Statistics about Energy & Environment in Worldwide
- Required BECCS emissions removal to reach global net-zero 2030-2050
- Share of energy industry's value added to GDP by key country 2015
- Global venture capital for battery/energy storage companies 2015
- Lithium battert production cost structure 2015
- Global battery companies' market capitalization 2015
- VC funding for global battery storage, smart grid and efficiency companies 2018
- Global remote microgrid energy storage costs by battery type 2016
- Price acceptance of residential LED lighting applications
- Global share of sustainably sourced materials used by H&M by type 2013-2015
- Price acceptance of industrial LED lighting
- BHEL - net profit 2007/08-2011/12
- Lithium batteries - global market size by region 2011-2015
- Ming Yang - revenue 2008-2015
- NTPC - energy sales 2006/07-2018/19
- NTPC - profit after tax 2006/07-2018/19
- Wind turbines - global average price 2007-2011
- Hanwha Solar One - net revenue 2009-2017
- Importance of air conditioning: cooling degree days in selected cities
- Global LED market - by region 2015
- LED companies' R&D spending as a percentage of global sales 2006-2010
- Global climate finance flows by actor 2017/18
- Lithium batteries for light vehicles - market share 2015
- Global opinion on companies losing customers due to their environmental impact 2019
- Global sapphire production - by region 2010-2013
- LNG: U.S. imports from Egypt 2013
- Global building efficiency industry revenue 2011-2022
- Global nature-based solutions investment required 2022-2050, by area
- Share of clean energy technology pipeline 2022, by region
- Sustainable AI start-up investment worldwide 2018-2023, by region
- Veolia: share of employees 2019, by segment
- Clean energy stimulus funds spent worldwide by country
- World energy consumption: increase 1990-2010
- LNG: U.S. imports from Nigeria 2006-2013
- Clean energy elements: current and projected future production
- Global cost of CCS & CDR solutions 2023, by approach or technology
- Rare earth elements: current and projected lanthanum oxide demand
- Quarterly number of climate tech startup VC deals worldwide 2021-2023
- Current and projected trajectory of dysprosium oxide demand
- Oil and gas industry methane detection market size worldwide 2025, by technology
- Rare earth elements: current and projected europium oxide demand
- CO2 efficiency of gas tankers: international shipping
- CO2 efficiency of container ships: international shipping
- General lighting market outlook: by application
- Capture capacity of Direct Air Capture (DAC) plants in operation worldwide 2022
- Global LED market size forecast 2012-2015
- Share of clean energy technologies manufacturing 2023, by region
- Global venture capital funding for smart grid companies 2015
- Green bonds - worldwide issuance by region 2014-2015
- Energy sector - debt rate worldwide
- Vaillant Group - key figures 2011-2017
- Vaillant Group - revenue by region 2015
- Vaillant Group - number of employees, by region 2015
- Global greenest companies 2017
- Investment in listed Clean Energy companies
- Global PV inverter market size 2010-2016
- Q-Cells SE - EBIT 2002-2011
- Global gross revenue of key fuel cell companies 2013-2016
- Greentech Industry - Global market
- Global energy productivity index by major country 2015
- Global energy consumption share by sector 2015
- Worldwide environmental technology market 2000-2015
- Global projected energy storage costs 2020-2035
- Forecast of global light output efficacy 2013-2025
- Global lighting industry market share by company 2013
- Global energy subsidies 2007-2011
- Global marine energy resources by major country 2014
- Global cost breakdown of installed onshore wind farms 2014
- OLED and LED - global revenue
- Cleantech - global market volume
- Yearly installed capacity of battery-powered vessels globally 2017-2021
- Regional breakdown of the global environmental services market 2010
- Projected global waste management market size by region 2010-2020
- Global smart grid market size - by component 2010-2016
- Melrose Group's revenue 2007 -2014
- Elster Group - number of employees 2014
- Elster Group's revenue by segment 2011
- Leading MOCVD manufacturers - global market share 2007-2011
- Global market share of LED street light - by region 2011
- Leasing practices for green/high-performance office space 2012
- Smart-grid: global utility analytics spending 2012-2020
- Global environmental services market - breakdown by segment 2010
- Photovoltaic companies - Revenue
- OECD energy consumption: Worldwide
- Production costs - energy types
- Photovoltaic modules - Annual price change
- Q-Cells - revenue
- Global investments in smart meter 2010-2020
- Wind turbine investments in Germany and worldwide 2004-2015
- Wind turbines - revenue of manufacturers
- German wind turbine manufacturer's share of global production
- Photovoltaic companies - Operating profit share
- Global carbon dioxide removal deliveries 2020-2024
- Investments in sustainable energy - Regions
- Nature-positive urban development job growth outlook for global cities 2030
- Global cumulative installed capacity of CSP 2014-2023
- Global cost of carbon removal technologies 2018
- EU-27 wood pellet imports from Southeastern U.S. 2009-2012
- Global share of wood pellet demand for heating by region 2016
- Global share of wood pellet demand for industry by region 2016
- Clean-energy: global biomass manufacturing market value 2010-2015