Cloud computing in the United States - statistics & facts

Driven by a surge in digital transformation and the adoption of advanced technologies like AI and 5G, the U.S. cloud computing market is thriving. The public cloud computing market generated a revenue of 292 billion U.S. dollars and is forecast to reach 476 billion U.S. dollars by 2028, showcasing a robust growth. According to industry experts, cloud computing will become an indispensable piece of technology for enterprises looking to leverage AI for their business.

Small businesses to the big three in cloud

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with limited capital expenditure are playing a pivotal role in this growth, increasingly relying on cloud solutions for their IT services, infrastructure and data storage needs. The pay-as-you-go model of cloud computing allows SMEs to manage their IT infrastructure through infrastructure as a service (IaaS) efficiently while overcoming financial and technical barriers faced in the dynamic digital landscape.

Key players like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are fueling innovation in the market, attracting businesses with their advanced cloud solutions. Especially with the disruption and hype of generative AI (GenAI), cloud service providers (CSPs) are empowering businesses to operate and engage with their customers in new and innovative ways. Through AI Ops or AI tools provided by the CSPs, businesses can bring proof-of-concept to production-ready solutions for personalized recommendations, optimize supply chains and enhance customer experiences.

The beginning of the cloud rise

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards cloud-based solutions, as organizations rushed to overcome operational disruptions and support remote work. With the ongoing adoption of AI, and the increasing demand for scalable and cost-effective IT solutions, the U.S. cloud computing market is poised for continued growth and innovation in the coming years. The U.S. holds the largest share of the North American cloud computing market, with the highest number of data-centers housing in the world, solidifies its position as a dominant force in the industry.  

Key insights

Leading industry for cloud adoption in the U.S.
Financial services
Biggest challenge for companies on cloud in the U.S.
Security & compliance
Top CloudOps workflow automation in the U.S.
Scaling resources

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Overview:The United States

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Special focus: Artificial intelligence (AI)


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