Statistics about Agriculture in United States
- U.S. consumption of grain for bioethanol 2006-2013
- Total U.S. raisin exports 2010/11-2018/19
- U.S. fertilizer use projections for rice
- Total U.S. grain exports 2014-2023
- Olive production in California 1995-2023
- U.S. hop production 2001-2023
- Cotton yield per harvested acre in the U.S. 2001-2023
- Corn for grain production in the U.S. 2001-2023
- Production of corn for silage in the U.S. 2001-2023
- U.S. area of corn for silage harvested 2001-2023
- Yield per harvested acre of corn for silage in the U.S. 2001-2023
- Leading U.S. states based on harvested area of corn for grain 2023
- Leading U.S. states in silage corn production 2019-2023
- U.S. plantings and harvestings of oats 2001-2023
- U.S. production of oats 2001-2023
- U.S. barley production 2001-2023
- U.S. barley plantings and harvestings 2001-2023
- Area of sorghum for grain harvested in the U.S. 2001-2023
- U.S. production of sorghum for silage 2001-2023
- Sorghum for grain production in the U.S. 2001-2023
- Area of sugar beet plantings and harvestings in the U.S. 2001-2023
- Area of corn for grain harvested in the U.S. 2001-2023
- Sugar beet production in the U.S. 2001-2023
- Total area of sugar cane harvested in the U.S. 2001-2023
- Sugar cane production in the U.S. 2001-2023
- Major U.S. states in tobacco production 2021-2023
- Cottonseed production in the U.S. 2001-2023
- U.S. production of soybeans 2001-2023
- Area of sunflowers planted and harvested 2001-2023
- U.S. off-farm grain storage capacity 2018, by leading states
- U.S. peppermint oil production 2001-2023
- Total U.S. area of potatoes planted and harvested 2001-2023
- Area of hay harvested in the U.S. 2001-2023
- Total U.S. hay production 2001-2023
- U.S. dry edible bean production 2001-2023
- Yield per harvested acre of corn for grain 2001-2023
- Top U.S. states based on planted and harvested areas of rice 2023
- Olive production in California 2023, by variety
- Flour milling revenue in the U.S. 2012-2022
- Revenue of oilseed farming in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Revenue of tobacco growing in the U.S., 2008-2013
- U.S. peanut butter exports 2022, by country
- Revenue of hay & crop farming in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Revenue of fruit & nut farming in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Revenue of sugarcane harvesting in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Revenue of cotton farming in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Market value of liquid fertilizer in the U.S. 2020-2030
- Pest management practices in the U.S. for fruit crops 2019
- Total U.S. grain supply 2001-2022
- U.S. peanut butter export share 2018, by country
- Industry revenue of “flour milling and malt manufacturing“ in the U.S. 2012-2024
- Percentage of genetically modified crops in the U.S. by type 1997, 2018, 2019 & 2020
- Palm oil usage U.S. by type 2018-2021
- Leading U.S. states for rice yield per acre 2017-2023
- Industry revenue of “wet corn milling“ in the U.S. 2012-2024
- Almond production in the United States 2000/01-2021/22
- U.S. acreage of genetically modified cotton 2014-2019
- Total U.S. wheat area planted and harvested 2001-2023
- Wheat yield per harvested acre 2001-2023
- Leading U.S. states by area planted with wheat 2023
- Leading U.S. states by area of wheat harvested 2023
- Leading U.S. states for wheat yield per harvested acre 2023
- Top U.S. states with highest wheat production 2022 & 2023
- Leading U.S. states in sunflower production 2023
- Total U.S. rice plantings and harvestings 2002-2023
- Rice yield per harvested acre 2000-2023
- Leading U.S. states in rice production 2023
- U.S. cotton mill use 1990-2018
- U.S. hop production value 2000-2019
- Total U.S. domestic raisin consumption 2010/11-2018/19
- Revenue of sugar processing in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Largest honey stocks in the U.S. 2023, by state
- U.S. honey production volume 2010-2023
- Archer Daniels Midland net income 2019-2023
- Revenue of plant & flower growing in the U.S., 2009-2014
- Revenue of flour milling in the U.S., 2009-2014
- Revenue of tea production in the U.S., 2009-2014
- Revenue of bread production in the U.S., 2009-2014
- Revenue of coffee production in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Revenue of soybean farming in the U.S., 2009-2014
- Archer Daniels Midland net cash 2019-2023
- U.S. per capita food use of wheat 2000-2032
- Dry pea production worldwide 2012-2016
- Corn prices per metric ton on U.S. market 1936-2023
- Crop areas in the United States 2023, by species
- Distribution of U.S. biotech corn acres 2006-2023
- Revenue of corn farming in the U.S., 2009-2014
- Percentage of farms growing selected crops
- Milk substitute market revenue in the U.S. 2019-2029
- California: produced avocado acreage 2015, by county
- Value of U.S. honey production 2003-2023
- Archer Daniels Midland gross profit 2019-2023
- U.S. import value of cocoa and cocoa preparations 2012-2023
- Forecast: value of shipments wet corn milling US 2008-2020
- U.S. production value of barley 2000-2023
- Production value of sorghum for grain in the U.S. 2000-2023
- Cotton production value in the U.S. 2000-2023
- Sugarbeet production value in the U.S. 2000-2022
- Tobacco production value 2000-2023
- U.S. peanut production value 2000-2023