Statistics about Consumer Goods & FMCG in Sweden
- Number of prepared meals and dishes manufacturers in Sweden 2012-2021
- Pizza consumption in Sweden 2018
- Frozen food market breakdown in Europe 2020, by country
- Frozen food sales value in Europe in 2020, by country
- Frozen desserts sales value in Europe in 2020, by country
- Net turnover of Alvesta Glass 2012-2018
- Market share of Findus frozen food in Sweden 2015, by product category
- Pizza consumption in Sweden 2018
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the Personal Care market Sweden 2019-2029
- Net sales of Independent Beauty Sweden AB 2018-2022
- Leading cosmetic brands ranked by sales value in Sweden 2022
- Net sales of CCS Skincare Brands AB 2019-2021
- Sales value of Oriflame 2010-2023
- Gross profit margin of Oriflame 2010-2023
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the Cosmetics market Sweden 2019-2029
- Operating profit of Independent Beauty Sweden AB 2019-2021
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the Beauty & Personal Care market Sweden 2019-2029
- Operating profit of CCS Skincare Brands AB 2019-2021
- Operating profit of Oriflame 2012-2023
- ARPU in the hair care segment Sweden 2019-2029
- ARPU in the cosmetics segment Sweden 2019-2029
- Net sales of Colgate-Palmolive AB 2012-2021
- Sales distribution of Oriflame 2023, by region
- EBITDA of Oriflame 2010-2023
- Operating profit margin of Oriflame 2012-2023
- Sales distribution of Oriflame 2023, by product category
- Cosmetics and medical goods retail sales value trend in Sweden 2008-2018
- Import value of perfumery, cosmetics and toilet preparations into Sweden 2010-2022
- Export value of perfumery, cosmetics and toilet preparations from Sweden 2010-2022
- Import value of soap, cleansing and polishing preparations into Sweden 2010-2022
- Net profit of Oriflame 2012-2023
- Average number of employees of Oriflame 2010-2023
- Export value of soap, cleansing and polishing preparations from Sweden 2010-2022
- Operating profit of Colgate-Palmolive AB 2012-2021
- Survey on usage of sun protection products in Sweden 2016
- Net profit of Isadora AB 2014-2022
- Operating profit of Isadora AB 2014-2022
- Survey on the average money spent on facial care products in Sweden 2016
- Cosmetic and hygiene product market value in Sweden 2014, by category
- Survey on refusal to use sun protection for the face in Sweden 2016, by gender
- Cosmetic and hygiene product market value in Sweden 2011-2014
- Monthly consumer price index (CPI) of toilet paper in Sweden 2020-2024
- Most used personal care product by category in Sweden 2024
- Net revenue of Henkel Norden AB 2022, by geographical market
- Net profit of Henkel Norden AB 2014-2022
- Operating profit of Henkel Norden AB 2014-2022
- Assets of Henkel Norden AB 2012-2019
- Operating margin of Henkel Norden AB 2012-2022
- Net sales of Henkel Norden AB 2012-2022
- Survey on key factors when buying sun protection products in Sweden 2016
- Purchase criteria for personal care in Sweden 2024
- Monthly consumer price index (CPI) of durable toiletries in Sweden 2019-2020
- Average number of employees of Isadora AB 2012-2022
- Assets of Isadora AB 2012-2022
- Profit of Colgate-Palmolive AB 2012-2021
- Net revenue of Isadora AB 2012-2022
- Consumer's understanding of personal care/cosmetics industry in Sweden & Denmark 2017
- Monthly consumer price index (CPI) of cosmetics in Sweden 2019-2022
- European women's purchasing criteria for beauty products 2016
- Ranking of cosmetics companies in Sweden 2022, by turnover
- Cosmetics consumption value in Sweden 2013-2021
- Share of people uncomfortable buying menstrual hygiene in Sweden in 2016
- Importance of personal care/cosmetic products for consumers in Sweden & Denmark 2017
- Average time spent on facial care in Sweden 2016, by gender
- Share of plant-based cream alternatives consumers in selected European countries 2021
- Share of plant-based butter alternatives consumers in selected European nations 2021
- Share of plant-based yogurt consumers in selected European countries in 2021
- Share of plant-based cheese consumers in selected European countries in 2021
- Plant-based milk consumers in selected European countries in 2021, by milk type
- Share of plant-based egg alternatives consumers in selected European countries 2021
- Factors for deciding what to eat for breakfast in Sweden 2016
- Importance of Christmas food as a tradition in Sweden 2017
- Consumers who purchased vegan/ vegetarian sausages monthly in the Nordics 2021
- Survey on influence of expiration date on eating behavior in Sweden 2009 and 2015
- Survey on eating behavior of vitamin and mineral supplements in Sweden 2010 and 2015
- Most preferred food for breakfast in Sweden 2016
- Most important meal in Sweden 2016
- Consumers who purchased vegan/ vegetarian burgers monthly in the Nordics 2021
- Consumers who purchased vegan chocolates monthly in the Nordics 2021
- Consumers who purchased vegan/vegetarian ready-made meals monthly in the Nordics 2021
- Consumers who purchased vegan/ vegetarian pizza monthly in the Nordics 2021
- Consumption frequency of meat among the youth in Sweden 2017
- Dietary habits in the Nordics 2021
- Consumers who purchased dairy-free cheese monthly in the Nordics 2021
- Consumers who purchased dairy-free milk monthly in the Nordics 2021
- Top 5 most common types of lunch in Sweden 2017
- Consumers who purchased dairy-free yoghurt monthly in the Nordics 2021
- Preferred types of Christmas dinner in Sweden 2017
- Survey on frequency of eating breakfast in Sweden 2016, by age group
- Frequency of having breakfast in Sweden 2016
- Consumers who purchased dairy-free ice cream monthly in the Nordics 2021
- Survey on reasons for not eating food with expired use-by date in Sweden 2015
- Plans for Christmas dinner in Sweden 2017
- Food supply in the corona pandemic in Sweden 2020
- Time spent on Christmas dinner preparation in Sweden 2015
- Buying behavior of ready meals on weekdays in Sweden 2017
- Survey on individuals following a diet in Sweden 2016, by type of diet
- Survey on having meals without meat and fish eaten during one week in Sweden 2016
- Weekly consumption frequency of vegetarian dinner in Sweden 2022
- Share of plant-based milk consumers in selected European countries in 2021