Statistics about Energy & Environment in Worldwide
- Prices of implemented carbon taxes worldwide 2024, by jurisdiction
- GHG emissions from commodity deforestation worldwide 2023, by country
- GHG emissions from commodity deforestation worldwide 2001-2023
- Nestlé's global GHG emissions 2021-2023, by scope
- Global per capita greenhouse gas emissions 2023, by major emitter
- Breakdown of Nestlé's emissions by supply chain link in 2023
- Annual forest carbon net flux per hectare worldwide 2001-2023, by climate domain
- Google's GHG emissions FY 2019-2023
- Global average atmospheric abundance of methane 1990-2023
- Global average atmospheric abundance of nitrous oxide 2001-2023
- Cumulative CO2 emissions in Africa 1750-2021
- Global voluntary carbon offsets market value 2021-2031, by application
- Global voluntary carbon offsets market value 2021-2031
- Global voluntary carbon offsets market size shares 2023, by region
- Most polluted countries based on PM2.5 concentration globally 2023
- Global carbon footprint of food supply chain by select product
- Global air pollution levels 2023, by select city
- Most polluted cities based on PM2.5 concentration globally 2023
- COSCO SHIPPING Lines GHG emissions 2018-2022
- Global international shipping GHG emission pathways 2020-2050, by scenario
- Global CO₂ emissions intensity of steel production 2007-2022
- Worst cities based on air pollution globally 2016
- Annual average PM2.5 concentrations worldwide 2000-2021
- Change in CO₂ emissions from coal worldwide 2022-2023, by region
- Change in CO₂ emissions from natural gas worldwide 2022-2023, by region
- Breakdown of global carbon market size 2023, by market
- Largest carbon trading markets by scope 2024
- Global CO₂ emissions of cement as a share of fossil fuel emissions 1950-2021
- Global Emission Trading Systems (ETS) revenues 2023, by jurisdiction
- Global deaths due to air pollution 2021, by type
- Breakdown of forest emissions worldwide 2001-2023, by driver and country
- Global life cycle GHG emissions from plastics 2019, by gas type
- Expected inclusion of new sectors in China's ETS 2024-2028
- Projected total CO₂ emissions worldwide in the net zero scenario 2010-2050
- Annual global emissions of carbon dioxide 1940-2023
- Food emissions worldwide 1990-2015, by region
- Food emissions in selected countries worldwide 2015, by sector
- Per capita food emissions worldwide 1990-2015, by region
- Fossil fuel generated PM2.5 death rates worldwide by region 2018
- Projected CO₂ removals worldwide in the net zero scenario 2022-2050
- Projected heavy-duty truck CO₂ emissions worldwide in the net zero scenario 2010-2050
- Projected passenger car CO₂ emissions worldwide in the net zero scenario 2010-2050
- Global carbon dioxide emissions from natural gas combustion 1960-2023
- Global projected CO₂ emissions from coal power in the NZE scenario 2010-2050
- Global projected CO₂ storage for hydrogen production in the NZE scenario 2022-2050
- Global projected CO₂ capture by bioenergy in the NZE scenario 2022-2050, by sector
- Projected CO₂ captured by CCUS worldwide in the NZE scenario 2022-2050, by sector
- Projected CO₂ captured by CCUS worldwide in the net zero scenario 2022-2050
- Average GHG emissions of various major food products per kilogram worldwide
- Road transportation CO2 emissions worldwide 2018, by select country
- Global carbon dioxide emissions from coal combustion 1960-2023
- Largest global emitters of carbon dioxide 2023, by country
- CO2 emissions from commercial aviation 2013-2019, by select departure country
- Global carbon dioxide emissions per capita 2023, by country
- Annual global GHG emissions from plant-based food production, by select commodity
- Breakdown of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide 2000-2050, by region
- Global food transportation emission factors 2018, by transport mode
- Food system GHG emissions worldwide, by segment
- Global CO2 emission share 2019, by World Bank borrowers
- Global CO₂ emissions from cement manufacturing 1960-2023
- Global carbon dioxide emissions per capita 1960-2023
- Global carbon dioxide emissions 2010-2023, by select country
- Global change in per capita carbon dioxide emissions 2000-2023, by select country
- Global carbon dioxide emissions from oil combustion 2023, by select country
- Global carbon dioxide emissions from oil combustion 1960-2023, by select country
- Global projected CO₂ emissions from natural gas power in the NZE scenario 2010-2050
- Global CO₂ emissions from natural gas combustion 1960-2023, by select country
- Global CO₂ emissions from coal use 1960-2023, by select country
- Global carbon dioxide emissions from coal combustion 2023, by select country
- Global carbon dioxide emissions from cement manufacturing 1990-2023, by country
- Global CO₂ emissions per capita 1975-2023, by select country
- Road transportation carbon dioxide emissions worldwide 2018, by region
- International shipping CO2 emissions outlook worldwide 2019-2070
- Annual PM2.5 pollutant reductions in selected cities worldwide 2019-2020
- Global GHG emissions from select material production 2019
- Global annual CO₂ emission factor changes 2023, by select country
- Global CO₂ emission factors 2023, by select country
- Global CO₂ emission factor 2000-2023, by region
- Annual change in CO₂ emissions worldwide 2021-2023, by select country
- Global carbon dioxide emission intensity 2023, by select country
- Global CO₂ emissions from fuel combustion 2020-2023, by country
- Global CO₂ emission intensity 2000-2023, by region
- U.S. breakdown of fluorinated gases by source 2017
- Global cost of fossil fuel air pollution as a share of GDP by country 2020
- Global lifetime of fluorinated greenhouse gases by compound
- GWP of fluorinated greenhouse gases by compound
- Global annual change in fossil CO2 emissions by region 2013-2018
- Global natural gas flaring forecast by region 2030
- Global internal carbon price of companies and example offsets 2019
- Global GHG emissions from Amazon by source 2018
- Breakdown of global apparel industry's lifecycle GHG emissions 2016
- Global cost per capita of air pollution from fossil fuels by country 2020
- Global CO2 emissions from a 30-minute Netflix stream 2019
- Road freight carbon dioxide emission shares worldwide as of 2018, by region
- Global green economic recovery support after COVID-19 2020
- Road freight emissions worldwide as of 2020, by vehicle type
- Neonatal deaths attributable to particulate air pollution worldwide 2019, by region
- Distribution of food production GHG emissions worldwide 2018, by category
- World population's carbon budget shares 1990-2015, by income group
- World population's cumulative CO2 emission shares 1990-2015, by income group