Statistics about Energy & Environment in Worldwide
- Global carbon dioxide budget from anthropogenic sources 2010-2020
- Prices of carbon taxes in the Nordics 1991-2024, by country
- Global greenhouse gas emissions in selected countries 2000-2023
- Global CO2 emissions share by country 2015
- Global energy-related CO2 emissions by sector 2015
- Global GDP loss from climate change impacts 2015
- Global emissions covered by ETS by region 2015
- Global agriculture GHG emissions share by sector 1990-2014
- Global annual average CO2 emission intensity of GDP growth 1980-2014
- Energy-related CO2 emissions worldwide by select region 2017
- Global CO₂ emissions per capita 2023, by region
- Global cumulative CO₂ emissions from coal 1750-2023, by country
- Global cumulative CO₂ emissions 1750-2023, by fuel type
- Global breakdown of CO₂ emissions 1750-2023, by fuel type
- Percent of emissions covered by global ETS by region 2015
- Global volume of voluntary carbon offset markets by key project type 2014
- Global CO₂ emissions per capita from coal use 2023, by country
- Walmart's global greenhouse gas emissions FY 2017, by segment
- Global consumers who feel guilty doing something unsustainable 2014
- Global volume of voluntary carbon market offset transactions 2005-2023
- Global volume of voluntary carbon market credit transactions 2022-2023, by category
- Average VCM credit prices worldwide 2022-2023, by project region
- OECD and non-OECD share of energy related CO2 emissions forecast 1990-2040
- GHG emissions from the life cycle of a GM vehicle 2014, by component
- Global McDonald's restaurant greenhouse gas emissions 2012-2017
- Average forestry & land use VCM credit prices worldwide 2022-2023, by project type
- Fuel efficiency of prominent transatlantic airlines by airline 2017
- Global CO2 emissions from coal plant construction 2016, by region
- Energy technologies based on lifecycle GHG emissions 2014
- Global deaths caused pollution by country 1990-2019
- Global GHG emissions from oil sector by process 2017
- Global greenhouse gas emissions 1970-2023
- Global annual GHG emissions shares 2023, by country
- Global largest producers of methane 2023, by country
- Global cumulative GHG emissions from oil companies 1988-2015
- Global carbon prices of carbon tax mechanisms 2015
- Global CO₂ emissions per capita from coal use 1990-2023
- Total S.A.'s methane (CH4) emission share by source 2019
- CO2 emission reductions in shipping: refrigerated cargo carriers
- Global increase in CO2 emissions from fuel combustion by region 1990-2017
- GHG emissions from fossil fuel exports worldwide 2022, by country
- Emissions trading: growth of global carbon market size 2006-2012
- Emissions trading: carbon cost to airlines 2012-2020
- Emissions trading: global carbon market value 2013-2016
- Global carbon dioxide limits on cars: target 2015
- Phase-out of fossil fuel consumption subsidies: CO2 savings
- CO2 emission reductions in international shipping: general cargo ships
- Plastics production: greenhouse gas intensity in Europe and worldwide
- CO2 emission reductions in international shipping: container ships
- CO2 emission reductions in international shipping: bulk carriers
- CO2 efficiency of bulk carriers: international shipping 2005-2050
- Non-OECD carbon dioxide emissions by sector
- Global CO<sub>2</sub> emissions from passenger flights by key departure country 2019
- Worldwide volume of emission from oil production by country 2015
- Dow Chemical's greenhouse gas emissions 1980-2011
- World carbon dioxide emissions - manufacturing sector 1980-2014
- Steel production: greenhouse gas intensity in Europe and worldwide
- Global CO₂ emissions per capita 2023, by fuel type
- Global cumulative CO₂ emission shares by region 1750-2023
- Global share of cumulative CO₂ emissions 1750-2023, by select country
- Key challenges facing voluntary carbon markets worldwide 2023
- Key drivers of voluntary carbon credit demand worldwide 2023
- Remaining global carbon budget for 1.5C 1850-2023, by select year
- Remaining global carbon budget to limit global warming 2025, by scenario
- World population's CO2 emissions share by income 2015
- Global average PM10 levels by region 2008-2016
- Absolute increase in global abundance of key greenhouse gases 2015
- Cement manufacturing: greenhouse gas intensity in Europe and globally
- Global cumulative CO2 emissions 1750-2023, by region
- Global cumulative CO₂ emissions 1750-2023, by income group
- Global atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide by decade 1880-2018
- Global life cycle GHG emissions from fossil-fuel based plastics 2019, by stage
- Carbon footprint index of selected global airlines 2018
- Greenhouse gas emissions worldwide by sector 2014
- Global CO2 emissions 2018-2050
- Increase in global CO2 emissions
- Global average CO₂ emissions of refrigerated cargo fleets 2015-2021
- Global emissions from washing laundry by water temperature 2015
- Global annual CO2 emission share by country 2017
- Global companies reporting GHG 2014-2018
- Kellogg's GHG emissions 2015-2019
- Most emission-intensive crude oil types worldwide
- Exposure to household solid fuel pollution worldwide 2019, by select country
- VISA's GHG emissions by scope 2009-2016
- Monsanto's GHG emissions 2015-2017
- Share of population exposed to household air pollution by country 2016
- Nestle's GHG emissions intensity worldwide by product type 2017
- Share of global emission reduction initiatives by region 2015
- Global carbon pricing breakdown by select country 2015
- Global number of babies affected by air pollution by region 2017
- Goldman Sachs' GHG emissions by scope 2016
- Global shipping CO2 emission share by flag state 2013-2015
- Coal mine methane emissions and abatement potentials worldwide in 2022, by measure
- Global shipping CO2 emissions 2007-2015
- Global fishing CO2 emissions 2007-2015
- Global domestic and international shipping CO2 emissions 2007-2015
- Global carbon pricing breakdown by value 2018
- Countries with NDCs and set laws and policies for emissions 2018
- Global energy-related GHG emissions 2015-2050
- Global HFC emissions 2015-2050