Statistics about Society in Italy
- Leading 10 countries of origin of foreign university graduates in Italy
- Expenditure by government on education and training in Italy 2014, by macro-region
- Leading 10 countries of origin of foreign university graduates in Italy 2016
- Share of GDP spent on education in Italy 2013-2022
- Teaching hours per year at primary schools in Italy 2008-2018
- Employment status of PhD graduates in Italy 2018
- Share of individuals who were involved in volunteering activities in Italy 2005-2018
- Satisfaction for the programs of PhD graduates in Italy 2018
- Italy: leavers from education and training Italy 2004-2014
- Italian PhD graduates living abroad 2018, by field of study
- Sentiment towards closing schools due to coronavirus (COVID-19) in Italy 2020
- Young people´s opinion on education against gender-based violence in Italy 2017
- Opinion on smartphones in the classroom as a aids in learning in Italy 2017
- Number of foreign students in Italy 2019-2020, by country of origin
- Online school classes due to coronavirus in Italy 2020, by region
- Italy: leavers from education and training 2014, by citizenship and gender
- Italy: employment status of education and training leavers 2014
- Employment area of doctoral graduates in Italy 2018
- Opinions on school giving information about sexual orientation in Italy 2019
- Share of Italians who deny the Holocaust 2020
- High school students working in Italy 2019
- Favorite working fields of high school graduates in Italy 2019
- Computer skills of high school graduates in Italy 2021
- High school graduates' reasons to go to university in Italy 2021, by gender
- Preferred degree courses among high school graduates in Italy 2021, by gender
- High school students who practiced sport outside the school in Italy 2021, by gender
- Enrollment rate at universities in Italy 2021-2022, by macro-region
- Computer skills of upper secondary school graduates in Italy 2019, by gender
- Countries for a school exchange abroad among students in Italy 2020, by gender
- Primary schools accessibility for students with disabilities in Italy 2017/18
- Common countries for a school exchange abroad among school students in Italy 2021
- High school students who temporary staid abroad during their studies Italy 2019
- Intention of adults to have children in Italy 2018
- Locations for course on sexuality & reproduction among students in Italy 2018
- Students' preference of persons informing about sexuality in school in Italy 2018
- Students' opinion on right age to become a father in Italy 2018
- High school students' opinions on information about sexuality in school in Italy 2018
- Italy: sexual intercourse among male secondary school students 2018
- Favorite business activity branches of upper secondary school graduates in Italy 2019
- Relevant aspects in job search among high school graduates in Italy 2022
- Upper secondary school graduates willing to travel for work in Italy 2022
- Expenditure on tertiary education as a share of GDP in Italy compared to the EU 2022
- Students enrolled in bachelor program at online university Italy 2018-2019, by region
- Opinion on difficulty of the secondary school leaving examination Italy 2017, by age
- Italy: offensive, disrespectful, violent episodes among students 2014, by type of act
- Tuition in Italian public universities 2022-2023
- Italian stages of education 2023-2024, by duration
- Tuition in Italian private universities 2022-2023
- Foreign students studying in Italian universities 2010-2023
- Expenditure by government on education and training in Italy 2014, by region
- Most feared parts of secondary school leaving examination in Italy 2017
- Italian students' opinion about their degree program
- PhD students in Italian universities 2000-2024
- Expenditure on education as a share of total spending in Italy 2022, by level
- Number of high school graduates in Italy 2019, by type of school and gender
- Bachelor's students graduated from Italian online universities 2013-2023
- Students enrolled at online Italian universities 2018-2023, by degree
- University teaching staff in Italy 2022, by rank and gender
- Italy: performance in literacy and numeracy 2016
- Italy: boys' opinion on gender differences at school by subject 2017
- Italy: kids' opinion on gender differences at school by subject 2017
- Diisabled students in primary and secondary schools in Italy 2001/02 - 2017/18
- Distribution of university graduates in Italy 2017-2018, by field of study
- Regional share of people who left school or training in Italy 2019, by gender
- Opinion on the difficulty of the secondary school leaving examination in Italy 2017
- Share of children aged 4 to 5 years attending kindergarten in Italy 2017/2018
- Children aged 4 to 5 years attending pre-primary schools Italy 2016-2017, by region
- Italy: environmental education training courses 2014, by type
- Italy: environmental education internships 2014
- Italy: participants to environmental education training courses 2014
- Italy: environmental education training courses 2014
- Tertiary education attainment among 30-34 year-olds in Italy 2004-2018
- Disabled students in primary schools in Italy 2017/18, by problem type
- Italy: schools equipped with tactile maps and trails for disabled students 2016/17
- Italy: conditions for finding a job after Matura diploma 2016
- Italy: knowledge of foreign languages after the Matura diploma 2016
- Students with disabilities related to mobility in Italy 2017/18, by macro-region
- Number of Italian students participating in Erasmus 2014-2024
- Enrollment rate in upper secondary education in Italy 2004-2018
- Share of students who obtained the highest mark at the Matura diploma in Italy 2017
- Share of high school graduates holding language certificates in Italy 2021
- High school students who followed civic education in Italy 2021, by topic
- Intention to enroll at university among high school students in Italy 2018
- High school students studying foreign languages in Italy 2022, by language
- Italy: opinion on the importance of education and expertise 2018, by age
- Learning hours of secondary school students in Italy 2018
- High school dropouts in Italy 2023, by region
- Level of written English of high school graduates in Italy 2021
- Intentions to enroll at university among high school students in Italy 2018
- Italy: perception of own working future among secondary school students 2018
- Italy: learning hours of secondary school students in 2018, by gender
- Italy: perception of own working future among secondary school students 2018, by age
- Esami di Maturità final results in Italy 2015-2024, by mark range
- Educational attainment in Italy 2014-2023
- Opinions on proficiency of teachers among high school students in Italy 2021
- High school graduates attending extracurricular language courses in Italy 2021
- Share of high school graduates with good language skills in Italy 2021, by gender
- Mean score obtained in the PISA studies by Italian scholars 2018, by gender
- Perception of own school performance in Italy 2018
- Level of spoken English among high school graduates in Italy 2023