Statistics about Society in United States
- Share of U.S. state agencies seeing increased interest in using AI in classrooms 2024
- Share of Americans aged 18-29 with select beliefs on federal student loan policy 2022
- Industry revenue of “educational services“ in the U.S. 2012-2024
- Public K-12 teachers who would carry a firearm at school U.S. 2022, by gender/ locale
- Private nonprofit four-year college undergraduate non-tuition expenses U.S. 2014/15
- Familiarity of astronomy in the U.S. 2019
- Bachelor's degrees awarded in S&E fields in selected countries worldwide 2000-2018
- University tuition costs and fees U.S. 2000-2022
- Average debt of university graduates in the U.S. 2008-2022
- Cumulative debt of university students in the U.S. 2019/20, by degree program
- Number of shootings at K-12 schools and college campuses U.S. 2008-2024
- Average higher education funding per student U.S. 2015/16, by state
- Graduate student loans, by type U.S. 2004-2020
- U.S. universities - U.S. News ranking by graduation rate 2015
- Mexican immigrants in the U.S. by education level 1994-2009
- Concerns of U.S. adults considering going back to school 2013
- Average GMAT scores of the top 20 part-time MBA programs in 2011
- U.S. public libraries average weekly service hours FY 2019, by state
- U.S. public library print holdings FY 1995-2019
- Average class size of the top 20 part-time MBA programs in 2011
- U.S. public-access internet computers in public libraries FY 2019, by state
- Student work experience of the top 20 executive education programs in 2011
- Perceived plagiarism in papers among college students in 2011
- U.S. belief that benefits of higher education exceed the cost 2023, by education/age
- Average employer aid received by U.S. graduate students, by degree type 2011
- Average state grant aid per FTE undergraduate student, by state U.S. 2018/19
- Proportion of international students in the U.S. 2014/15, by sector
- U.S. MOOC penetration 2014, by internet use
- Average value of graduate student loans U.S. 2007-2023, by type
- Undergraduate financial aid sources for higher education U.S. 2001-2022
- Average amount of aid per FTE graduate student, by source U.S. 1999-2020
- Graduate student aid sources for higher education U.S. 1999-2020
- Average value of undergraduate student loans U.S. 2007-2023, by loan type
- Private for-profit four-year college undergraduate non-tuition expenses U.S. 2014/15
- Share of children under 18 in the U.S. 2021, by ethnicity and parents education
- Parents' support for in-person schooling during COVID-19 by working status U.S. 2021
- Grade 6-12 students' use of digital learning tools for learning by subject U.S. 2019
- U.S. K-12 school enrollment numbers, by ethnicity 2019
- U.S. number of teachers and educational staff quitting the profession 2020-2024
- U.S. number of teachers and educational staff quitting the profession 2020-2024
- Enrollment for U.S. 2-year postsecondary institutions, by attendance 1970-2029
- Number of 3 to 21 year olds with emotional disturbance issues, U.S. 1990-2019
- Share of 3-5 year olds enrolled in school, by state U.S. 2021
- Share of Americans who believe college admissions should consider race U.S. 2022
- U.S. beliefs on whether college is a smart investment or a gamble 2023, by generation
- Familiarity with astronomy by gender U.S. 2019
- Average spending per student at public community colleges, by U.S. state 2009
- Share of male undergrads in fraternities at schools in the U.S. 2020
- Average number of EdTech tools used per K-12 district U.S. SY 2022-23
- Share of science and engineering graduates working in related jobs in the U.S. 2017
- Distribution of S&E graduates in the U.S. in 2017, by field of study
- Revenue of private nonprofit higher education institutions U.S. 2020/2021
- Revenue of private for-profit higher education institutions U.S. 2020/2021
- Revenue from tuition fees of higher education institutions in the U.S. 2010-2021
- Share of female undergrads in sororities at schools in the U.S. 2020
- Share of Americans who think K-12 active shooter drills do more harm than good 2024
- Top EdTech tools used in K-12 schools U.S. SY 2023-24
- Average starting salary expectations of recent college graduates, by gender U.S. 2023
- Share of U.S. university seniors willing to take a side job in the gig economy 2019
- U.S. number of homeless students SY 2019-20, by nighttime residence
- Share of Americans with at least 25,000 U.S. dollars in student debt 2023, by race
- Share of K-12 parents who fear for their child's safety at school U.S. 2012-2024
- Family resource use by U.S. students for college costs in 2016, by foster care status
- Self-rated health of U.S. university students in 2016, by military status
- Distribution of scientists and engineers in the U.S., by occupation and sector, 2017
- Number of people employed in science and engineering jobs in the U.S., 1960-2017
- Preference for increasing usage of digital learning tools of K-12 students U.S. 2019
- Change in higher education funding over the last decade U.S. 2011-2021, by state
- Share of Gen Z who would make different financial decisions towards college U.S. 2022
- U.S. students' beliefs on taking out loans for online higher education 2021-23
- Share of Gen Z who delayed select financial decisions due to student debt U.S. 2022
- Student grant aid in private nonprofit 4-year institutions U.S. 2006-2022
- Average amount of aid per FTE undergraduate student U.S. 2001-2022, by source
- Share of K-12 parents who say their child has had school safety concerns U.S. 2012-23
- 10-year change in public four-year college enrollment U.S. 2010-2020, by state
- Student grant aid at public 4-year institutions U.S. 2006-2023
- Top EdTech tools used in K-12 schools U.S. SY 2023-24, by purpose
- Grant aid as percentage of total state financial support U.S. 2020/21, by state
- Students with federal loans for higher education U.S. 2023, by repayment status
- Share of public schools with armed law enforcement officers U.S. 2015-2022
- Number of Chinese graduates in the United States receiving OPT work permits 2015-2017
- Post-Maria Puerto Rican student enrollment in Florida 2017
- Device preference when shopping for classroom items among U.S. teachers 2017
- Employment distribution of scientists and engineers in the U.S. in 2017, by education
- Shopping frequency of teachers for classroom items U.S. 2017
- U.S. number of homeless students SY 2019-20, by state
- U.S. largest public libraries FY 2019, by size of population served
- Familiarity with astronomy by region U.S. 2019
- Share of Americans with various beliefs on the use of AI tools by students U.S. 2023
- U.S. public library program attendance FY 1995-2019, by program type
- K-12 teachers' preferred digital planning tool qualities U.S. SY 2021-22
- U.S. number of public libraries FY 1992-2019
- Topics that K-12 librarians would ban from their school libraries U.S. 2023
- Top strengths of digital assessment tools among K-12 teachers U.S. SY 2021-22
- Share of Americans who currently have student debt U.S. 2022, by race and gender
- K-12 teachers' main reasons to use education technology in class U.S. 2023
- K-12 teachers' challenges of digital learning materials U.S. SY 2021-22, by grade
- U.S. undergraduate students' opinions on the use of AI tools in education 2023
- Top three reasons K-12 public school teachers fear for their safety U.S. 2023
- Share of Americans with difficulty paying bills U.S. 2023, by student debt status