Nina Jobst
Research expert covering South Korea
Detailed statistics
M-commerce sales volume South Korea 2014-2024
Detailed statistics
M-commerce sales volume South Korea 2014-2024
Detailed statistics
Mobile shopping transaction value South Korea 2023, by commodity
Detailed statistics
Mobile shopping transaction value South Korea 2023, by commodity
Detailed statistics
Annual mobile shopping sales share in South Korea 2013-2023
Detailed statistics
Annual mobile shopping sales share in South Korea 2013-2023
Online shopping penetration in South Korea 2023, by age
Internet shopping usage rate in South Korea as of September 2023, by age group
Online shopping penetration in South Korea 2023, by age
Internet shopping usage rate in South Korea as of September 2023, by age group
South Korea: mobile phone internet user penetration 2019-2029
Mobile phone internet user penetration in South Korea from 2019 to 2029
South Korea: mobile phone internet user penetration 2019-2029
Mobile phone internet user penetration in South Korea from 2019 to 2029
Online retail sales growth South Korea 2016-2024
Annual growth of online retail sales in South Korea from 2016 to 2024
Online retail sales growth South Korea 2016-2024
Annual growth of online retail sales in South Korea from 2016 to 2024
E-commerce sales volume South Korea 2010-2023
Online shopping transaction volume in South Korea from 2010 to 2023 (in trillion Korean won)
E-commerce sales volume South Korea 2010-2023
Online shopping transaction volume in South Korea from 2010 to 2023 (in trillion Korean won)
M-commerce sales volume South Korea 2014-2024
Mobile shopping transaction volume in South Korea from 2014 to 2024 (in trillion South Korean won)
M-commerce sales volume South Korea 2014-2024
Mobile shopping transaction volume in South Korea from 2014 to 2024 (in trillion South Korean won)
E-commerce shopping channel usage rate South Korea 2023, by channel
Usage rate of e-commerce shopping channels in South Korea in 2023, by channel
E-commerce shopping channel usage rate South Korea 2023, by channel
Usage rate of e-commerce shopping channels in South Korea in 2023, by channel
Mobile shopping usage South Korea 2017-2023
Usage rate of mobile shopping in South Korea from 2017 to 2023
Mobile shopping usage South Korea 2017-2023
Usage rate of mobile shopping in South Korea from 2017 to 2023
Smartphone shopping usage South Korea 2023, by age
Usage of mobile shopping via smartphone in South Korea as of December 2023, by age
Smartphone shopping usage South Korea 2023, by age
Usage of mobile shopping via smartphone in South Korea as of December 2023, by age
Quarterly mobile shopping sales in South Korea 2013-2024
Mobile shopping transaction value in South Korea from 1st quarter 2013 to 1st quarter 2024 (in trillion South Korean won)
Quarterly mobile shopping sales in South Korea 2013-2024
Mobile shopping transaction value in South Korea from 1st quarter 2013 to 1st quarter 2024 (in trillion South Korean won)
Annual mobile shopping sales share in South Korea 2013-2023
Share of mobile shopping transaction value in South Korea from 2013 to 2023
Annual mobile shopping sales share in South Korea 2013-2023
Share of mobile shopping transaction value in South Korea from 2013 to 2023
Mobile shopping transaction value South Korea 2023, by commodity
Mobile shopping transaction value in South Korea in 2023, by commodity (in trillion South Korean won)
Mobile shopping transaction value South Korea 2023, by commodity
Mobile shopping transaction value in South Korea in 2023, by commodity (in trillion South Korean won)
Most accessed mobile shopping Android applications South Korea 2024
E-commerce mobile applications with the highest reach on Android in South Korea as of June 2024
Most accessed mobile shopping Android applications South Korea 2024
E-commerce mobile applications with the highest reach on Android in South Korea as of June 2024
General mobile shopping mall unique user number South Korea 2022-2023, by app
Unique number of general mobile shopping mall users in South Korea from July 2022 to July 2023, by application (in millions)
General mobile shopping mall unique user number South Korea 2022-2023, by app
Unique number of general mobile shopping mall users in South Korea from July 2022 to July 2023, by application (in millions)
Leading second-hand shopping platforms South Korea 2023, by sales revenue
Leading second-hand shopping mobile applications in South Korea in 2023, by sales revenue (in billion South Korean won)
Leading second-hand shopping platforms South Korea 2023, by sales revenue
Leading second-hand shopping mobile applications in South Korea in 2023, by sales revenue (in billion South Korean won)
Most used online shopping mall during the last month South Korea 2022, by gender
Most used online shopping mall during the last month in South Korea as of June 2022, by gender
Most used online shopping mall during the last month South Korea 2022, by gender
Most used online shopping mall during the last month in South Korea as of June 2022, by gender
E-commerce application average CPA South Korea 2020-2022
Average CPA (cost-per-action) of online shopping apps in South Korea from 2020 to July 2022 (in U.S. dollar)
E-commerce application average CPA South Korea 2020-2022
Average CPA (cost-per-action) of online shopping apps in South Korea from 2020 to July 2022 (in U.S. dollar)
Usage rate of paid memberships for mobile shopping apps South Korea 2023, by gender
Usage rate of paid memberships for leading mobile shopping apps in South Korea as of December 2023, by gender
Usage rate of paid memberships for mobile shopping apps South Korea 2023, by gender
Usage rate of paid memberships for leading mobile shopping apps in South Korea as of December 2023, by gender
Most used device while shopping online South Korea 2022
E-commerce shopping devices used during the last three months in South Korea as of June 2022
Most used device while shopping online South Korea 2022
E-commerce shopping devices used during the last three months in South Korea as of June 2022
Mobile shopping usage South Korea 2023, by gender
Usage of mobile shopping in South Korea as of December 2023, by gender
Mobile shopping usage South Korea 2023, by gender
Usage of mobile shopping in South Korea as of December 2023, by gender
Key buying considerations in online or mobile purchases South Korea 2022, by gender
Key buying considerations when making an online or mobile purchase in South Korea as of June 2022, by gender
Key buying considerations in online or mobile purchases South Korea 2022, by gender
Key buying considerations when making an online or mobile purchase in South Korea as of June 2022, by gender
Average monthly expenditure on online and mobile shopping malls South Korea 2022
Average monthly expenditure on selected online and mobile shopping malls in South Korea as of June 2022 (in 1,000 South Korean won)
Average monthly expenditure on online and mobile shopping malls South Korea 2022
Average monthly expenditure on selected online and mobile shopping malls in South Korea as of June 2022 (in 1,000 South Korean won)
Mobile payment share in total payment transactions South Korea 2019-2023
Share of mobile easy payments in total payment transactions in South Korea from 2019 to 2023
Mobile payment share in total payment transactions South Korea 2019-2023
Share of mobile easy payments in total payment transactions in South Korea from 2019 to 2023
Mobile easy payment share in digital payment transactions South Korea 2019-2023
Share of mobile easy payments in total digital payment transactions in South Korea from 2019 to 2023
Mobile easy payment share in digital payment transactions South Korea 2019-2023
Share of mobile easy payments in total digital payment transactions in South Korea from 2019 to 2023
Daily mobile payment transactions value South Korea 2016-2023
Average daily value of mobile easy payment transactions made in South Korea from 2016 to 2023 (in billion South Korean won)
Daily mobile payment transactions value South Korea 2016-2023
Average daily value of mobile easy payment transactions made in South Korea from 2016 to 2023 (in billion South Korean won)
Leading payment methods when mobile online shopping South Korea 2023
Leading payment methods used while shopping online on mobile devices within previous year in South Korea as of September 2023
Leading payment methods when mobile online shopping South Korea 2023
Leading payment methods used while shopping online on mobile devices within previous year in South Korea as of September 2023
Leading mobile payment providers in South Korea 2023
Most used mobile payment services in South Korea as October 2023
Leading mobile payment providers in South Korea 2023
Most used mobile payment services in South Korea as October 2023
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Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm (SGT)
Mon - Fri, 10:00am - 6:00pm (JST)
Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 5pm (GMT)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)