Statistics about Energy & Environment in Worldwide
- Global number of drought disasters 1990-2023
- Pressure of climate change issue millennials in 2013
- Climate change: Cost of adaption for productivity-enhancing investments
- Economic damage caused by major storms worldwide up to 2016
- Countries with highest number of drought disasters 1990-2023
- Forest loss induced by gold mining worldwide 2001-2019, by country
- Number of people affected by major storms worldwide up to 2016
- Economic loss due to major forest and wildfires worldwide up to 2016
- Annual global investment required to fund sustainable development from 2000 to 2050
- People affected by major floods worldwide up to 2016
- Number of fatalities due to major storms worldwide 2016
- Biggest climate disasters in Africa 1970-2019, by economic loss
- Global growth in flammable nights and night fires severity 1979-2020
- Biggest climate disasters worldwide 1970-2019, by mortality
- People who agree that the impact of climate change is too far in the future 2024
- Respondents agreeing that changing behavior will not affect the climate fight 2024
- Northern Hemisphere's snow cover extent in December 1970-2023
- Share of people who say their countries should do more to fight climate change 2024
- Climate risks in cities globally between 2020-2050
- Global: consumer opinions on living sustainably in the next decade 2022
- Economic damage caused by major floods worldwide up to 2016
- Biodiversity funding priorities worldwide 2023, by country
- Fatalities due to the most significant wildfires worldwide as of 2016
- Number of deaths caused by majors droughts worldwide up to 2016
- People affected by major droughts worldwide up to 2016
- Death due to major flooding worldwide up to 2016
- Economic loss due to major droughts worldwide up to 2016
- Global estimated total economic loss due to water hazard 2022-2050, by event type
- Individuals affected by the most significant wildfires worldwide up to 2016
- Global average annual GDP loss due to water hazard 2022-2050, by country
- Biggest perceived long-term risk to global society 2023, by event
- Global estimated GDP loss due to water hazard 2022-2050, by sector
- Populations vulnerable to climate change in cities globally between 2020-2050
- Incentives to encourage more action against climate change worldwide 2024
- Global number of reported flood events 2020-2023, by region
- Agreement on tax increases to fight climate change worldwide 2024, by country
- Public perception on climate conservation actions worldwide 2024
- Opinion on how much developed countries should pay to tackle climate change 2024
- Opinion on the economic cost of climate change 2024, by region
- Share of respondents likely to save energy at home worldwide 2022
- Global number of flood disasters 1990-2023
- Public perception regarding rise in Earth's temperature worldwide 2022
- Major hurricanes in the Atlantic basin by speed 1935-2019
- Share of people who think average global temperatures will increase by country 2020
- Share of respondents likely to begin recycling materials worldwide 2022
- Services and assets in cities affected by climate change globally 2020-2050
- Warmest years worldwide 1880-2023
- Share of respondents likely to save water at home worldwide 2022
- Mining-related forest loss worldwide 2001-2019, by commodity
- ODA commitments for biodiversity and ecosystems worldwide 2000-2021
- Global land and ocean temperature anomalies 1880-2023
- Global adaptation actions in cities towards climate resilience 2020
- Share of terrestrial KBAs in protected areas worldwide 2000-2022
- Direct mining-related deforestation in tropical rainforests worldwide 2001-2020
- Share of forest within protected areas worldwide 2000-2020
- Forest loss induced by coal mining worldwide 2001-2019
- Worst droughts worldwide 2022-2023, by number of people affected
- Global electricity generation 1990-2023, by source
- Levelized cost of electricity by renewable energy technology worldwide 2010-2022
- Global electricity consumption 2023, by country
- Microsoft's electricity consumption FY 2020-2023
- Global battery energy storage market value 2023-2028
- Projected electricity consumption worldwide 2000-2050, by scenario
- Projected electricity consumption worldwide 2030-2050
- Share of clean electricity generation worldwide 2010-2023
- Breakdown of cathode active material production worldwide 2023, by region
- Largest lithium-ion battery companies worldwide FY 2022, by revenue
- Y-o-Y change in global electricity generation 2023, by source
- Cumulative global electricity investment 1990-2023, by region
- Global round-trip efficiency of large-scale electricity storage technologies 2023
- Big tech and select countries' electricity consumption comparison 2022-2023
- G20: change in coal, wind, and solar electricity generation 2022-2023
- Global electricity production 1990-2023
- Global year-on-year change in electricity generation 2023, by source
- Total electricity generation in G20 countries in 2023
- Meta's electricity consumption FY 2019-2023
- Capacity of largest battery gigafactories worldwide 2023
- Global electricity companies spending on R&D 2022
- Forecast market value of floating power plants worldwide 2023-2032, by region
- Net profit of Iberdrola 2012-2023
- Cheapest global household electricity prices 2023, by select country
- Global final electricity consumption 2010-2040
- Global high voltage cable market forecast 2023-2032, by region
- Global energy capacity of EDF Group 2023, by country
- Electricity share in final energy consumption globally 2021, by sector
- Energy efficiency investment worldwide 2020-2030
- Global financial closures of electricity projects 1990-2023, by region
- Iberdrola's revenue 2009-2023
- Global electricity consumption 1980-2023
- Global installed electricity capacity 2022, by source
- Global annual cumulative electricity investment 1990-2023, by region
- Global investment in electricity generation and networks by region 2015
- Quarterly global household electricity prices 2019-2023, by country
- Projected electricity generation worldwide 1995-2050
- Breakdown of ENGIE's electricity generation capacity worldwide 2022, by source
- Forecast CAGR of high voltage cable market worldwide 2024-2032, by region
- Leading global electric utilities 2024, based on market value
- Global investment in battery electricity storage capacity 2015-2021
- Global high voltage cable market forecast 2018-2032, by installation
- Share of electricity in final energy consumption worldwide 2023, by country