Young people's attitudes on whether social media use should be taught in Finland 2016

Share of young people, who think social media usage should be taught in selected places or institutions in Finland in 2016

CharacteristicShare of respondents
In schools (primary and/or secondary schools, vocational schools) 71%
At home 44%
During leisure activities (youth centers, hobbies, camps among others) 42%
Not needed, everyone should learn it on their own 27%
At work 21%
In universities of applied sciences 13%
In universities 12%
Created with Highcharts 7.2.2Share of respondents71%71%44%44%42%42%27%27%21%21%13%13%12%12%In schools (primary and/orsecondary schools,vocational schools)At homeDuring leisure activities(youth centers, hobbies,camps among others)Not needed, everyoneshould learn it on their ownAt workIn universities of appliedsciencesIn universities
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Release date

September 2016



Survey time period

May to August, 2016

Number of respondents

5,520 respondents

Age group

13-29 years

Method of interview

Online survey

Supplementary notes

The figures represent the share of respondents, who agreed to the following statements regarding the question: "Should social media usage be taught?"

According to the source the average respondent (n= 5520) was 19.5 years old and most of the respondents used social media from 6 to 9 hours per week. 70% of the respondents were women (n= 3838) and 28% of the respondents were men (n= 1562) with 2% of the respondents choosing the option "I don't want to say/ I can't say/ other". The target group was further split into three age groups:
13 to 17-year-olds (n= 2244), 18 to 22-year-olds (n= 1822) and 23 to 29-year-olds (n= 1454).

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