Statistics about Society in United States
- Share of Americans who were behind on student loan payments U.S. 2023, by education
- Level of information of space exploration and astronomy in the U.S. 2019
- Adults willing to travel to space if given the opportunity by age U.S. 2019
- Information levels about space exploration and astronomy by age U.S. 2019
- Familiarity with planetary science by gender U.S. 2019
- Familiarity with planetary science by age U.S. 2019
- U.S. share of children living in households with computer 2021, by parent education
- Share of school staff who received concerns from parents on K-12 curriculum 2023
- Top reasons K-12 public school teachers limit political or social topics U.S. 2023
- Grade K-12 teachers' reasons for not using digital learning tools U.S. 2019
- Average number of books in teachers' classroom libraries in the U.S., by school level
- Items, principals have purchased for classroom or student use in the U.S. 2016
- U.S. teachers’ opinion on students preparedness for grade-level work 2016
- Rates of unwanted sexual contact reported in military academies U.S. 2022, by gender
- Asian Americans' beliefs on affirmative action U.S. 2023, by party
- Grade 6-12 teachers' use of digital learning tools for teaching by subject U.S. 2019
- Grade K-12 teachers' uses for digital learning tools U.S. 2019
- Share of U.S. teachers with various concerns about using AI in K- 12 education 2023
- U.S. number of public libraries FY 2019, by state
- Share of US adults who approve of colleges considering race to improve diversity 2023
- U.S. preK-8 public school enrollment distribution by ethnicity 2000-2028
- Effectiveness of digital learning tools at K-12 public schools by activity U.S. 2019
- U.S. public library nonprint holdings FY 1995-2019, by type
- U.S. public library use FY 1995-2019, by type
- Share of K-12 parents concerned about a violent intruder at school U.S. 2023
- U.S. children and young adult programs in public libraries FY 2019, by state
- K-12 parents' concerns on the effects of AI on their child's learning U.S. 2023
- U.S. number of full-time staff in public libraries FY 2019, by state
- Share of U.S. elementary school teachers 2007/08, by experience and school type
- Spending per FTE student in the U.S. public research sector in 2013, by category
- U.S. national school lunch program: participants, by state 2020
- College ranking in the U.S. by student SAT score 2020
- U.S. - private elementary and secondary school enrollment 2021, by state
- Number of international students in the U.S. 2022/23, by country of origin
- U.S.: barriers to enrollment in higher education for unenrolled men and women 2022
- Mobile devices regularly used by U.S. students 2015, by education level
- Head Start program enrollment in the U.S. by state 2019
- Percentage of the U.S. population enrolled in pre-K, by age group 2002-2020
- Leading 25 places of origin of international scholars U.S. 2019/2020
- Contribution of international students to the U.S. economy, by country of origin 2014
- Annual growth rate of U.S. students studying abroad, by race 2011/12
- Cost per credit hour of the top 20 part-time MBA programs in 2023
- U.S. leading institutes in non-credit education abroad 2011/12
- Share of international students in the U.S., by academic level & gender 2012/13
- Educational value of online courses compared to classroom-based courses
- Leading U.S. institutions with the most international scholars 2019/2020
- U.S. - share of study abroad students 2020/2021, by race/ethnicity
- International students in the U.S. by academic level & enrollment status 2012/13
- Share of U.S. elementary school teachers 2007/08, by base salary and school type
- Per capita debt of university graduates in the U.S. 2003-2019
- Tuition and fees for professional degrees U.S. 2009, by degree/institution type
- Share of teachers in the U.S. 2012, by gender and school type
- Tuition and fees for professional degrees in the U.S. 2008/09, by degree type
- Share of university students who borrowed in the U.S. 2007/08, by degree program
- Share of U.S. public high schools with low retention rates 1990-2010
- Share of U.S. elementary school teachers 2007/08, by gender and school type
- U.S. top baccalaureate institutions, by number of UG study abroad students 2019/20
- Share of teachers in the U.S. 2007/08, by base salary and school type
- Spending per FTE student in the U.S. public master's sector in 2013
- Share of teachers in the U.S. 2012, by ethnicity and school type
- Share of U.S. secondary school teachers 2007/08, by ethnicity and school type
- Annual tuition and fees at leading universities U.S. 2023/24
- U.S. public school revenue sources in 2008/09
- MBA enrollment in the U.S. 2009/10, by program type
- Share of U.S. college institutions offering online classes in 2011
- International students in the U.S. by academic level & marital status 2012/13
- Attendance costs when studying in-state at U.S. universities, by state 2018/19
- Total state spending for U.S. preschool programs by state 2020
- Grade K-12 students' reasons for using digital learning tools by level U.S. 2019
- Fraternities with highest property values in U.S. by university 2018
- Private research institution employees in the U.S. in 2000 and 2012
- Degrees granted on journalism and mass communications programs in U.S. 1988-2013
- Public community college employees in the U.S. in 2000 and 2012
- State spending per U.S. child enrolled in pre-K 2022, by state
- Private bachelor's institution employees in the U.S. 2000 and 2012
- Usage frequency of digital learning tools outside school by K-12 students U.S. 2019
- Expenditures per child in preschool programs in the U.S. 2020
- Spending per FTE student in the U.S. private research sector in 2013
- Percentage of U.S. children enrolled in pre-K, by state 2020
- Public research institute employees in the U.S. in 2000 and 2012
- Spending per FTE student in the U.S. private master's sector in 2013
- Spending per FTE student in the U.S. private bachelor's sector in 2013
- Breakdown of postsecondary enrollment in the U.S. 1980-2021, by race
- Share of disabled 6-21 year olds under IDEA U.S. 2022, by learning environment
- Grade K-12 teachers' reasons for using digital learning tools U.S. 2019
- Change in the number of spots for American students at colleges 1994-2012
- Per capita student debt levels, by state U.S. 2019
- Percentage of U.S. Black students in minority schools from 1968 to 2011, by region
- Percentage of students receiving corporal punishment in U.S. schools 2009, by state
- Number of students receiving corporal punishment in U.S. schools 2009, by state
- Leading places of origin for Intensive English Program students in the U.S. 2015
- U.S. state expenditure per child enrolled in pre-kindergarten 2002-2020
- Pupil-teacher ratio in the United States by school type 1999-2014
- Percentage of selected U.S. pre-K programs meeting quality standards 2020
- Students who spent six or more hours weekly on social media in the U.S. by sex 2019
- Share of U.S. Millennials paying off student loan debt, by college major 2018
- Total number of U.S. children enrolled in state pre-K, by state 2022
- U.S. teachers’ opinion on students facing outside barriers to learning 2016
- Percentage of pre-school enrollment in the U.S. 2022, by age and type
- Number of 3 to 21 year olds with autism U.S. 2000-2023