Statistics about Economy & Politics in Italy
- Italy: distribution of work accidents in 2021, by place of accident
- Duration of unemployment in Italy 2020
- Sectors with the largest number of job offers in Italy 2019
- Italy: willingness to make sacrifices to retire early 2015
- Italy: willingness to work from home in 2017
- Number of public administration employees who were sick in Italy 2016, by age group
- Italy: incidence rate of fatal or serious occupational injuries 2005-2016
- Italy: number of private sector female employees sick in 2016, by age group
- Italy: number of employees sick in 2016, by sector
- Non-seasonal hiring expected by enterprises in Italy 2019, by education level
- Quarterly unemployment rate in Italy 2018-2024, by gender
- Young people's opinion on men taking care of children in Italy 2019
- Accidents at work in manufacturing sectors in Italy 2019-2021
- Employed people´s satisfaction with their job in Italy 2011-2020
- Employed people's satisfaction with their job in Italy 2020, by gender
- Italy: unemployment figures for intermediate regions 2011-2015
- Opinion on career possibilities of young people in Italy 2018, by age group
- Italy: unemployment figures for predominantly rural regions 2011-2015
- Self-employed workers in Italy 2014, by region and nationality
- Self-employed workers starting a new industry activity in Italy 2016, by age
- Self-employed workers with bachelors and higher education in Italy 2014, by region
- Self-employed and entrepreneurs in Italy 2016, by age
- Average weekly working hours in Italy 2015, by region
- Mondadori absenteeism rate in Italy 2014-2016
- Employment rate of foreigners in Italy 2019-2020
- Economic activity rate 15-64 years old in Italy 2019-2020
- Estimated employment growth in Italy 2021-2035, by sector
- Italy: employers' opinion on Jobs Act 2015
- Italy: most important factors affecting hiring decisions 2015
- Share of long-term unemployed people in Italy 2018, by region
- Regional unemployment rate in Italy 2023, by gender
- Italy: employers' opinion on employability of university graduates 2015
- Regional youth unemployment rate in Italy 2019, by gender
- Share of part-time employees in Italy 2020, by region
- Regional share of employees with fixed-term contracts in 2018, by gender
- Employees with fixed-term contracts in Italy 2020, by region
- Italy: opinion on being rich in 2017
- Italy: employees in the real estate activities industry 2008-2015
- Italy: share of female managers 2017
- Italy: satisfaction with balancing needs of work and personal life/family 2016
- Italy: fathers´ wishes related to work/family balance 2017
- Value added in basic prices per hour worked in Italy 2004-2013
- Quarterly employed labor force in Italy 2019-2020
- Italy: share of fathers who made use of the optional parental leave 2017
- Italy: reasons for fathers to use the parental leave 2017
- Italy: knowledge about the paternity leave 2017
- Italy: share of fathers who made use of the compulsory paternity leave 2017
- Italy: reasons for fathers not to use the parental leave 2017
- Italy: protection of the fathers´ rights 2017
- Italy: unemployment figures by urban-rural typology in 2015
- Italy: number of housewives 2016, by region
- Italy: applications received for national civilian service 2011-2017
- Italy: volunteers needed for national civilian service projects 2017, by call
- Quarterly employment rate in Italy 2024, by region
- Employed labor force in Italy 2019-2024
- Employment rate in Italy 2004-2024
- Employment-to-population ratio of men in G7 countries 2010-2023, by country
- Number of organizations participating in civilian service in Italy 2016, by region
- Italy: average number of job applications made in previous year by macro region 2018
- Italy: number of housewives 2016, by education level
- Italy: preferences on form of employment among young people 2018, by gender
- Italy: number of female managers 2017
- Italy: long-term unemployed individuals 2007-2018
- Italy: unemployment figures for predominantly urban regions 2011-2015
- Italy: irregular workers 2007-2016
- Self-employed individuals in Italy 2018-2020
- Share of overqualified employees in Italy 2018, by region
- Job satisfaction in Italy 2023, by region
- Perception of job insecurity in Italy 2018, by region
- Perception of job insecurity in Italy 2018, by macro-region
- Number of foreign employees in Italy 2019, by sector
- Employment rate monthly in Italy 2019-2021
- Italy: number of job experiences among young people 2018, by age group
- Rate of permanence in employment in Italy 2016, by citizenship
- Monthly number of employed people monthly in Italy 2020-2021
- Italy: average annual working hours per worker 1995-2015
- Italy: unemployment benefits and solidarity contracts 2015, by region
- Italy: top 5 leading staffing firms in 2016, by revenue
- Main obstacles faced by professionals when changing jobs in Italy 2016
- Italy: preferences on form of employment among young people by employment status 2018
- Italy: willingness to take low-paying jobs among young people 2018
- Employment by economic sector in Italy 2019-2020
- Retirement age in Italy 2010-2024, by gender
- Net revenues of employment agencies in Italy 2015-2017
- Employment activity rate in Italy 2020-2023
- Unemployment rate in Italy 2023, by age group
- Youth unemployment rate in Italy 2023, by region
- Economic inactivity rate in Italy 2019-2024, by gender
- Quarterly youth unemployment rate in Italy 2019-2024, by gender
- Youth unemployed people in Italy 2023, by educational level
- Youth part-time employment in Italy 2015-2023, by gender
- Economically inactive people in Italy 2019-2024
- Employment rate of master's degree graduates in Italy 2020, by field
- Share of people working from home in European countries, by number of days 2020
- Temporary employees in Italy 2005-2023
- Youth labor force participation rate in G20 countries 2022, by education
- Youth labor force participation rate in G20 countries 2022
- Youth NEET rate in G20 countries 2022, by gender
- Youth unemployment rate in G20 countries 2022, by education
- Unemployment rate in Italy 2008-2026