Statistics about Internet in United Kingdom
- UK hours spent on TikTok per month 2024, by age
- UK leading keywords searched on the Apple App Store 2022-2023
- App download volume of recent smartphone owners 2014
- UK parents rules for kids using their mobile phones 2023
- UK parents who monitor children's smartphone activity with parental apps 2023, by age
- UK parents who monitor children's online activity with selected methods 2023
- Biggest challenge regarding app monetization according to developers 2019
- Leading in-app ad formats according to app developers 2019
- Leading mobile app monetization strategies 2019
- Leading app categories in the UK H1 2024, by revenue
- Leading app categories in the UK H1 2024, by downloads
- Number of apps installed on smartphones in the United Kingdom 2019
- UK yearly growth in monthly time spent using social media apps on Android 2022
- Telegram: awareness in the United Kingdom (UK) 2021-2024
- Revenue in the app market United Kingdom 2017-2027
- Revenue in the health & fitness segment of the app market United Kingdom 2017-2027
- Revenue in the App market United Kingdom 2017-2027
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the app market United Kingdom 2017-2027
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the App market United Kingdom 2017-2027
- ARPU in the health & fitness segment of the app market UK 2017-2027
- Download volume required for daily charts of the UK's Apple app store in 2011
- Mobile app downloading penetration in the United Kingdom (UK) as of December 2013
- Mobile app downloading penetration in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013, by age
- European consumer spending on mobile apps Q3 2021, by app store
- App download frequency to tablets used by preschoolers in the UK 2015
- Leading mobile apps in the UK 2023, by average time spent
- Leading iPad health and fitness apps in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading iPhone apps in Great Britain in 2022, by revenue
- Leading Android health apps in Great Britain 2022, by revenue
- Barriers to app downloading among young people in the United Kingdom (UK) 2014
- Most annoying things about apps for young people in the United Kingdom (UK) 2014
- Leading health and fitness apps in Google Play in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading lifestyle apps in Google Play in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading music apps in Google Play in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading news and magazine apps in Google Play in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading video player apps in Google Play in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading iPad news apps in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading Android communication apps in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading Android shopping apps in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading Android communication apps in Great Britain 2022, by revenue
- Leading Android music apps in Great Britain 2022, by revenue
- Most downloaded education apps used by children in the UK 2024
- Leading iPhone music apps in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading iPhone music apps in Great Britain 2022, by revenue
- Leading iPhone social media apps in Great Britain 2022, by revenue
- Leading non-gaming Android app publishers in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading non-gaming iPhone app publishers in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading non-gaming iPad app publishers in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading non-gaming Android app publishers in Great Britain 2022, by revenue
- Leading non-gaming iPhone app publishers in Great Britain 2022, by revenue
- Leading non-gaming iPad app publishers in Great Britain 2022, by revenue
- Great Britain leading iPad entertainment apps 2022, by daily active users (DAU)
- Leading iPhone health and fitness apps in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading iPad apps in Great Britain 2022, by revenue
- Leading iPhone shopping apps in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Number of apps downloaded in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2020
- Cumulative downloads of the NHS COVID-19 app in England and Wales 2021
- UK leading Android apps 2023, by downloads
- UK: share of time spent on mobile apps in 2023, by category
- Install share of leading language learning apps in selected European countries 2021
- UK children daily time on communication apps 2023
- Most used video streaming apps in the UK 2020, by time spent
- Leading app categories in the UK Q3 2020, by reach
- Use of tracing technology by NHS coronavirus app users in Great Britain 2021, by age
- NHS COVID-19 contact tracing app usage in Great Britain 2021, by age group
- Leading mobile apps in the UK 2024, by reach
- UK children apps data collected 2023
- Number of apps users downloaded monthly in the UK 2013, by mobile device
- UK: peoples' expected feelings when making in-store purchases with a smartwatch 2015
- UK children apps possible ICO violation 2023
- Leading mobile apps for tablet users in the UK 2021, by average time spent
- Opinion of British users on those who delete the NHS COVID-19 app 2021
- Distribution of in-store mobile app feature usage on the Poq platform in the UK 2015
- Average time spent browsing shopping app features while in store in the UK 2015
- Conversion rate for in-store features in shopping apps in the UK 2015
- Leading iPhone non-gaming apps in Great Britain 2022, by revenue
- Average order value via shopping app feature usage while in-store in the UK 2015
- UK: TikTok usage 2024, by age
- Digital privacy characteristics of children apps in the UK 2022
- UK parents awareness of mobile network age restriction tools for kids 2022, by gender
- UK leading Google Play apps 2023, by revenue
- UK leading iPhone entertainment apps 2024, by downloads
- Leading mHealth apps in the UK 2023
- Number of apps downloaded in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013
- Leading social media apps in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading iPhone social media apps in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading iPhone apps in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- Leading iPad apps in Great Britain 2022, by downloads
- New users increase among leading mobile apps in the UK 2023-2024
- Mobile app downloading penetration in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013, by gender
- UK most downloaded weather apps 2023
- UK users daily mobile app engagement Q2 2022, by app category
- UK parents apps available on the Google Play Store 2022, by category
- UK children apps available on the Google Play Store 2022
- UK most downloaded parents apps in the Google Play Store 2022, by category
- App users who upgrade from free to paid apps 2014
- UK: Leading iPhone entertainment apps 2024, by revenue
- Smartphone users who have made an in-app purchase 2014
- UK downloads of selected mobile app categories Q3 2021
- UK consumer spend on selected mobile app categories Q3 2021