan limits for undergraduates U.S. 2023, by year and dependency
- Information levels of space exploration and astronomy by gender U.S. 2019
- Gen Z teens on whether college is a smart investment U.S. 2023, by demographic
- U.S. belief in effectiveness of affirmative action/student loan forgiveness 2023
- Federal student loan forgiveness programs U.S. 2023, by average amount forgiven
- Familiarity with astronomy by age U.S. 2019
- K-12 teachers' opinions on what areas need more edtech resources U.S. 2023
- K-12 teachers' opinions on the biggest impact of edtech on student learning U.S. 2023
- U.S. share of study abroad students 2022/2023, by gender
- International students U.S. 2023/2024, by institution type
- Familiarity of planetary science in the U.S. 2019
- Interest levels of space exploration by region in the U.S. 2019
- Information levels of space exploration and astronomy by region U.S. 2019