Working with Statista
Information about the sources of statistics
Next to each statistic we display all information regarding the origin of the data. We distinguish between the source, the publisher and the conductor of the survey.
It is, for instance, possible that a company commissioned a market research institute to collect data, whose findings were published in a specialist journal. However, it is not unusual for them to be identical. In this case we have obtained the data directly from the original source, which itself collected the data.
Next to every statistic you can find this box including this information:
Source: Under Source, you can directly view the source of the data and who conducted the survey. It is, for instance, possible that a company commissioned a market research institute to collect the data. We differentiate these two dimensions in order to ensure maximum transparency. We also provide information here about where the data was published. In case of online publications we include the corresponding link in order to provide you with as transparent information as possible.
Details: Under Details you can find, amongst other things, information about the region and the survey time period.
FAQ: Under FAQ you will also find answers to some frequently asked questions. Among other things, you will find answers to the question why it is possible that you can't see some content.
It is, for instance, possible that a company commissioned a market research institute to collect data, whose findings were published in a specialist journal. However, it is not unusual for them to be identical. In this case we have obtained the data directly from the original source, which itself collected the data.
Next to every statistic you can find this box including this information:
Source: Under Source, you can directly view the source of the data and who conducted the survey. It is, for instance, possible that a company commissioned a market research institute to collect the data. We differentiate these two dimensions in order to ensure maximum transparency. We also provide information here about where the data was published. In case of online publications we include the corresponding link in order to provide you with as transparent information as possible.
Details: Under Details you can find, amongst other things, information about the region and the survey time period.
FAQ: Under FAQ you will also find answers to some frequently asked questions. Among other things, you will find answers to the question why it is possible that you can't see some content.
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- Learn more about our Business Solutions
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