Statistics about Society in Italy
- Most common countries of origin of Erasmus students in Italy 2018-2019
- Most popular destination countries of Italian Erasmus+ students 2014-2020
- Leading universities by number of outgoing Erasmus students in Italy 2018-2019
- Italy: adults with upper secondary or tertiary education attainment 2007-2016
- Share of internet users engaging in online learning activities in Italy 2015-2022
- PISA results in Italy 2012-2022, by category
- Rate of high school dropouts in Italy 2010-2023
- Share of population that are university graduates in Italy 2000-2023, by age
- Effectiveness of degree at the workplace in Italy 2023
- Share of foreign students in lower secondary schools in Italy 2016/2017, by region
- Enrollment in PHD courses in Italy 2018-2019, by macro-region
- Share of female doctoral graduates in 2018-2019, by macro-region
- Italy: number of projects implemented via eTwinning 2005-2016
- Share of foreign children in primary schools 2018-2019, by macro-region
- Share of female doctoral graduates in Italy 2018-2019, by region
- Parents' views on online education problems in elementary school in Italy 2021
- Participation rate in high school in Italy 2012-2018, by gender
- Number of education enterprises in Italy 2019, by legal form
- Parents' opinion about online school in Italy 2021, by school level
- Parents' views on problems of online education in high school in Italy 2021
- Best Italian universities by Times Higher Education 2024
- Parents' views on problems of online education in middle school in Italy 2021
- Number of doctoral graduates in Italy 2018-2019, by macro-region
- Number of doctoral graduates in Italy 2018-2019, by region
- Enrollment in upper secondary schools in Italy 2014, by region and gender
- Enrollment in PhD courses in Italy 2018-2019, by region
- Enrollment in primary schools in Italy 2019, by region and gender
- Number of enrolled male students at Italian universities 2018-2019, by area
- Enrolled and graduated students at Italian universities 2022-2023, by course
- Number of enrolled female students at Italian universities 2019-2020
- Number of students registered at Art and Music Institutes in Italy 2015, by institute
- Italy: number of teachers at Art and Music Institutes, by institute
- Number of university students in Italy 2022-2023, by discipline and gender
- Italy: female citizens graduated from vocational and general high schools in 2015
- Number of high schools in Italy 2019, by type of schools' management
- Leading big public universities in Italy 2023. by score ranking
- Number of lower secondary schools in Italy 2019, by type of schools' management
- Repeaters in primary schools in Italy 2017, by gender and region
- Number of primary schools in Italy 2019, by region and type of schools' management
- Italy: children 0-3 years who have benefited from childcare facilities 2004-2016
- Foreign pupils in pre-primary schools in Italy 2018-2019, by region
- Enrollment in pre-primary schools in Italy 2018-2019, by region
- Enrolled students at Sapienza University of Rome in Italy 2020-2021
- Repeaters in primary schools in Italy 2017, by region
- Number of pre-primary schools in Italy 2019, by region and type of management
- Italy: users of socio-educational services for early childhood 2016
- Leading universities on Facebook Italy 2021
- Online universities in Italy 2022/2023, by enrollment
- Italy: level of satisfaction about public schools 2016, by macro-regions
- Number of vocational secondary schools in Italy 2019, by type of school
- Number of technical secondary schools in Italy 2019, by type of school
- Number of lyceums in Italy 2019, by type of school
- Opinion on prestige related to education professions 2019
- Number of Italian teachers who participated in Erasmus+ mobility projects 2014-2019
- Renovation and security plans for school buildings in Italy 2016
- Degree of acceptance of homosexual primary school teachers in Italy 2011
- Number of pre-primary schools in Italy 2018-2019, by region
- Number of lower secondary schools in Italy 2012-2022
- Number of elementary schools in Italy 2012-2022
- Opinions on the competence of teachers in Italy 2020
- Italy: day care places by region 2017
- Number of pre-primary schools 2012-2019
- Pupil to teacher ratio in Italy, 2013-2022
- Places in day care facilities in Italy 2020
- Day care facilities in Italy 2019
- Early childcare rate in Italy 2019, by macro-region
- Share of teachers with a temporary contract in Italy, 2015-2023
- Number of teachers in Italy, 2015-2023
- Leading 10 Italian universities by number of courses activated 2017/2018
- Forecast: pre-primary education revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Number of lower secondary schools in Italy 2021-2022, by region
- Forecast: primary education revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Italy: average monthly cost of day care places by region 2017
- Italy: coverage of demand for day care places by region 2017
- Forecast: general secondary education revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: post-secondary non-tertiary education revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: tertiary education revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: educational support services revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Number of students at leading Italian universities 2022/2023
- Foreign students studying in Italian universities 2023-2024, by country
- Opinion on public and private schools in Italy 2015
- Italy: students not benefiting from the school canteen service 2014/2015, by region
- Italy: inflow of university students from European countries 2005-2012
- Italy: outflow of university students to other European countries 2005-2012
- Number of high schools in Italy 2012-2019
- Number of elementary schools in Italy 2018-2019, by region
- Number of high schools in Italy 2018-2019, by region
- Mean number of pupils per class in Italian middle schools 2012-2022
- Level of trust in schools in Italy 1999-2020
- Enrollment in middle schools in Italy 2021-2022 by region
- Number of children in elementary schools 2021-2022, by region
- Enrollment in upper secondary schools in Italy 2021-2022, by region
- Share of repeaters in high schools in Italy 2012-2019
- Share of graduated from upper secondary schools in Italy 2012-2019
- Share of graduated from upper secondary schools in Italy 2012-2017, by gender
- Italy: average number of students per class in upper secondary schools 2018-2019
- Italy: number of schools registered to eTwinning portal 2016, by school level
- Number of children per class in kindergartens in Italy 2018-2019, by macro-region
- Enrollment at high schools in Italy 2012-2022
- Enrollment in middle schools in Italy 2018-2019, by macro-region