Statistics about Society in United States
- Cities outside metropolitan areas - crime rate U.S. 2020, by type
- Workplace shootings in the U.S. by victim count, as of September 2024
- Nonmetropolitan counties - crime U.S. 2020, by type
- Child abuse in the U.S. - deaths per day due to abuse and neglect 1998-2022
- U.S. crime rate trend perception 1990-2024
- Share of federal immigration arrests by age U.S. FY 1998-2018
- Worst mass shootings in the U.S., as of September 2024
- School shootings in the U.S. as of September 2024, by victim count
- Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by gender, as of September 2024
- Murder rate in U.S. metro areas with 250k or more residents in 2022
- Mass shootings in the U.S. by shooter’s by race/ethnicity as of September 2024
- Mass shootings in the U.S.: legality of shooter's weapons, as of September 2024
- U.S. beliefs on what is more likely to reduce gun violence against children 2023
- Number of juvenile victims of LGBTQ+ based hate crimes U.S. 2023
- Guns used in mass shootings in the U.S. 1982-2024
- Number of homicides and suicides of youth at schools U.S. 2020, by location
- Number of federal arrests by country of citizenship U.S. FY 1998-2018
- Metropolitan areas - crime U.S. 2020, by type
- Number of juvenile victims of racially motivated hate crimes U.S. 2023
- Number of violent crime victims U.S. 2005-2022, by age
- Number of hate crime incidents U.S. 2023, by bias motivation
- U.S.: share of violent victimizations 2003-2012, by type of injury
- U.S.: number of violent victimizations, by victim–offender relationship 2003-2012
- U.S.: violent victimizations 2003-2012, by relationship and severity of the crime
- Number of violent crime victims U.S. 2005-2022, by gender
- Number of violent crime victims U.S. 2014-2022, by ethnicity
- Prevalence rate of violent crime U.S. 2014-2022, by race/ethnicity
- Number of hate crime victims U.S. 2023, by bias motivation
- Prevalence rate of violent crime U.S. 2005-2021, by gender
- Number of crime victims U.S. 2022, by type of crime
- Number of known LGBTQ+ hate crime offenders U.S. 2023, by motivation
- Number of violent victimizations U.S. 2022, by type of crime
- Rate of violent crime victimization U.S. 2022, by type of crime
- Change in violent crime rate in the U.S. 2020, by state
- Metropolitan areas with the highest violent crime rate in the U.S. 2020
- Number of known hate crime offenders U.S. 2023, by motivation
- U.S. rate of violent victimization, by type of crime & age of victim 2003-13
- Number of known race-based hate crime offenders U.S. 2023, by motivation
- Number of rape offenses committed in New York City 2000-2023
- Victims of anti-transgender hate crimes U.S. 2023, by crime
- Number of mass shooting victims in the U.S. and other developed countries 1998-2019
- Number of victims of anti-homosexuality hate crimes U.S. 2023, by crime
- Number of arrests of minors for violent offenses in the U.S. 2014, by offence
- Number of victims of racially motivated hate crime U.S. 2023
- U.S. - share of juvenile crimes involving multiple offenders 1980-2021
- Races/ethnicities most commonly targeted in hate crimes U.S. 2023
- U.S. high school students forced to have sex as of 2017, by gender and ethnicity
- Number of known anti-religion hate crime offenders U.S. 2023, by motivation
- Most common types of hate crimes against persons U.S. 2023
- Number of victims of LGBTQ+ based hate crimes U.S. 2023
- Number of gender or sexual orientation related hate crimes U.S. 2023, by motivation
- Number of victims of religiously motivated hate crime U.S. 2023
- U.S. violent victimization rate by age of victim & location of residence 2003-13
- United States: share of deaths from homicide 1950-2020
- Number of felonies committed in New York City 2000-2023
- Known offenses - crime in cities in the U.S. 2020
- Share of U.S. violent crime victims of strangers who suffer socio-emotional problems
- Average annual death toll from guns in the United States from 2012 to 2014, by cause
- Mental health treatment costs per U.S. child abuse victim, as of 2012
- Number of women murdered by men in the U.S. 2020, by state
- Known offenses - crime in suburban areas in the U.S. 2020
- Number of crimes in the U.S. 2020, by region
- USA - arrest rate for violent offenses by adults
- Public schools in the U.S. - share reporting incidents of crime 2022
- USA - arrest rate for violent offenses by minors
- USA - number of arrests of adults for violent offenses
- U.S. suburban areas - crime clearance rate 2020, by type
- U.S. nonmetropolitan counties - crime clearance rate by type 2019
- U.S. metropolitan counties - crime clearance rate 2020, by type
- Nonmetropolitan counties - crime rate U.S. 2020, by type
- Percentage of U.S. violent crime victims who experienced socio-emotional problems
- Violence against teachers by students in U.S. schools in 2008
- U.S. deaths from firearm related injuries 2020, by type
- U.S. juvenile arrest rate for violent crime 2014, by state
- U.S.: rate of aggravated assault victimization from 2008 to 2012, by poverty level
- U.S.: violent victimization by type of crime & age of victim 2013
- Homicide rate of G7 countries 2000-2021, by country
- Homicide suspects in G7 countries 2022, by gender
- Share of convicted U.S. federal offenders with a criminal record 2014
- Federal arrestees booked by the U.S. Marshals Service 2014, by age
- Percentage of U.S. violent crime victims with socio-emotional problems, by crime type
- Percentage of U.S. crime victims with socio-emotional problems 2009-2012, by age
- Family/friend relationship problems experienced by U.S. violent crime victims 2012
- Percentage of U.S. crime victims with socio-emotional problems 2009-2012, by race
- School-associated violent deaths U.S. 1992-2020
- Homicides of youth ages 5-18 years in U.S. schools 1992-2020
- Rate of nonfatal crimes against students at schools U.S. 2021, by age and type
- Work/school problems experienced by U.S. violent crime victims 2012, by crime type
- Threats of violence against teachers by students in U.S. schools in 2008
- Number of felonies committed in New York City 2023, by type
- Victims of anti-Black/African American hate crimes U.S. 2023, by crime
- Most common targets of hate crime offenses U.S. 2023
- Firearms discovered by screeners at U.S. airports 2005-2019
- U.S.: violent victimization rate by victim–offender relationship and income 2008-2012
- U.S.: violent victimization rate, by presence of a weapon and poverty level 2008-12
- U.S.: reported forcible rape cases 1990-2023
- U.S.: rate of rape/sexual assault victimization from 2008 to 2012, by poverty level
- U.S. reported cases of aggravated assault 1990-2023
- U.S.: rate of violent victimization from 2008 to 2012, by poverty level
- Death rate for homicide in the U.S. 1950-2019