Statistics about Society in Italy
- Italians who emigrated abroad 2008-2017, by destination country
- Italians who moved abroad 2017, by age group and destination country
- Distribution of Italians who emigrated in the last year 2021, by macro-region
- Italians living abroad and holding a university degree 2017, by country
- Distribution of Italians who emigrated 2021, by region
- Italian emigration to Germany, Switzerland, and France1954-1974
- Number of Italian migrants to Brazil 1881-1931
- Number of Italian migrants to the United States 1881-1931
- Italian citizens living abroad who returned to Italy 2017, by country of emigration
- Number of migrants' deaths recorded at the Italian-French border 2016-2018
- Opinions on immigration as a problem in Italy December 2019
- Share of Italians with a university degree by country of residence 2017
- Number of refugees in Italy 1992-2023
- Italy: opinion on reducing immigration level 2017, by religious practice
- Italy: opinions on second-generation migrants as part of the national community 2018
- Opinions on welcoming migrants in Italy 2018
- Italy: opinion on the major threat to the Country 2017
- Italy: opinion on hosting more migrants in the country 2018
- Opinions on migrants as an economic resource in Italy 2018
- Net internal migration in Italy 2020, by region
- Number of Italians reported to live abroad 2006-2022
- Irregular arrivals to Italy and residence permits to Africans in Italy 2011-2017
- Italy: perceived and actual size of immigrant population 2018
- Number of refugees resettled in Italy 2015-2020
- Percentage of non-EU women in Italy 2020, by country of origin
- Opinions on immigration as one of the main issues in Italy 2019, by party affiliation
- Opinions on the role of Italy in Libya's crisis 2020
- Opinions on impact of Libya's crisis on immigration in Italy 2020
- Asylum applications pending at the end of the month in Italy 2021-2023
- Third-country nationals found to be illegally present in Italy 2012-2023
- Third-country nationals enforced to leave Italy 2014-2020
- Italy: rescued migrants with the Operation Mare Nostrum 2005-2014
- Distribution of declared nationalities of migrants upon arrival in Italy 2022
- Voluntary returns of third-country nationals recorded in Italy 2014-2020
- Asylum applications made by Africans in Italy 2018-2022, by nationality
- Asylum applications by people from Middle East in Italy 2018-2022, by nationality
- Asylum applications made by Asians in Italy 2018-2022, by nationality
- Italy: opinion on immigrants as a threat to employment 2016
- Most frequent immigrant nationalities declared upon arrival in Italy 2023
- Number of Italian migrants to Argentina 1881-1931
- Italy: general opinion on migrants 2016
- Migrant arrivals in Italy by sea 2014-2023
- Italy: top three countries of destination for expats 2018
- Potential reasons to leave Italy for another country 2017
- Distribution of Italians reported living abroad 2021, by gender
- Italy: share of expats living abroad 2018, by relationship status
- Number of Japanese residents in Italy 2014-2023
- Expenditure sustained for the migration crisis in Italy 2011-2016
- Foreign-born population of Italy 2009-2023
- Italy: internal net migration rate 2015, by region
- Italy: opinion on acceptance and rejection of immigrants 2017
- Italy: public opinion on immigrants as a danger 2008-2017
- Long-term residence permits of non-EU citizens in Italy 2020
- Residence permits of non-EU citizens in Italy 2020, by country of citizenship
- Leading destinations of Italian migrants within the EU 2021
- Leading 10 nationalities of European migrants in Italy 2015
- Italy: top three nationalities of expats 2018
- Italy: opinion on immigration as humanitarian emergency or invasion 2016
- Annual inflows of non-EU citizens in Italy 2023, by reason
- Share of residence permits given to non-EU citizens in Italy 2019-2023, by reason
- Unaccompanied migrant minors arriving in Italy 2014-2024
- Opinion on immigrants in Italy 2023
- Opinions on the fear of foreigners in Italy 1999-2023
- Number of Japanese residents in Milan 2015-2020
- Italy: motives for moving abroad for a job 2017
- Italy: fear of immigration 2017
- Number of asylum applications in Italy 2023, by nationality
- Italy: opinion on immigrants 2017
- Number of asylum applicants in Italy 2022-2024
- Italy: willingness to relocate for a job 2017
- Public trust in State Police in Italy 2013-2024
- Perceived likelihood of police returning a lost wallet in Italy 2020
- Expenditure on Armed Force Carabinieri 2019-2020
- Italy: aggressions against police forces during roadside checks 2016, by victim
- Number and composition of families in Florence January 2024
- Distribution of commuters in Italy 2019, by region and destination
- Population natural increase in Italy 2023, by region
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Basilicata 2016
- Inhabitants of Florence by age group January 2024
- Commuters travelling by public transportation in Italy 2019, by region and status
- Italy: demographic dynamics in 2016
- Total inhabitants in Venice by area 1871-2023
- Percentage of commuters in Italy 2019, by region and status
- Share of commuters in Italy 2019, by municipality size and duration
- Post-COVID car use frequency intentions in Italy 2020
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Abruzzo 2016
- Demographic dynamics of Italian region Lombardy 2019
- Commuters travelling from Italy to Switzerland 2019-2021
- Private bike use frequency in Italy 2020
- Inhabitants of Turin 2018-2022
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Campania 2016
- Commuting population by bus, tram, or trolleybus in Italy 2019, by region
- Average age in Milan province 2010-2024
- Stereotypes about women among the G7 countries 2021
- Italy: environmentally friendly habits among Italians 2017
- Migration index in Bologna 2010-2022
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Calabria 2016
- Stereotypes about women in Italy 2023
- Italy: survey on most common stereotypes about women 2018
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Emilia-Romagna 2016