Statistics about Society in United States
- Communication method usage for marketing/recruitment at public U.S. colleges 2018
- Online education program outcome data most requested by U.S. students 2016
- Advertising channel usage for marketing/recruitment at private U.S. colleges 2018
- Marketing/recruitment communication method effectiveness at public U.S. colleges 2018
- Marketing/recruitment event effectiveness at 4-year private U.S. colleges 2018
- Event usage for marketing/recruitment at 4-year private U.S. colleges 2018
- Communication method usage for marketing/recruitment at private U.S. colleges 2018
- Marketing/recruitment communication method effectiveness at private U.S. college 2018
- Trend in budget changes at academic libraries in the U.S. in 2016
- Academic library materials budget expenditures U.S. 2010-2016
- Service priorities of academic libraries U.S. 2016
- Share of e-book feature importance according to academic librarians U.S. 2016
- Share of preferences for e-book vendors at academic libraries in U.S. 2016, by school
- Share of preferences for e-book vendors at academic libraries in U.S. 2016
- U.S. population targeted by online education programs 2019
- Reasons for offering new online learning programs at U.S. learning institutions 2019
- Academic library e-book replacement of textbooks in the U.S. 2016
- Frequency of mobile device use to complete course material U.S. 2020, by degree type
- Annual cost for a school-age child in full-time center care in the U.S. by state 2019
- Full-time care cost for an infant in a child care center in the U.S. by state 2020
- Share of adults who say student loan debt not worth it by debt amount U.S. 2019
- Leading alternative uses for money paid down on student loan debt U.S. 2019
- Expected length of time needed to pay off student loans in full U.S. 2019
- Adults who understood how much income is spent on student loan repayment U.S. 2019
- Share of adults who understood how long student loan repayment would take U.S. 2019
- Most responsible party for student loan debt crisis, by generation U.S. 2019
- Change in average cost of attendance at public four year colleges U.S. 2001-2016
- Share of college students who need more time to complete degree COVID-19 U.S. 2020
- Colleges' teaching plans for the upcoming academic year due to COVID-19 U.S. 2020
- Percent change in student loan delinquency rates U.S. 2019-2020, by days past due
- Share of part-time students enrolled in U.S. community colleges in 2017
- Percent change in average student loan debt U.S. 2019-2020, by state
- Share of online college students by distance from university U.S. 2019
- U.S. adults' on extent of student loan forgiveness 2022
- U.S. adults' on extent of student loan forgiveness 2022, by party identification
- Share of homeschooled students in the U.S. 1999-2016
- U.S. distance-only learning institutions 2018, by enrollment
- Medical school tuition and fees at University of Pennsylvania 2008-2020
- Undergraduate tuition at Cornell University 2008-2019
- Number of applicants to Cornell University Class of 2012-2023
- How many Americans agree with public school teacher pay scale 2018
- Most expensive colleges in the U.S. 2021-2022
- Share of instruction materials for K-12 math in the U.S. in 2015
- E-book share of total academic library acquisition budgets in the U.S. in 2016
- Academic library e-book access method share in the U.S. 2016
- Forbes ranking of the best U.S. colleges 2024, by debt and median 10-year salary
- College saving - average saving by age of oldest child and income 2012
- Traits associated with U.S. higher education institutions in 2011, by type
- Certification of U.S. school counselors by the state education department 2011
- Resources used when researching education options in the U.S. in Q3 2011
- Device used when conducting online research on education in the U.S. Q3 2011
- Acceptance rate at Dartmouth College Class of 2012-2027
- Number of undergraduates at Yale University by gender and ethnicity 2020
- Number of degree-granting postsecondary institutions U.S. 2021, by enrollment size
- Number of tenure track faculty members at Ivy League schools 2021
- Share of students who applied for need-based aid at Ivy League schools 2022
- Distribution of fees paid by U.S. undergraduates in private 4-year institutions 2019
- Distribution of fees paid by U.S. undergraduates in public 4-year institutions 2019
- Parents who felt confident about meeting tuition costs for college in the U.S. 2016
- Public awareness of higher education institutions in the U.S. 2011, by type
- College saving - average total amount saved by age of oldest child, 2012
- College saving - families in the United States who have a plan to pay, 2012
- College saving - average parent savings in the U.S. by age of child and income
- College saving - gap between parents' goals and projected college savings, 2012
- Hispanic high school graduation rate, by state U.S. 2020
- High school dropout rate of Hispanic students U.S. 1975-2022
- Average total applications to MBA programs U.S. 2022, by program type
- Impact of COVID-19 on high school seniors' decision to enroll in college U.S. 2020
- Share of adults who believe their student loan debt was not worth it U.S. 2022
- Share of adults who think student loans impact financial security U.S. 2022 by income
- Median starting salary in tech and finance fields for top MBA programs U.S 2023
- Share of adults who believed paying for college was easy U.S. 2022, by age
- Students’ opinions of higher education institutions in the U.S. in 2011, by type
- HR managers' opinions of U.S. higher education institutions in 2011, by type
- Academic library e-book use barriers share in the U.S. 2012-2016
- Library collections in doctorial degree granting colleges U.S. 2015, by item type
- Average annual costs of attending a 4-year university U.S. 2000-2023
- Leading e-book usage at academic libraries in the U.S. 2016, by subject
- Median size of academic library e-book collections in the U.S. 2016, by school/model
- Academic library e-book usage model share in the U.S. 2016
- E-book promotion method share at academic libraries in the U.S. 2016
- E-book usage at academic libraries in the U.S. 2016, by subject & school type
- E-book share of academic library acquisition budgets in the U.S. 2012-2021
- Median size of academic library e-book collections in the U.S. 2010-2016
- U.S. academic library presentation attendance 2015, by type of degree granted
- Perception of whether higher education is worth the price U.S. 2022, by type
- Collection size of of U.S. academic libraries in 2015, by type of degree granted
- Share of adults who could afford student loans U.S. 2022, by loan amount owed
- Information sources about financial aid for students in the U.S. 2015, by source type
- College enrollment in public and private institutions in the U.S. 1965-2031
- Number of Bachelor's degree recipients U.S. 1869/70-2031/32
- U.S. students with disabilities/disorders, by frequency and likelihood to seek help
- Number of Master's degree recipients U.S. 1880-2032
- Factors influencing student choice of college in the U.S. in 2015, by aid status
- Acceptance and attendance at first-choice college, by student generation status 2016
- U.S. average salary for Bachelor's degree holders 2024, by discipline
- U.S. average salary for master's graduates 2024, by discipline
- College website visit frequency by students during college search in U.S. in 2015
- U.S. student loan repayment methods in 2015
- Financial aid information source helpfulness in the U.S. in 2015, by type of source