Statistics about Economy & Politics in Italy
- Italy: opinion on the major issue of the city of Rome 2016
- Italy: five longest governments from 1948 to 2016, by duration
- Italy: five shortest governments from 1948 to 2016, by duration
- Italy: level of trust towards the President Sergio Mattarella 2017
- Italy: anger over high-earners 2017
- Italy: popularity of international political leaders 2017
- Italy: opinion on the European Union project after 60 years from foundation 2017
- Italy: opinion on the crisis of the Italian democracy 2018
- Italy: trust in the Italian government
- Italy: opinion on the austerity policies 2015
- Italy: level of appreciation of political leaders as of March 2017
- Italy: opinion on democracy and a democratic country 2018
- Italy: trust in the European Union 2018
- Italy: opinion on best result accomplished by the European Union 2018
- Italy: voter turnout for Constitutional referendum 2016
- Italy: opinion on current state of democracy 2017
- Italy: reasons for lack of valorization of cultural heritage 2016
- Number of public universities in Italy 2020, by region
- Number of cultural institutes in the world in Italy 2018, by geographical area
- Italy: number of metropolitan cities 2015, by region
- Popularity of Mayor of Rome compared to her predecessors Italy 2017
- Rate of trust in the ministers in Italy 2018
- Italy: public opinion towards China 2017
- Italy: opinion on representative of populism 2017
- Italy: level of trust in the European Union in 2010-2017
- Italy: political events which characterized 2016
- Italy: events impressed in the memory 2016
- Opinions on Matteo Salvini's actions as Minister of Interior in 2018
- Number of Italian embassies in the world in Italy 2019, by geographical area
- Italy: result for Constitutional referendum 2016, by age
- Italy: issues mainly depending on the European Union (EU) 2016
- Government deficit as share of the GDP in Italy 2011-2022
- Total tax revenue as share of the GDP in Italy 2012-2019
- Corruption Perceptions Index in Italy 2012-2023
- Italy: participation in activities of people aged +64 years 2017, by type of activity
- Italy: opinion on Catalan referendum 2017
- Impact of government measures on public opinion of NGOs in Italy 2017
- Italy: opinion on Jus soli citizenship right bill 2017
- Italy: opinion on corruption of women 2017
- Italy: opinion on Donald Trump's presidency in 2017
- Italy: trust in realization of election promises in 2018
- Online hate speech against Roma and Sinti in Italy 2015, by political adherence
- Italy: trust in women managing public funds 2017
- Italy: opinion on Italy's main ally in Europe in 2017
- Italy: government trust index in 2013-2018
- Italy: opinion on lobbying and political influence in the European Union 2017
- Opinion on rise of women to power and state of corruption in Italy 2017
- Italy: opinion on Stability Law for 2017
- Italy: opinion on reasons why law could not counter the spread of corruption 2015
- Italy: number of provinces 2015, by region
- Italy: trust in the European Union (EU) in 2010-2017
- Italy: public opinion towards political party Lega Nord 2017
- Italy: the challenge between Trump and Clinton 2016
- Confidence in German Chancellor Angela Merkel regarding world affairs in Italy 2017
- Italy: public opinion of political party Brothers of Italy-National Alliance 2017
- Italy: public opinion towards political party Five Star Movement 2017
- Italy: members EU Parliament´s intergroups 2016, by group
- Italy: opinion on the independence of Veneto 2016
- Italy: best describing adjective for Donald Trump 2017
- Italy: public trust in institutions 2017
- Level of trust in ministers of the government in Italy 2017
- Italy: public opinion towards political party Forza Italia 2017
- Italy: opinion on consequences for the EU of UK leaving the European Union 2017
- Total number of Referendums in Italy 1946-2016
- Italy: real leader of the party Movimento 5 Stelle 2017
- Italy: most feared world politicians 2017
- Italy: vote preference Trump vs Clinton 2016, by Italian party adherence
- Opinion on democracy without parties in Italy 2019, by party preference
- Supporters of democracy as preferable form of government in Italy 2013-2021
- Political activities and participation in Italy 2020
- Level of satisfaction with public and private services in Italy 2020
- Public trust in institutions in Italy 2020
- Italy: opinion on European Union membership 2017
- Italy: level of appreciation of the new mayor of Turin Chiara Appendino 2016
- Voting intentions for parliamentary elections in Italy September 2021
- Italy: opinion on European Union dealing with the refugee issue 2017
- Italy: opinion on individuals against the Jus soli citizenship rights 2017
- Italy: Bill Gates calling for reconsidering policy of welcoming migrants 2017
- Italy: confidence in Vladimir Putin regarding world affairs 2001-2023
- Italy: public opinion towards personal freedom in France 2017
- Italy: public opinion towards personal freedom in China 2017
- Opinion on politicians responsible for the waste emergency in Rome Italy 2017
- Leading political pages on Facebook in Italy 2021
- Italy: opinion on press freedom on sensitive issues 2015
- Italy: public opinion about European Union (EU) 2017
- Italy: confidence in U.S. President Donald Trump regarding world affairs 2017
- Opinion on closing ports to foreign NGOs rescuing migrants in Italy 2017
- Italy: attitude towards the European Union (EU) 2017
- Italy: level of trust towards the politician Matteo Renzi 2017
- Opinion on French election´s impact on Europe in Italy 2017
- Opinions on leaving the European Union 2018
- Opinion on the political controversy over NGOs and migrants in Italy 2017
- Italy: opinion on celebrating and remembering April 25 and May 1 nowadays 2017
- Preferred qualities for a charismatic political leader in Italy 2017
- Italy: opinion on Germany´s influence in decision-making in the European Union 2017
- Italy: appreciation of international political leaders among M5S voters 2017
- Gross salary of architecture and design industry employees in Italy 2020, by gender
- Gross salary of cement, bricks & ceramics industry employees in Italy 2019, by gender
- Annual gross salary of staffing agencies' employees in Italy 2019, by gender
- Italy: satisfaction with working time in 2017