Statistics about Society in United States
- Third-party performances in U.S. presidential elections 1892-2020
- Migration from Southern Europe to the US 1820-1957
- Migration from all continents to the US 1820-1957
- U.S. law enforcement officer deaths 1786-2023, by cause
- Population of the United States in 1860, by race and gender
- Comparison of the U.S. and USSR death rates 1970-1989
- United States presidential election 1860: results for the popular vote
- Distribution of votes in the 1932 US presidential election
- Party each state voted for in presidential elections by number of wins U.S. 1900-2020
- Wyoming's electoral votes in U.S. presidential elections 1892-2020
- Number of casualties at the Battle of Wilderness 1864
- Migration from Northwestern Europe to the US 1820-1957
- Winning margins for votes in U.S. presidential elections 1789-2020
- Hiroshima & Nagasaki: U.S. opinion on justification 2020, by gender
- Voter turnout among male voters in U.S. presidential elections 1964-2020
- U.S. overseas loans and grants 1946-1961
- Number of US states by year since 1776
- Heights of all U.S. presidents 1789-2021
- U.S. expenditure on foreign loan programs 1946-1988
- Distribution of Marshall Plan payments 1948-1952, per country
- U.S. expenditure on foreign grant programs 1945-1988
- Life expectancy in the United States, 1860-2020
- U.S. adult opinions on paying reparations to slave descendants in 2019
- Distribution of votes in the 1900 US presidential election
- Voter turnout in U.S. presidential and midterm elections 1789-2020
- Child mortality in the United States 1800-2020
- Virginia's electoral votes in U.S. presidential elections 1789-2020
- Number of foreign languages spoken by U.S. presidents 1789-2021
- WWII: total number of casualties during D-Day 1944, by army and area
- Infant mortality in the United States 1935-2020
- Length of inaugural addresses of U.S. Presidents 1789-2021
- Total U.S. overseas loans and grants 1946-1961, by region
- Value of total U.S. imports of goods and services by sector 1790-1970
- Percentage of state and federal prisoner fatalities U.S. 2019, by cause of death
- Estimated number of U.S. state prisoners in custody, by gender 2016
- Share of Americans who say felons in prison should be allowed to vote by race 2019
- Number of sentenced prisoners under state jurisdiction U.S. 2021, by offense
- Number of U.S. federal inmates 2023, by sentence imposed
- Number of jail fatalities U.S. 2019, by state
- Number of state and federal prisoner fatalities U.S. 2019, by cause of death
- Number of state and federal prisoner homicides U.S. 2008-2019
- U.S. federal inmates breakdown 2023, by security level
- Share of Americans who say felons in prison should be allowed to vote by age 2019
- Per capita state corrections expenditures in the U.S. 1982-2010
- Share of Black adults who believe the prison system requires major changes U.S. 2023
- Prisoners under military jurisdiction U.S. 2022, by branch of service
- Number of U.S. federal inmates 2023, by citizenship
- Prisoners in local jail facilities in the U.S. 2000-2022
- Number of state and federal prisoner suicides U.S. 2008-2019
- Number of state prisoner fatalities U.S. 2001-2019
- Number of U.S. local jail inmate fatalities by time served 2016
- Estimated number of U.S. state prisoners in custody 2009-2019
- U.S. capital punishment - total executions 1976-2024, by state
- Average time served by violent offenders in the U.S. in 2014, by state
- Imprisonment rate of sentenced prisoners U.S. 2022, by sex and ethnicity
- Female incarceration rates in the U.S. by level of institution 1982-2019
- Number of people serving life sentences without parole in the U.S. 1992-2016
- Number of sentenced prisoners admitted to jurisdiction U.S. 2000-2022
- U.S. capital punishment - prisoners under sentence of death 2021, by age
- U.S. capital punishment - share of prisoners with a death sentence 2021, by gender
- Number of prisoners removed from death row U.S. 2021, by ethnicity
- U.S. capital punishment - death sentences 2021, by ethnicity
- Number of prisoners under sentence of death U.S. 2021, by ethnicity
- U.S. capital punishment - number of prisoners under sentence of death 2021, by state
- Number of sentenced prisoners under state jurisdiction U.S. 2020, by ethnicity
- Number of local inmate suicides in jail U.S. 2006-2019
- Percent of local inmate deaths by cause of death in jail U.S. 2000-2019
- Inmate population of local jails by conviction status U.S. 2005-2018
- United States: number of arrests 1933-1970, by race
- Number of sentenced prisoners under federal jurisdiction U.S. 2022, by offense
- Number of human trafficking defendants sentenced to prison in the U.S. FY 2000-2015
- Number of local U.S. inmate fatalities in jail 2019, by cause of death
- Number of local jail inmate fatalities in the U.S. 2019, by race or origin
- Share of human trafficking defendants by ethnicity in the U.S. FY 2015
- Share of prisoners who owned a gun in the U.S. by method used to obtain firearm 2016
- Share of human trafficking defendants by education level in the U.S. FY 2015
- Percentage of local jail inmate fatalities by age U.S. 2016
- Gender distribution of human trafficking defendants in the U.S. FY 2015
- Number of sentenced prisoners released from jurisdiction U.S. 2000-2022
- Local jail capacity in U.S. 2005-2018
- U.S. capital punishment - prisoners on death row 2021, by education
- Percentage of female prisoners in the U.S. serving 10 years or more in 2014, by state
- Number of people incarcerated for drug offenses U.S.1980-2019, by institution
- Number of local jail admissions each year in the U.S. 2005-2021
- Share of immigration suspects prosecuted by citizenship and offense U.S. FY 2018
- Inmate population of local jails, by gender U.S. 2005-2021
- Average share of local jail capacity filled daily U.S. 2005-2021
- Number of prisoners in the U.S. 2005-2022, by gender
- Average number of inmates in local jails in the U.S. 2005-2021
- Number of female prisoners in the U.S. in 2015, by institution type
- Number of arrest related deaths U.S 2021, by manner of death
- Number of prisoners in the U.S. by offense type 2018
- Number of prisoners in the U.S. by institution type 2018
- Jail incarceration rate U.S. 2022, by race
- Number of people incarcerated in U.S. federal prisons for drug offenses 1980-2019
- U.S. capital punishment - prisoners on death row 2021, by marital status
- Number of women incarcerated in the U.S. 1980-2019
- Number of people serving life sentences in the U.S. 1984-2016
- Number of U.S. state prisoners in custody, by race or origin 2019
- Inmate population of local jails U.S. 2021, by race