Statistics about Society in United States
- Share of U.S. students who enrolled in a college in their own state 2016
- Median income of social science majors by study focus in the U.S. 2013
- Share of Americans who would reenroll in college if student loans were forgiven 2022
- Average share of student debt still owed 4 years after graduation U.S. 2020, by race
- U.S. states restricting schools from teaching race, sex, or inequality 2021-2024
- Tuition and fees for the top business schools in the United States 2023
- Black/African American employees in U.S. higher education 1999-2013, by function
- Number of U.S. students taking distance education courses 2007/08, by gender
- U.S. MOOC penetration 2014, by education
- Number of U.S. students completing uni via distance education 2008, by ethnicity
- Number of students taking distance education courses U.S. 2007/08, by ethnicity
- U.S. - average faculty salary at higher education institutions, by state 2018/19
- Forecast: revenue libraries and archives US 2008-2020
- Median income of industrial arts, consumer services & recreation Majors in U.S. 2013
- College funding - expected sources vs actual sources in the United States, 2014
- Median income of health majors by study focus in the U.S. 2013
- U.S. school districts with distance education 2004-2010, by delivery method
- Share of U.S. schools 2009/10, by ethnic concentration and school type
- Share of U.S. public schools 2021/22, by enrollment size and school type
- Number of public schools in the U.S. 2021/22, by education structure
- Number of elementary and secondary schools in the U.S. 2020/21, by type
- Number of Associate's degree recipients U.S. 1970-2032
- ROI comparison of U.S. Ivy and Non-Ivy league Bachelor's degrees 2012
- Enrollment in U.S. 4-year postsecondary institutions 1970-2031, by institution type
- Enrollment in U.S. 2-year postsecondary institutions 1970-2031, by institution type
- Attitudes to college - parents opinions on higher education in the U.S., 2010-2017
- Attitudes to college - students' opinions on higher education in the U.S., 2010-2017
- Tuition and room/board cost at private four-year colleges, by U.S. region 2016/17
- College graduation rate , by acceptance rate of U.S. college institution 2013
- Average length of a school term in U.S. elementary and secondary schools 1870-2019
- Financial support offered to graduates by family members in the U.S. 2012
- Recipients of Federal Pell Grants in the U.S. 1980-2023
- Total student loans provided in the U.S. 2001-2023
- Total student grants provided in the U.S. 2002-2023
- U.S. Colleges - salaries for faculty members in private institutions 2005-2019
- Higher education - annual charges in public institutions 1970-2018
- Graduate student aid in the U.S. 2022/23, by source and type
- Share of student grants provided in the U.S. 2000-2022, by source
- What U.S. college students considered when selecting a major 2012
- Share of LBGTQ+ students with various reasons to drop out of high school U.S. 2021-22
- Share of LBGTQ+ students who experienced harassment or assault at school U.S. 2021-22
- U.S. undergraduate student aid 2022-2023, by source and type
- Number of doctoral and first professional degree recipients U.S. 1870-2032
- Expenditure on Federal Pell Grants in the U.S. 1981-2023
- Universal Technical Institute operating profit 2019-2023
- U.S. number of degree-granting postsecondary institutions by type U.S. 2023
- Number of high school students enrolled in four-year colleges U.S. 2019-2029, by race
- Perceptions on the accessibility of quality, affordable higher education U.S. 2021
- Share of college students who considered withdrawing due to various reasons U.S. 2021
- Share of U.S. adults who believe select cliques existed in their high schools 2022
- Per capita revenue and expenditure at U.S. public libraries, by location 2009
- College payment - how typical U.S. families pay for college, by contribution 2024
- U.S. borrowers who continued making student loan payments during moratorium 2022
- Distribution of use of funds during paused student loan repayment period U.S. 2022
- College payment - average amount U.S. families paid, by contribution source 2011-2024
- Higher education expenditure by state and local government U.S. 2021, by state
- U.S. student loan borrowers' debt levels in public four-year colleges 2006-2022
- Average amount of aid received by U.S. students 2022/23, by federal program
- Distribution of degrees granted in the U.S., by institution and degree type 2013/14
- Amount of student aid paid U.S. 2017-2023, by federal grant program
- State and ARRA investment in higher education in the U.S., 2007 to 2011
- Average revenue per student in a public community college in the U.S. 2003-2013
- Average spending per student at U.S. private bachelor's institutions 2003-2013
- Average expenditure per student in U.S. public research institutions 2003-2013
- Average spending per student at U.S. private master's institutions 2003-2013
- Average cost to attend a U.S. university 2013-2024, by institution type
- Number of homeschooled students in the U.S. 1999-2016
- Average earning increase after obtaining a graduate degree in the U.S. 2013
- Amount of student loans offered, by federal loan program U.S. 2017-2023
- Percentage of students to obtain a graduate degree in the U.S. 2013, by major
- Percentage of bachelor's degree holders by college major group in the U.S. 2013
- Most popular college majors in the U.S. 2013
- Recipients of federal student aid in the U.S. 2022/23, by program
- Median income by college major groups in the U.S. 2013
- College majors least likely to obtain a graduate degree in the U.S. 2013
- U.S. college majors with the highest participation of Hispanic students 2015
- Highest earning increase from obtaining a graduate degree in the U.S. 2013
- College majors most likely to obtain a graduate degree in the U.S. 2013
- U.S. teens (16-19) who are enrolled in school and working 1985-2022
- Undergraduate enrollment in U.S. universities 2011-2023
- Share of U.S. students with undergraduate student loan debt by ethnicity 2016
- Average student debt U.S. 2020, by state
- Total Education tax savings for college students U.S. 2002-2023
- Share of Federal Pell Grants recipients U.S. 2012-2023
- U.S. student loan borrowers' debt levels, private four-year colleges 2006-2022
- Top U.S. business schools 2022, by average debt and starting salary of MBA grads
- Federal funds for postsecondary education in the U.S. 2022, by department
- Student borrowing - federal student loans taken out, by average amount 2011-2024
- Marketing/recruitment advertising method effectiveness at private U.S. colleges 2018
- U.S. 20 richest colleges in the U.S. FY 2023
- Perception of taking out student loans to afford higher education U.S. 2022
- Share of U.S. students enrolled in private schools 2013, by state
- Official college social media account posts' relevance to college searchers U.S. 2016
- Share of college app download reasons by students researching college U.S. 2016
- Mobile actions taken by students to research college in the U.S. in 2016
- Advertising channel usage for marketing/recruitment at public U.S. colleges 2018
- Marketing/recruitment event effectiveness at 4-year public U.S. colleges 2018
- Primary computing device used by students to research college in the U.S. in 2016
- Marketing/recruitment advertising method effectiveness at public U.S. colleges 2018
- Event usage for marketing/recruitment at 4-year public U.S. colleges 2018