Statistics about Energy & Environment in Worldwide
- Solar cell production: worldwide 2005-2019
- Global transactions for funds in clean energy by organization Q4 2016
- Global challenges to energy and utility sectors implementing automation 2019
- Global energy and utility sector implementing automation by subsector 2019
- Industry revenue of “automatic environmental control manufacturing for residential, commercial, and appliance use“ in Illinois 2012-2024
- Energy and utility executives on benefits of intelligent automation 2019
- Global share of habitat land area receiving compliance offsets by region 2016
- EU-27 wood pellet imports from Canada 2009-2012
- CO2 efficiency of cargo ships: international shipping
- Countries with the highest Environmental Performance Index (EPI) value 2024
- Impact of restoration in deep sea mining profit generation 2030
- Global CCS market size 2021-2031
- Ming Yang - number of employees by department 2015
- Global investment in carbon capture and storage 2018-2020, by region
- CO2 efficiency of gas tankers: international shipping
- Projected growth in capacity of polysilicon plants
- Investment in water supply infrastructure: forecast 2016
- Elster Group: general and administrative expenses 2007 -2011
- Sustainable energy: global investments in energy smart technologies 2004-2016
- Global venture capital funding for energy efficiency companies 2015
- Price premium acceptance for LED lighting
- Global MLPM shipments 2010-2016
- Elster Group: total assets 2007 -2011
- Arctic sea ice extent trend 2011 relative to 1979-2000
- Time Series - Revenue of Satcon
- World photovoltaic companies - operating profit
- Share of business sector employment: energy industry
- Elster Group: research and development expenses 2007 -2011
- Clean energy stimulus spending worldwide
- Market distribution of various environmental protection measures
- Global climate change litigation cases by country 2017
- Wind turbine market penetration with plants over 2000 kW
- Outlook on Tesla's battery costs 2008-2018
- Global climate-aligned bond values by select country 2017
- Global clean energy investments to address climate threat 2004-2030
- Global fuel cell investments by select company 2000-2015
- EU's volume of coal imports by major country 2015
- Onshore wind power - projected generation worldwide 2015-2021
- Tesla's lithium battery production volume outlook by category 2013-2020
- Energy storage technology by efficiency 2015
- Energy storage technology by power rating 2015
- Index for vehicle manufacturing costs by propulsion technology
- Cree's operating income 2008-2021
- Alternative automotive fuel efficiency rates by type 2021
- Cree's net income FY 2014-2020
- Global battery capacity additions by company 2015-2020
- Global share of revenue from battery- related business among key companies 2015
- Global investment in electrified transportation 2020, by type
- Cree's revenue 2019-2021
- Global investment on environmental, social, and corporate governance 2012-2018
- Global share of listed companies with net-zero targets 2015-2023
- Cree's total assets 2008-2021
- Energy needs of direct air capture (DAC) technoligies worldwide 2023, by approach
- Elster Group: net income 2007 -2011
- Global climate bond values by sector 2018
- Global share of renewable energy consumption by technology 2017-2023
- Renewable energy plants - investment by region
- Global cleantech market 2008-2011
- Renewable Energy: Procurement
- Renewable energy - private investment
- Worldwide investment in clean energy by region 2004-2015
- Global average equivalent operating hours of renewable energy by source 2004-2014
- Investment in renewable energy in industrial and developing countries 2004-2015
- Global renewable energy market outlook 2017-2025
- Global green bonds issued by country 2012-2019
- Renewable energy - growth in installed capacity
- Global green bonds issued by type 2007-2016
- Global renewable energy investments by region 2015-2016
- Challenges in data management for renewable energy operations 2017
- Global share of renewables in final energy consumption by select region 2017-2023
- Global climate tech venture funding 2018-2023, by region or country
- Global VC-backed climate tech unicorns 2024, by status
- Global annual transition technology investment needed in 1.5°C scenario 2050, by type
- Forecast global lithium-ion batteries market size 2022-2032
- Global total carbon dioxide removal sales 2020-2024
- Renewable energy plants - barriers to more effective risk management
- Risks of building and operating renewable energy power plants
- Hanwha - net income 2012-2017
- Bharat Heavy Electricals - revenue 2007/08-2011/12
- Ming Yang - number of employees 2009-2015
- Bharat Heavy Electricals - research and development investment
- Gamesa's global installed capacity share worldwide by region 2016
- Smart grids: base of operations
- Ener1's EnerDel - funds awarded
- H&M's share of sustainably sourced materials 2012-2023
- Price acceptance of office LED lighting
- Revenue from various environmental protection measures
- Interseroh - revenue 2004-2011
- Company measures to mitigate environmental and regulatory risks
- Global view on local energy innovation by respondent 2015
- Producers of photovoltaic modules - Capacity in 2007 and 2008
- Global M&As of fuel cell companies 2015
- Suntech - net revenue 2005-2011
- H&M's share of sustainable cotton usage 2011-2023, by type
- Change in global MOCVD additions - by region 2010-2013
- Global carbon dioxide removal deliveries 2024, by leading company
- Google: investments in clean energy projects worldwide
- Carbon dioxide removal purchases by Microsoft 2024, by leading supplier
- Global climate bond investment values by type 2018
- Geothermal energy - U.S. heat pump shipments