Statistics about Society in United States
- Survey on mental illness in the United States 2014
- United States: Survey on effects of overusing antibiotics 2014
- Holiday spending of online shoppers on various items 2015
- Important factors for retailer selection during holiday season 2015
- Holiday spending on other gifts 2017
- Smartphone supported holiday purchase decisions 2015
- Share of people in the U.S. who plan to celebrate any of the winter holidays 2015
- Impact of U.S. economy on spending plans for holiday season 2015
- Tablet supported holiday purchase decisions 2015
- Public view on constraining civil liberties to curb terrorism by generation
- Change in U.S. annual heaviest precipitation events by region 1958-2016
- Terrorism: incidents in the United States 1968-2009
- Number of terrorist attacks in the U.S. by weapon type 2018
- Terrorist attacks in the United States from 1970-2020, by target type
- Number of terrorist attacks in the U.S. by target type 2018
- Share of domestic extremist-related killings U.S. 2014-2023, by affiliation
- Terrorists in the United States since 9/11 as of October 2024, by year and gender
- Number of Islamist extremist killings in the U.S. 2009-2021
- Counterterrorism funding in the U.S. National Intelligence Program 2013, by agency
- U.S. cities with the highest annual precipitation 1981-2010
- U.S. adult opinions on weather changes 2019
- Deadliest attacks by domestic extremists U.S. 1970-2023, by number of fatalities
- Distribution of residency status of terrorists in the U.S. since 9/11, as of 2023
- U.S. poll on whether helping Syrian refugees makes the host country safer 2016
- Total number of U.S. terrorist attack fatalities worldwide from1995 to 2014
- Police officers killed by domestic extremists U.S. 1971-2023, by affiliation
- Terrorist attacks in the United States by fatalities and injuries 2018
- Number of terrorist attacks in the United States monthly in 2016
- Number of terrorist attacks in the U.S. 2020, by month
- Share of right wing extremist-related killings U.S. 2014-2023, by affiliation
- U.S. opinion poll on the use of torture against suspected terrorists 2016
- Total number of terrorist attacks in the United States 1995-2020
- Total number of terrorist attack fatalities in the United States 1995-2020
- Terrorist attacks in the United States from by weapon type 1970-2018
- Percentage of Americans that see terrorism as the most important U.S. problem 2014
- Number of terrorist attacks in the U.S. by attack type 2018
- Total budgetary cost in the U.S. of the war on terror by category FY 2001-2020
- U.S. weather stations with decreasing snow by region 1970-2019
- Share of U.S. adults worried about becoming a victim of terrorism by party 2015-2019
- Terrorist attacks in the United States, by attack type 1970-2018
- Opinion of Americans on whether surveillance is acceptable if terrorism is prevented
- Total U.S. war spending in Afghanistan by category FY 2001-2022
- Voter confidence in Clinton and Trump dealing with terrorism wisely, as of July 16
- Named storms in the Atlantic Ocean 1981-2020
- Public approval of president Obama handling the threat of terrorism 2009 - 2011
- Average number of dangerous heat days in U.S. cities 2000 to 2050
- Estimated U.S. average annual temperature in national parks 1991-2100
- U.S. cities with coldest temperature anomalies 2019
- U.S. cities with driest precipitation anomalies 2020
- Number of workplace homicide victims U.S. 2019, by age
- Most dangerous cities in the U.S. 2023, by violent crime rate
- Direct costs of child abuse in the United States per year as of 2012
- Cities outside metropolitan areas - crime U.S. 2020, by type
- U.S. forcible rape/sexual assault victims 2023, by weapon presence
- U.S. forcible rape/sexual assault victims 2023, by victim/offender relationship
- Forcible rape and sexual assault victims in the U.S. 1993-2023, by sex
- Annual budget for publicly funded forensic crime labs in the U.S. 2014
- Number of victims from hate crimes on persons U.S. 2021, by crime type
- Number of workplace homicide victims U.S. 2019, by state
- Number of workplace homicide victims U.S. 2019, by occupation
- Metropolitan areas - crime rate U.S. 2023, by type
- Number of disability hate crimes in England and Wales 2011-2024
- Regional distribution - crime clearance rate in the U.S. 2023
- Total costs associated with nonfatal child sexual abuse in the U.S. 2015
- Victimization rate of nonfatal workplace violence U.S. 2015-2019, by occupation
- U.S. juvenile arrest rate for aggravated assault 2019, by state
- Indirect costs of child abuse in the United States per year as of 2012
- Leading states for gun law strength in the U.S. 2024
- Schools in the U.S.: victims of threats/injuries by weapons, by ethnicity 2021
- Share of fatal occupational injuries that are workplace homicides U.S. 1992-2019
- Public assessment of crime as a serious issue U.S. 2000-2024
- U.S. school shootings 2000-2022, by type of school
- Number of homicides reported in Los Angeles 2011-2020
- Number of violent crimes reported Los Angeles 2010-2020
- Number of workplace homicide victims U.S. 2019, by gender
- Number of aggravated assaults reported in Los Angeles 2011-2020
- Number of rapes reported in Los Angeles 2014-2020
- Number of workplace homicide victims U.S. 2019, by race and ethnicity
- Number of workplace homicide victims U.S. 2019, by cause of death
- Most common trace evidence analyses of public forensic crime labs in the U.S., 2014
- Mass shootings in the U.S. 1982-2024
- Number of federal immigration arrests by gender and age U.S. FY 2018
- Number of workplace homicide victims U.S. 2015-2022
- Number of federal arrests by offense type U.S. FY 1998-2018
- Prevalence rate of violent crime U.S. 2005-2023, by age
- United States: annual homicides1910-1970, by method
- Share of federal arrests by district and region of citizenship U.S. FY 2018
- Share of federal immigration arrests by gender U.S. FY 1998-2018
- Share of federal immigration arrests by country of citizenship U.S. FY 1998-2018
- Percent change in federal arrests by offense type U.S. FY 1998-2018
- Percent change in federal arrests by offense type U.S. FY 2017-2018
- Rate of homicide in Canada and the United States 2000-2023
- U.S. - share of serious violent crimes involving youth 1980-2021
- Mass shootings in the U.S. 1982-2024, by state
- U.S. - number of serious violent crimes by youth 1980-2021
- U.S. mass shooting victims, by fatalities and injuries 1982-2024
- U.S. mass shootings 1982-2024, by prior signs of shooter's mental health issues
- Number of human trafficking suspects in the U.S. by offense 2011-2015
- Child abuse rate U.S. 2022, by race/ethnicity of the victim
- NICS background checks performed in the U.S. 1998-2023