Statistics about Energy & Environment in Worldwide
- Carbon emission reduction needed to reach zero worldwide 2020-2060
- NO2 emissions from gas stoves 2020, by preparation type
- Global annual mortality excess caused by air pollution, by region
- Global decrease in carbon dioxide emissions by major event 1945-2020
- Change in global emissions during COVID-19 lockdown 2020, by country
- Change in global daily CO2 emissions by sector during COVID-19 lockdown 2020
- PM2.5 pollutant reductions in select worldwide cities during COVID-19 lockdown 2020
- Global per capita greenhouse gas emissions 2023, by OECD country
- PM2.5 pollutant levels in select worldwide cities during COVID-19 lockdown 2020
- Global change in per capita emissions from buildings by country 2013-2018
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise's greenhouse gas emissions 2016-2018
- Annual global energy-related CO2 emissions change 1990-2020
- Annual global GHG emissions from animal-based food production, by select commodity
- Change in CO2 emissions worldwide 2019-2021, by fuel type
- Global GHG emissions of the apparel and footwear industry 2016
- Wizz Air's carbon dioxide emissions 2018-2024, by month
- Total number of carbon credits retired worldwide 2021, by sector
- Target's operational direct GHG emissions 2017-2023
- Breakdown of CO₂ emissions in the transportation sector worldwide 2022, by sub sector
- Light-duty vehicle carbon dioxide emissions worldwide 2010-2022
- Freight truck carbon dioxide emissions worldwide 2000-2022, by type
- Global transportation sector CO₂ emissions 2000-2022, by sub sector
- Microsoft's total greenhouse gas emissions FY 2020-2023
- Aviation emissions shares worldwide 2022, by aircraft type
- Global carbon market size 2018-2023
- Iberdrola's greenhouse gas emissions 2018-2023, by scope
- Repsol's greenhouse gas emissions 2016-2023, by scope
- Carbon footprint of travel per kilometer 2022, by transport mode
- International aviation's share of global GHG emissions 1970-2023
- International aviation's share of global fossil CO₂ emissions 1970-2023
- Shipping CO₂ emissions 2022, by major flag state
- Global shipping CO₂ emissions 2022, by ownership country
- Global distribution of issuing carbon offset projects 2022, by origin
- Global atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide 1990-2024, by month
- Change in shipping CO₂ emissions 2012-2022, by major flag state
- Global carbon emissions intensity of Walmart 2016-2023
- BHP's operational greenhouse gas emissions 2020-2024
- Cumulative GHG emissions of investor-owned companies worldwide 1854-2022
- Cumulative emissions from major fossil fuel companies worldwide 1854-2022
- Petrobras' greenhouse gas emissions 2015-2023, by business segment
- GHG emissions of selected major meat and dairy companies worldwide 2023
- Target's global direct GHG emissions 2023, by source
- Walmart's operational greenhouse gas emissions 2015-2022
- Global GHG emissions of select major mining companies FY 2022
- Number of methane super-emitter events globally 2022, by type
- Annual CO₂ emissions change worldwide 2020-2022, by sector
- Passenger car carbon dioxide emissions worldwide 2010-2020
- Road transportation CO2 emissions per capita worldwide 2018, by select country
- Oil & gas operations emissions in the NZE scenario worldwide 2022-2050
- Number of methane super-emitter events globally 2022, by country and source
- Greenhouse gas emission reduction targets 2030, by country
- Breakdown of food GHG emissions worldwide 2015, by country
- Nike's carbon footprint of products 2015-2020
- Change in global shipping CO₂ emissions 2012-2022, by ownership country
- Global container ship fleet CO₂ emissions 2012-2023, by month
- Global cumulative economic losses through emissions from select countries 1990-2014
- Global progress of net-zero emission targets 2020-2021
- Aviation carbon emissions per unit of energy 1990-2021
- Global farm-gate agriculture emissions shares 2021, by component
- Agriculture methane emissions worldwide 2023, by major country
- Global food system low-cost carbon sequestration potential 2030-2050
- Global agri-food system climate mitigation costs 2030, by measure
- Global agri-food system GHG emissions shares 2021, by subcategory
- Coal capacity carbon neutral pathway in non-OECD countries 2010-2050, by scenario
- Global emissions of Dow Chemical Company 2021-2023, by type
- Global per capita CO₂ emissions from domestic aviation 2022, by select country
- Global methane emissions 2023, by source
- Global agri-food system climate mitigation financing 2020
- CO₂ emissions from air transportation in select countries 2023, by flight type
- Average life expectancy loss worldwide 2022, by external risk
- Projected global greenhouse gas emissions 2030, by scenario
- Global agreement to limit GHG emissions: support by country 2015
- Global predicted energy efficiency emissions reduction by region 2030
- Carbon intensity of global aviation 1990-2021
- Global airlines climate targets 2024, by select company
- Global dry bulk and cargo fleet CO₂ emissions 2012-2023, by month
- Breakdown of outdoor air quality funding worldwide 2018-2022, by sector
- Global tanker fleet CO₂ emissions 2012-2023, by month
- Global merchant fleet CO₂ emissions 2012-2023, by month
- Global shipping CO₂ emissions shares 2019-2022, by ship type
- Global greenhouse gas emissions shares 2023, by sector
- Global GHG emissions from transportation 1990-2021
- Annual outdoor air quality funding worldwide 2018-2022
- Breakdown of outdoor air quality funding worldwide 2018-2022, by destination
- Share of global greenhouse gas emissions 2023, by subsector
- Global CO₂ emissions from domestic and international aviation 2019-2024, by month
- Methane emissions of selected major meat and dairy companies worldwide 2022
- Agriculture greenhouse gas emissions worldwide 1990-2021
- Global agriculture methane emissions 1990-2021
- Global agriculture nitrous oxide emissions 1990-2021
- Meat & dairy vs. fossil fuel company methane emissions comparison worldwide 2022
- Global aviation passenger demand 1990-2021
- CO₂ emissions from air transportation 2019-2023, by type
- GHG emissions of major airlines worldwide 2023, by company
- Breakdown of global footwear industry's lifecycle GHG emissions 2016
- Global annual CO2 emissions breakdown by country and sector 2017
- Johnson & Johnson's GHG emissions 2021-2023
- Global GHG emissions by gas 1970-2010
- Global emissions ETS trading 2005-2016
- Global carbon dioxide emissions growth by major country 2018-2019