Statistics about Society in United States
- Number of patent application filings in the U.S. FY 2000-FY 2021
- Field of science - U.S. federal obligations and outlays for research FY 2019
- Average spending per student at public research institutions, by U.S. state 2009
- Federal research and development obligations in the United States 2009, by state
- Federal research and development investments in Virginia in 2018, by sector
- Share of utility patent grants issued U.S. FY 2021, by entity size and origin
- Incyte Corp net cash 2019-2023
- Number of patent reissue application filings in the U.S. FY 2000-FY 2021
- Incyte Corp liabilities 2019-2023
- U.S. federal R&D funding request 2022, by government agency
- Incyte Corp operating profit 2019-2023
- Manhattan Project: monthly expenditure 1942-1946
- Science 37 Holdings, Inc. revenue 2020-2022
- Incyte Corp revenue 2019-2023
- R&D spending of University of California, Los Angeles 2006-2020
- R&D intensity in manufacturing in the U.S. in 2017
- Number of reissue patents issued in the U.S. FY 2000-FY 2021
- Incyte Corp net income 2019-2023
- Number of independent inventors in the U.S. as of 2015, by state
- Number of plant patent application filings in the U.S. FY 2000-FY 2021
- Ranking of organizations with plant patent grants in the U.S. as of 2015
- Number of independent inventors in the U.S. 1998-2015
- Number of utility patent application filings in the U.S. FY 2000-FY 2021
- Number of patents issued to foreign residents U.S. FY 2016-2021
- Inotiv, Inc. total equity 2019-2023
- Number of 3D printing patent litigation cases U.S. 2007-2018
- Optimus Healthcare Services revenue 2021-2023
- Medpace Holdings net income 2018-2022
- Optimus Healthcare Services total equity 2021-2023
- Optimus Healthcare Services total assets 2021-2023
- Optimus Healthcare Services liabilities 2021-2023
- Optimus Healthcare Services operating profit 2021-2023
- Optimus Healthcare Services gross profit 2021-2023
- Optimus Healthcare Services net income 2021-2023
- Medpace Holdings operating profit 2019-2023
- Omniab, Inc. total equity 2020-2023
- Omniab, Inc. total assets 2021-2023
- Omniab, Inc. liabilities 2021-2023
- Omniab, Inc. net cash 2021-2023
- Omniab, Inc. operating profit 2021-2023
- Omniab, Inc. revenue 2021-2023
- Earnings of forensic science technicians in the U.S. by industry 2019
- Medpace Holdings revenue 2019-2023
- Medpace Holdings liabilities 2019-2023
- Maxcyte, Inc. total assets 2020-2023
- National Research Corp total assets 2019-2023
- Number of plant patent grants in the U.S. as of 2015, by country of origin
- U.S. Stem Cell, Inc. revenue 2018-2022
- Animals used in research in the United States in 2019, by species
- Top ten U.S. patent litigation cases by damages awarded 1997-2017
- R&D spending of Brown University 2006-2019
- National Research Corp total equity 2019-2023
- National Research Corp net cash 2019-2023
- R&D spending of University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2010-2018
- National Research Corp liabilities 2019-2023
- National Research Corp operating profit 2019-2023
- National Research Corp revenue 2019-2023
- National Research Corp net income 2019-2023
- Medpace Holdings total equity 2019-2023
- Medpace Holdings total assets 2019-2023
- Medpace Holdings net cash 2019-2023
- Maxcyte, Inc. total equity 2019-2023
- Optimus Healthcare Services net cash 2021-2023
- Maxcyte, Inc. net cash 2019-2023
- Luna Innovations total equity 2018-2022
- Female share of the STEM workforce in the U.S. in 2014, by nativity
- Maxcyte, Inc. liabilities 2020-2023
- Somalogic, Inc. total equity 2019-2022
- Somalogic, Inc. total assets 2020-2022
- Number of patents granted to U.S. companies 2009-2020
- Number of technology patent grants in the U.S. as of 2015, by country of origin
- Luna Innovations operating profit 2018-2022
- Luna Innovations liabilities 2018-2022
- Number of trademark registrations by U.S. companies 2003-2020
- Forecast: research and development services income U.S. 2009-2018
- Luna Innovations net cash 2018-2022
- Number of patent applications stifled by U.S. Government secrecy orders 2000-2021
- Luna Innovations revenue 2018-2022
- Luna Innovations total assets 2018-2022
- Syneos Health, Inc. revenue 2018-2022
- Syneos Health, Inc. total assets 2018-2022
- Maxcyte, Inc. operating profit 2019-2023
- Maxcyte, Inc. gross profit 2019-2023
- Maxcyte, Inc. revenue 2019-2023
- Maxcyte, Inc. net income 2019-2023
- Syneos Health, Inc. total equity 2018-2022
- Luna Innovations gross profit 2018-2022
- Syneos Health, Inc. net cash 2018-2022
- Syneos Health, Inc. liabilities 2018-2022
- Syneos Health, Inc. operating profit 2018-2022
- Syneos Health, Inc. gross profit 2012-2016
- Perceived discrimination towards transgender people in the United States 2023
- Share of LGBT adults who faced discrimination in the past year, U.S. 2023, by race
- Distribution of staff at LGBTQ community centers in the U.S. 2022, by type of center
- Largest public gatherings worldwide as of January 2015
- Confidence in global health authorities 2021, by country
- Top political parties Santa Claus would support according to adults in the U.S. 2022
- Share of big and small LGBTQ community centers in the United States 2022, by region
- Perceived discrimination towards transgender people in the U.S. 2023, by party id
- Revenue of natural disaster & emergency relief services in the U.S., 2009-2014