Statistics about Agriculture in United States
- Quantity of tulips sold in the U.S. 2002-2019
- Value of U.S. tulips sales 2002-2019
- Total U.S. grain production 2001-2019
- Total U.S. grain imports 2001-2019
- U.S. leading fruits in 2019, based on production quantity
- U.S. retail value share of hemp products by category 2016
- Hemp products: value of U.S. imports 1996-2017
- Grain elevators in the U.S. in 2014, by region
- John Deere total assets 2012-2023
- U.S. sugar cane production by state 2010-2023
- U.S. total peach production 2000-2023
- U.S. total apple production 2000-2023
- U.S. total grape production 2000-2023
- U.S. total strawberry production 2000-2023
- U.S. total production of cranberries 2000-2023
- U.S. tart cherry production 2008-2023
- Total production value of cranberries 2006-2023
- Area of cranberries harvested in the U.S. 2023, by state
- Total U.S. grape production value 2000-2023
- Cranberry production in the U.S. 2023, by state
- Area of cucumbers harvested for U.S. fresh market 2000-2015
- Projected U.S. butter consumption 2010-2025
- Major peach producing U.S. states 2023
- Leading strawberry producing U.S. states 2023
- U.S. total pear production 2000-2023
- U.S. sweet cherry production 2023, by state
- U.S. tart cherry production 2023, by state
- U.S. avocado bearing acreage 2013-2023
- Avocados: commercial production in the U.S. 2013-2023
- U.S. avocado production 2023, by state
- U.S. commercial usage of shelled peanuts in peanut butter 2014/15-2016/17
- Non-citrus fruit bearing areas in the U.S. 2012-2023
- U.S. sweet cherry production 2000-2023
- U.S. wheat production figures 2001-2023
- Production value of lemons in the U.S. 1999-2024
- U.S. potato production 2001-2023
- Production of fresh market vegetables in the U.S. 2008-2023
- Production value of oranges in the U.S. 1999-2024
- U.S. orange production 2000-2024
- Forecast: value of shipments beet sugar manufacture US 2008-2020
- U.S. employment in farming 1998-2019
- Farming energy inputs 1997-2011
- Agricultural retailers - offered yield monitor data analysis U.S. 2005-2018
- Gross operating surplus of U.S. farming 1998-2011
- Support payments, agriculture - United States
- USDA's estimated budget distribution 2017
- Opinion of U.S. consumers on products with humanely raised certified labels 2013
- U.S. methane emissions from manure management
- Commodity production distribution among beginning farms
- U.S. methane emissions from rice cultivation
- Revenue of logging in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Distribution of fresh chicken consumption and waste in the U.S. 2016
- United States: monthly price of wheat 1960-2024
- U.S. consumer preferences for labeling of genetically engineered food 2014
- Forecast: value of shipments farm machinery and equipment manufacture US 2008-2020
- California: most valued commodities 2022
- Percentage of beginning and established farm operators
- U.S. nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizers
- Breakdown of the U.S. farming retail market in 2020
- Americans' most important food and agricultural objectives 2014
- Total U.S. idle cropland area projection
- U.S. agricultural greenhouse gas emissions by type
- Consumers' reasons not to buy humanely raised products in the U.S. 2013
- California's highest-earning crops 2010
- AGCO's number of employees 2006-2021
- Growth of U.S. and Canadian farmland prices in selected states in the period 2007-2011
- U.S. methane emissions from enteric fermentation
- U.S. nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural soil management
- John Deere net income 2001-2023
- Average utility bill savings for a farm through renewable energy 2009
- Barley for EU ethanol production: projection
- Archer Daniels Midland revenue 2006-2023
- Composition of one U.S. dollar spent on food in the U.S.
- U.S. consumer preferences for standards for genetically engineered food 2014
- Agricultural retailers offering select precision services U.S. 2015 vs 2018
- Gross output of U.S. farming 1998-2011
- John Deere revenue 2001-2023
- Value of the U.S. mink farming industry 2004-2017
- Forecast: value of shipments oil and fat refining and blending US 2008-2020
- U.S.: market value of agricultural tractors 2018-2026, by operation
- U.S. average size of farms 2019-2023, by economic sales class
- Distribution of land in U.S. farms 2023, by economic sales class
- Distribution of farms in the U.S. 2023, by economic sales class
- Average size of farms in the U.S. 2000-2023
- U.S. humic acid market value 2013-2024, by use type
- Total area of land in U.S. farms 2000-2023
- North American feed production volume 2016, by species
- Top U.S. states based on number of farms 2023
- AGCO's net income per share 2006-2023
- Growth of food price indexes for selected products in the U.S. 2009-2011
- Total U.S. cropland area outlook 2012-2028
- Market size precision farming in the U.S. 2016-2024
- Number of honey bee colonies in the U.S. 2016-2023
- Gross profit of CHS inc. in the United States from 2016 to 2023
- Number and size of farms in the U.S. 2012-2023
- Total U.S. gross farm income 2000-2024
- Number of mink pelts produced in the U.S. 2004-2017
- Total production expenses of U.S. farming 2000-2018
- U.S. vertical farming market value by technology 2016-2026
- Total assets of Growmark, Inc. company in the U. S & Canada from 2014 to 2018