Statistics about Agriculture in United States
- Production value of soybeans in the U.S. 2000-2023
- U.S. sunflower production value 2000-2023
- U.S. sweet potato production value 2000-2019
- Archer Daniels Midland total assets 2019-2023
- Total U.S. hay production value 2000-2023
- U.S. dry edible bean production value 2000-2023
- Sugar production in the U.S. 2011/12-2024/25
- Sugar consumption in the U.S. 2010/11-2024/25
- Sugar imports to the U.S. 2011/12-2024/25
- Revenue of margarine & cooking oil processing in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Vine bearing area in the U.S. 2014-2023
- Revenue of cereal production in the U.S., 2009-2014
- United States barley utilization 2012-2016
- U.S. oilseed farming gross output 1998-2016
- U.S. share of fertilizer application to selected vegetables by fertilizer type 2014
- Total U.S. rice production value 2000-2023
- Forecast: sugar crops industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Forecast: non-citrus fruit industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Forecast: citrus fruit industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Forecast: bean and pea industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Forecast: vegetable industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Forecast: taro industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Forecast: nut industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Forecast: melon industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Forecast: greenhouse and nursery industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Value of flour milling shipments 1998-2011
- Forecast: oil crops industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Forecast: seed crops industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Forecast: mushroom industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- U.S. fruit farming gross output 1998-2011
- Forecast: hops industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- U.S. grain farming gross output 1998-2011
- Forecast: mint industry annual sales U.S. 2010-2018
- Grain production in the U.S. 2023/24, by type
- U.S. potato utilization 2023, by type
- U.S. pumpkin production value 2001-2023
- Forecast: berry industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Forecast: tobacco industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- U.S. import value of cocoa and cocoa preparations 2023, by country
- U.S. farmers' reasons for adopting genetically engineered Bt cotton 2007
- U.S. quinoa import value 2023, by country of origin
- U.S. quinoa import volume 2023, by country of origin
- U.S. quinoa imports 2013-2023
- Darling Ingredients Inc. total equity 2019-2023
- U.S. fertilizer use projections for peanuts 2010-2025
- Darling Ingredients Inc. total assets 2019-2023
- Darling Ingredients Inc. net cash 2019-2023
- U.S. farmers' reasons for adopting genetically engineered Bt corn 2010
- Darling Ingredients Inc. liabilities 2019-2023
- Total U.S. utilized production of pineapples 2000-2009
- Forecast: feed crops industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- U.S. farmers' reasons for adopting genetically engineered HT corn 2010
- U.S. farmers' reasons for adopting genetically engineered HT soybeans 2006
- Forecast: cotton industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Darling Ingredients Inc. operating profit 2019-2023
- Darling Ingredients Inc. net income 2019-2023
- Darling Ingredients Inc. revenue 2019-2023
- Forecast: wool industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- U.S. fertilizer use projections for cotton
- Forecast: food grain industry annual sales U.S. 2008-2018
- Production value of corn for grain in the U.S. 2000-2023
- U.S. potato production value 2000-2023
- Total U.S. rye production value 2000-2023
- Total U.S. fertilizer use projections
- U.S. farm income from feed crops 2010-2024
- U.S. farm income from vegetables 2010-2024
- Leading U.S. states based on cotton production value 2023
- U.S. cottonseed production value 2000-2023
- U.S. cocoa bean grindings 2012/2013-2023/2024
- U.S. acreage of harvested cotton 2015/16-2023/24
- Top U.S. states based on production of vegetables for processing 2016
- U.S. and Californian wine production 2006-2023
- U.S. fertilizer use projections for corn 2010-2025
- Share of per capita utilization of fresh and processed vegetables U.S. 2003-2017
- U.S. fertilizer use projections for wheat
- U.S. domestic use of wheat by type of use 2000-2024
- Total U.S. domestic grain use 2001-2024
- U.S. corn use in 2016/2017, by category
- Volume of oilseed produced in the U.S. 2012-2016, by type
- Biotech and non-biotech corn areas in the U.S. 2022
- Wheat production value in the U.S. 2000-2023
- Leading honey producing U.S. states 2023
- Leading 10 soybean producing U.S. states 2019-2023
- U.S. farm income from crops 2010-2024
- U.S. per capita utilization share of processed vegetables by type 2003-2017
- U.S. soybean exports 2011/12-2023/24
- Cotton price received by U.S. farmers 2007-2024
- U.S. domestic use of corn for ethanol 2006/07-2017/18
- U.S. permanent grain storage capacity 2000 to 2018, by type
- U.S. production of vegetable oils by oil type 2018
- U.S. gross production value of pineapples 2002-2016
- Revenue of orange & citrus groves in the U.S., 2008-2013
- U.S. rice exports - top destination country 2020
- Total U.S. cotton plantings and harvestings 2001-2023
- U.S. cotton exports 1990-2023
- Marketing year average prices for rice by U.S. state 2012-2020
- Quantity of roses sold in the U.S. 2002-2019
- Hemp products: value of U.S. imports 2012-2017, by type
- U.S. acreage of planted cotton 2015/16-2023/24
- Value of U.S. rose sales 2002-2019