Statistics about Society in Italy
- Most populated cities in Venice metropolitan city 2024
- Household structures in Italy 2023
- Average age of the population in Italy 2024, by macro-region
- Age distribution of the population in Italy 2024, by macro-region
- Age distribution of the population in Italy 2015-2030
- Mean size of Italian families 2022, by macro-region
- Population in Italy in 2024, by macro-region
- Foreigners Turin 2018-2022
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Marche 2016
- Distribution of the Italian population in Italy 2019, by civil status
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Apulia 2016
- Number of foreign residents in Italy 2010-2024
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Umbria 2016
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Tuscany 2016
- Number of families in Italy 2013-2019
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Lazio 2016
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Piedmont 2016
- Distribution of foreign population in Italy 2020, by religious affiliation
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Sardinia 2016
- Average size of households in Italy 2010-2024
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Sicily 2016
- Activities of individuals aged 65-74 years in Italy 2016
- Resident population in Italy 2024, by region
- Elderly population dependency ratio in Italy 2012-2024
- Italian population 2016, by macro-region
- Population aged 0-15 years in Italy 2021, by gender
- Number of female foreign residents in Italy 2016, by country of origin
- Resident population in Italy 2012-2024
- Distribution of commuters in Italy 2019, by destination and municipality
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Friuli-Venezia Giulia 2016
- Dependency ratio in Italy 2012-2024
- Leading municipalities for commuters in Italy 2019, by destination
- Residents in Bologna 2010-2022
- Distribution of commuters in Italy 2019, by destination
- Number of commuters in Italy 2019, by region and status
- Population in Italy in 2024, by gender
- Opinion on euthanasia in Italy 2019, by age group
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Aosta Valley 2016
- Distribution of female population in Italy 2019, by age group
- Distribution of population in Italy 2019, by age group
- Foreign residents in Italy 2021
- Number of foreigners in Italy 2019, by gender
- Female population in Italy 2019, by age group
- Foreign population in Italy January 2019, by macro-region
- Distribution of male population in Italy 2019, by age group
- Number of commuters in Italy 2019, by destination and purpose
- Male population in Italy 2019, by age group
- Leading municipalities for commuters in Italy 2019, by status
- Italy: demographic dynamics in Liguria 2016
- Absolute poverty rate among families in Italy 2012-2023
- Severe material deprivation rate in two-person households in Italy 2021
- Severe material deprivation rate in three-person households in Italy 2021
- Italy: opinion on poverty in 2017
- Absolute poverty incidence rate in Italy 2014-2023, by gender
- Risk of poverty rate in Italy 2004-2023
- Incidence of poverty among children aged up to 17 years in Italy 2020, by gender
- Economic situation of families in Italy 2020
- Incidence rate of absolute poverty among families in Italy 2021, by region
- Incidence rate of absolute poverty in Italy 2019-2022, by household type
- Severe material deprivation rate in four-person households in Italy 2021
- People at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Italy 2019, by macro-region
- Incidence rate of absolute poverty in Italy 2010-2020, by age group
- Families living in absolute poverty in Italy 2016-2020, by members
- Children at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Italy 2019, by age
- People at risk of poverty and social exclusion in Italy 2018, by gender
- People at risk of poverty and social exclusion in Italy 2018, by age and gender
- Population living below the national (absolute) poverty line in Italy 2005-2019
- Risk of poverty rate in Italy 2023, by region
- Italy: source of income of homeless individuals 2014
- Italy: homeless individuals 2014, by educational level
- Individual absolute poverty rate in Italy 2008-2020
- Children at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Italy 2011-2020
- Poverty line for households in Italy 2023
- Severe material deprivation rate in Italy 2004-2019
- People at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Italy 2021, by region
- Severe material deprivation rate in multi-person households in Italy 2021
- Incidence rate of absolute poverty in Italy 2019-2021, by age
- Incidence rate of absolute poverty in Italy 2019-2021, by employment status
- Number of families and people living below the poverty line in Italy 2014-2022
- Severe material deprivation rate in one-person households in Italy 2021
- Italy: causes for falling into poverty in 2016
- Italians at risk of poverty or social exclusion 2004-2023
- Italy: positive opinion on legalization of marijuana 2009-2016
- Reported thefts in Italy 2023, by region
- Crime rate in Italy 2023, by province
- Rate of burglaries in G7 countries 2010-2020, by country
- Total number of crimes in Italy 2014-2023
- Rate of thefts in G7 countries 2010-2020, by country
- Most frequently stolen SUVs in Italy 2017, by model
- Seizures of synthetic drugs Italy 2010-2020
- Reported cannabis-related crimes Italy 2010-2020
- Seizures of heroin in Italy 2010-2020
- Residential burglary rate in Italy 2020, by province
- Robbery rate in Italy 2022, by province
- Theft rate in Italy 2022, by province
- Number of drug seizures in Italy 2019, by type
- Seizures of cannabis plants in Italy 2010-2020
- Italy: anti-counterfeiting measures 2015, by type
- Most frequently stolen passenger cars in Italy 2017, by type
- Burglary rate in shops in Italy 2020, by province