Discount grocery stores in Germany - statistics & facts
Aldi and Lidl
Aldi is split into Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd. The different parts of the name refer to the regions in which stores are open, north (Nord) and south (Süd). The company is present in many other European countries and even on other continents. Aldi is hailed as the birth of the "discounter principle" in Germany. All stores are arranged similarly, with groceries stacked up in cardboard holders on palettes and available for customers to take out. As of 2022, the Aldi Group operated a total of 4,215 stores in Germany. The next leading player on the discount grocer market, Lidl operates around 3,248 stores in the country. The brand has stores in many countries around the world, including the United States. Among other things, in Germany, the company is also known for focusing on selling products that were produced domestically. Lidl net sales worldwide have only increased in recent years, with almost 116 billion euros predicted for 2023.Penny
Penny's logo is another familiar sight for fans of discount grocery stores in Germany. The chain is owned by REWE, a well established food retail company in its own right. Penny recorded a slower, but steady revenue increase in recent years, with growth evident during the COVID-19 lockdowns.It would seem that discount grocery stores currently have the upper hand in food retail due to consumers reevaluating their budgetary and shopping decisions. While discounters have always been a popular choice, current events have driven customers even more. Will these stores fare better in the next years in terms of revenue than supermarkets? Only time will tell, but shoppers will always love a discount.