Estimate of ATM withdrawal value per capita in 32 countries in Europe 2019
When comparing ATM cash withdrawals to a country's population in 2019, Luxembourg, Austria and Switzerland seemingly are more into ATM withdrawals than other European countries. Austria's cash withdrawals, for example, were about 140 euros per week for every person older than 15 years of age. This is significantly higher than the 79 euros per week in Belgium. Does this then mean that cash is used more in Austria than in Belgium? Not necessarily, as the numbers shown here do lack some information to make that judgment. One important element missing from these figures, for example, is the cash money withdrawn at points of sale, or so-called "cash back". Some countries, like the Netherlands, barely use this option whereas other countries use this more often than ATM withdrawal. These figures do give a first glimpse of the differences that exist within Europe when it comes to their attitudes towards certain payment methods.