Statistics about Society in Italy
- Italy: Police and Carabinieri special operations against foreign fighters 2015
- Italy: two most important problems to face 2017
- Main fears and insecurities in Italy 2017
- Expulsions of imams for terrorism in Italy 2001-2018
- Expulsions for terrorism-related charges in Italy 2016-2021
- Italy: worries related to terrorism after the London attack 2017
- Italy: daily life impact of last series of worldwide terrorist attacks 2017
- Italy: trust in intelligence services in preventing terrorist attacks 2017
- Italy: arrests for terrorism-related offences 2011-2015
- Italy: opinion on the possibility of terrorist attacks 2017
- Average monthly rainfall in Italy 2017
- Maximum average monthly temperature in Italy 2017
- Monitored Foreign Fighters in Italy 2016-2021
- Extremists arrested for domestic terrorism in Italy 2017-2019
- Italy: fear of terrorist attacks in 2017
- Italy: opinion on Muslims distancing themselves from terrorist attacks 2016
- Public opinion on the European war against terrorism in Italy 2016
- Italy: opinion on involvement of the EU in the fight against terrorism in 2017
- Italy: opinion on the absence of terrorist attacks in the country in 2017
- Italy: opinion on the strength of ISIS in 2017
- Racist and xenophobic crimes in Italy 2022, by type
- Reasons not to report gender violence and stalking cases in Italy Q1 2021
- Gender violence cases in Italy 2021, by location
- Gender violence and stalking cases in Italy 2021, by relationship with the abuser
- Number of rapes in Italy 2022, by region
- Number of violent crimes recorded in Italy 2019-2020, by region
- Murder cases committed by the Mafia in Italy H1 2016
- Reported individuals for mafia-type association crimes in Italy 2016-2018, by age
- Italy: reasons why women struggle to report men's violence 2017
- Reports of suspected financial operations in Italy H1 2020, by region
- Reported cases of bribery and corruption crimes in Italy H2 2013-H1 2016
- Opinions on decree law on femicides among young people in Italy 2018, by gender
- Italy: secondary school students' opinion on violence against women 2018
- Acceptability of domestic violence against women in Italy 2016
- Public perception of domestic violence against men in Italy 2016
- Reactions by victims of gender violence and stalking in Italy Q1 2021
- Italy: offensive, disrespectful, violent episodes among students 2014 by macro-region
- Calls made by third parties to gender violence helplines in Italy Q1 2021, by cause
- Women's perception of crimes against women in Italy 2018
- Hate crimes in Italy 2023, by bias motivation
- Femicides in Italy 2023, by relationship to the killer
- Number of murdered women in Italy 2002-2023
- Number of hate crimes in Italy 2023, by type
- Opinions on the rise of femicide in Italy 2018
- Biggest problems related to the mafia nowadays in Italy 2017
- Opinions on effectiveness of the fight against the mafia in Italy 2017
- Female stalking victims in Italy 2018, by age
- Italy: distribution of anti-violence centers 2017, by macro-region
- Number of calls to the gender violence helpline in Italy 2018-2024
- Committed and reported crimes against children in Italy 2014-2020
- Committed and reported crimes against children in Italy 2020, by type of crime
- Italy: number of abuse cases followed by the Meter Association 2016, by region
- Locations of bullying in Italy 2015
- Italy: perception of public safety 2017
- Voluntary manslaughter in Italy 2017-2018
- Number of homicides carried out by mafia in Italy 2019, by province
- Number of homicides carried out by mafia in Italy 2019, by region
- Italy: Italian women victims of attempted rape 2014, by nationality of aggressor
- Italy: secondary school students' opinion on causes of violence against women 2018
- Number of calls to the gender violence helpline in Italy 2024, by reason
- Homicide suspects in G7 countries 2022, by gender
- Number of male victims of homicide in Italy 2010-2017
- Young peopleĀ“s opinion on women tolerating domestic violence in Italy 2017
- Young people's opinion on relationship domestic violence-alcohol/drugs in Italy 2017
- Familiarity with victims of harassment or violence in Italy 2016
- Italy: opinion on gender-based violence and femicide 2016
- Italy: share of women victims of sexual blackmail during their lifetime in 2015-2016
- Italy: perception of public safety in 2017
- Number of women victims of homicide in Italy 2017, by relationship to killer
- Opinions on the draft law against Revenge Porn in Italy 2018, by gender
- Number of male victims of homicide in Italy 2017, by relationship to murderer
- Reasons for being bullied in Italy 2018, by gender
- Italy: physical violence against women 2014, by type of assault
- Italy: physical violence against women from previous partners 2014
- Italy: physical violence against women from actual partners 2014
- Italy: physical violence against women from partners 2014, by nationality
- Italy: physical violence against women from partner 2014, by confidant
- Female victims of sexual violence or attempted sexual violence in Italy 2014
- Homicide rate of G7 countries 2000-2021, by country
- Italy: number of Italian women who reported rape to the authorities in 2014
- Spreading of sexually explicit images without consent in Italy 2017-2020
- Number of homicides in Italy 2011-2024
- Italy: Italian women victims of rape in 2014, by nationality of aggressor
- Number of homicides related to mafia in Italy 1983-2017
- Share of homicides related to mafia in Italy 1983-2017
- Share of women that have experienced street harassment in Italy 2018 by type
- Types of sexual harassment that women have experienced at work in Italy 2019
- Spread of revenge porn in Italy 2020
- Italy: secondary school students' opinion on causes of violence against women 2018
- Number of femicide victims in Italy 2017-2018, by relationship to murderer
- Number of rapes reported to the authorities in Italy 2006-2023
- Share of female victims of abuse in Italy 2019, by type
- Seizures and confiscations by anti-mafia police in Italy H2 2019
- Italy: women who experienced physical violence before age 16 from the father 2014
- Crimes motivated by bias against LGBTI people in Italy 2021, by type
- Distribution of reports of sexual violence in Italy 2019, by gender
- Stalking reports in Italy 2019, by region
- Murder cases committed by the Mafia in Italy H1 2015-H1 2018
- Reports of suspected money laundering in Italy H1 2020, by type
- Reports of suspected money laundering in Italy 2019, by macro-region