Statistics about Economy & Politics in Italy
- Opinions on the most worrying topics in Italy August 2021
- Opinions on benefits from EU membership in Italy 2019
- Italy: opinion on the impact of opposing political views on society 2018
- Italy: opinion on social media as means of political expression 2018
- Opinions on the role of the European Parliament in Italy 2019
- Italy: predictions about world society and culture 2019
- Italy: opinion on society in danger due to political differences 2018
- Opinions on the EU monetary and economic union with the single currency in Italy 2018
- Negative traits associated with EU in Italy 2018
- Italy: opinion on EU, European Parliament & European Commission 2018
- Italy: predictions about important global affairs 2019
- Political disinterest in Italy 2020, by age group
- Lack of citizens' confidence in institutions in Italy 2018
- Italy: opinion most important Human Rights in 2018
- Contributions received by the political party Lega in Italy 2018-2020
- Italy: opinion on the meaning of Human Rights in everyday life 2018
- Italy: opinion on domestic Human Rights violations 2018
- Number of non Italian European citizens known among Italians 2019
- Opinions on most preferred European country to live among Italians 2019
- European citizens personally known among Italians 2019, by country of origin
- Italy: opinion on Human Rights 2018
- Italy: populist sentiments in 2018
- Face masks provided by governmental entities in Italy 2020
- Contributions received by the political party Partito Democratico in Italy 2018-2020
- Italians' opinions on role of Italy and EU towards Afghanistan 2021
- Frequency teenagers informed themselves about politics in Italy 2020
- Teenagers participating to political activities in Italy 2020
- Frequency of teenagers talking about politics in Italy 2020
- Italians' opinions on EU images 2011-2021
- Italians' opinions on countries to admit into the EU 2021
- Share of women in politics in Italy 2024, by position
- Italians' opinions on EU enlargement
- Satisfaction with public services in Italy 2020, by service
- Opinions on green pass in Italy 2021
- Opinions on green pass in Italy 2021, by political party
- Contributions received by the political party Forza Italia 2018-2020
- Contributions received by the political party Five Start Movement 2019-2020
- Italians trusting the President Sergio Mattarella 2015-2023
- Number of accepted asylum applications in Italy 2012-2023
- Public trust in Prime Minister Mario Draghi government in Italy 2021
- Citizens who express trust in public institutions in Italy 2020
- Private financing of political parties in Italy 2016-2023
- Government spending on unemployment in Italy 2001-2022
- Italy: most discussed topics by politicians on social media 2018
- Italy: Facebook fans of Italian political leaders 2017, by leader
- Share of users trusting data protection by public institutions in Italy 2018
- Political information in Italy 2023, by frequency
- Approval rate of Giorgia Meloni in Italy 2024
- Perceptions on the possibility of a terrorist attack in Italy in 2016
- Forecast: political organizations revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Number of Senators in Italian Parliament 2021, by gender and age
- Participation in ethical and social activities in Italy 2022
- Italy: opinion on Macron declaring France will play its part on refugees 2017
- Italy: opinion on referendum about Italexit 2016
- Number of Deputies in Italian Parliament 2021, by gender and age
- Average age of Senators in Italian Parliament 2021, by gender
- Opinions on being part of EU in Italy 2019
- Private financing of Italian parties 2016-2023, by political party
- Italian parties admitted to the National register of political parties 2014-2023
- Contributions received by the political party Fratelli d'Italia in Italy 2018-2020
- Number of final decisions on asylum applications in Italy 2012-2022
- Opinions on Di Maio's resignation from M5S leadership in Italy 2020
- Opinions on the duration of Conte's government in Italy 2019
- Dublin requests submitted by Italy 2012-2022
- Positive decisions on asylum for selected nationalities in Italy 2020
- Dublin requests received in Italy 2012-2020
- Number of resettled asylum applicants in Italy 2015-2022
- Opinions on the Sardines' Movement in Italy 2019
- Italians' opinions on likelihood of certain social and cultural events to happen 2020
- Number of successful grants of Geneva Convention status in Italy 2012-2022
- Opinions on the usefulness of European Stability Mechanism (ESM) in Italy 2019
- Potential voters of Movimento delle Sardine in Italy 2019, by party affiliation
- Opinion on the doctrine of Souverainism in Italy 2019
- Opinions on the political organization Movimento delle Sardine in Italy 2019
- Knowledge of European Stability Mechanism (ESM) in Italy 2019
- Voting intentions for Virginia Raggi in potential elections in Rome Italy 2019
- Residents' opinions on Mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi 2019
- Italians' political engagement by occupation 2023
- Number of negative asylum applications in Italy 2012-2023
- Tax contributors financing political parties in Italy 2016-2023
- Italians' political engagement 2023
- Italians' confidence in institutions 2022
- Women in Italian Parliament 2024, by party
- Democracy Index in Italy 2010-2023
- Trust in the EU in Italy 2018-2024
- Opinion on Mario Draghi's government in Italy 2021
- Opinions on priorities for the Italian city of Rome 2019
- Support for Ukraine EU membership in key EU member states 2022
- Opinion on Mario Draghi's government in Italy 2021, by party preference
- Voting intentions in Italy 2022-2024
- Democracy index in Italy 2020, by category
- Voting intentions for referendum on parliament members in Italy 2020
- Italy: mentions of Italian political leaders on Twitter 2018, by leader
- Italy: opinion on Mattarella's veto on Paolo Savona 2018
- Italy: public opinion about the future of the European Union (EU) 2016
- Italy: European Parliament election turnout 1974-2014
- Italy: worldwide political events which hit public opinion 2017
- Opinions on the work of the Mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi 2017
- Italy: opinion on denying NGOs access to migrant rescue services 2017
- Opinion on closing ports to NGO boats in Italy 2017