Statistics about Energy & Environment in Worldwide
- Global wind turbine manufacturers' market share 2022
- Global solar PV capacity 2023, by select countries and grid connection
- Global solar thermal energy investments 2013-2022
- Global renewable capacity additions 2022-2027, by scenario
- Share of global incentives for solar PV market 2021 by type
- Global lowest winning bids in solar tenders 2019-2023
- Major global solar PV manufacturers 2023, by module shipments
- Major global solar PV manufacturers 2023, by module production
- Major global solar PV manufacturers 2023, by cell production
- Global renewable off-grid energy capacity 2014-2023
- Global PV cell manufacturing distribution 2023, by country
- Global PV module manufacturing share 2023, by country
- Global cumulative installed solar PV capacity 2000-2023
- Global module manufacturing production 2000-2023
- Global geothermal power produced in 2022, by country
- Global renewable M&A deals 2022, by technology
- Value of renewable M&A deals globally 2018-2022
- Total global solar PV capacity forecast 2015-2028
- Global average hydropower installed cost 2010-2022
- Solar photovoltaic-thermal collector surfaces added worldwide 2023, by country
- Global consumption of wood pellets by key country 2016
- Global opinions on green energy statements by country 2017
- Global offshore wind power plants overnight costs 2020, by country
- Share of Google's electricity use from renewable sources 2012-2017
- Countries with the highest foreign investments in clean energy 2010-2016
- Global solar PV inverter and optimizer shipments 2015-2025
- Global clean energy venture capital or private equity deals 2019
- Offshore wind farms - the number of plants 2010
- Nestle's energy consumption share from renewables 2016-2019
- Global M&A transactions in the renewable energy industry 2013-2016
- Global M&A transactions in the renewable energy industry by sector 2013-2016
- Global portfolio of offshore wind energy projects by country 2017-2018
- People who think their country should be ambitious about green energy 2017
- Renewable energy as a share of electricity by key country 2016
- Global energy consumption share by income 2015
- Global installed offshore wind capacity by select developer 2019
- Global capacity of wind turbine backlog by manufacturer 2016
- Regional breakdown of corporations reporting renewable consumption 2017
- Share of global companies actively sourcing renewable electricity by country 2017
- Global number of solar PV facilities by select country 2018
- Global clean energy capacity purchased by companies 2018
- Global revenue from off-grid solar products 2014-2017
- Solar PV penetration 2018, by country
- Global demand share of solar PV modules by region 2018-2019
- People who think their country should phase out the use of coal by country 2017
- Global public opinion on the importance of renewable energy by education 2017
- Global energy generation of select biomass power plants 2018
- Select data on global offshore wind energy costs 2001-2015
- Worldwide new investment in clean energy by region 2004-2019
- Progress towards achieving RE100 goals by select company 2014-2015
- Hanwha Q-Cells: revenue by product or service 2013-2017
- Global renewable energy industry jobs by select country 2018
- Average global geothermal electricity levelized price by region 2014
- Global share of biomass energy in final energy consumption by region 2010
- Global ocean energy technology investments 2004-2019
- Global clean energy patent ownership 2015, by country
- Global clean energy patent assignees 2015
- Global wind patent ownership share by country 2002-2015
- Global offshore wind projects' levelized electricity costs 2015-2045
- Capacity of global operating offshore wind farms 2015
- Global public opinion on the importance of renewable energy by age 2017
- Global capacity forecast of offshore wind by key country 2024
- Emerging countries' capital expenditures on clean energy 2010-2015
- Key country's demand for solar PV 2014
- Global number of patent filings for offshore wind technology by country 2000-2013
- Global capacity share of wind turbines by sector 2016
- Global distributed wind capacity installations by key country 2018
- Value of global offshore wind projects greenlit 2015-2019
- Global renewable energy potential 2050
- Global clean energy asset finance transactions in developing countries 2009-2017
- Goldman Sachs' renewable energy consumption 2014-2016
- Public opinion on the importance of renewable energy worldwide by country 2017
- Global offshore wind turbine dimensions 1991-2026
- Global renewable energy capacity additions projection by region 2019-2024
- Caterpillar's use of renewable electricity worldwide 2011-2019
- Global off-grid solar market share 2019, by component
- Global rooftop share in solar PV capacity additions 2015-2022
- Global renewables output and energy demand change 2019-2020, by sector
- Global renewable energy cost reduction 2018-2030, by source
- Carbon footprint consciousness among consumer 2021, by generation
- Customers willing to pay more for clean energy 2021, by generation
- Consumer preferences for solar panel installations 2021, by generation
- Global renewable energy CAPEX 2019-2021
- Number of cities with renewable energy targets worldwide 2020, by region
- Renewable energy policies in cities worldwide 2020, by type
- Renewable energy policies in cities worldwide 2020, by region and type
- Wind turbines waste generation 2029-2049, by region
- Global renewable energy tech investment value 2004-2019, by source of funding
- Global off-grid solar market size 2018-2026, by type
- Global off-grid solar market size 2018-2026, by application
- Global off-grid solar market share 2019, by application
- Number of jobs of selected global wind turbine manufacturers 2022
- Global off-grid solar market share 2019, by region
- Global off-grid solar market size 2018-2026, by component
- Global off-grid solar market size 2018-2026
- Number of cities with net-zero and renewable energy targets worldwide 2020, by region
- Installed capacity of solar heat for industrial processes worldwide 2023, by country
- Global solar panel demand share 2021, by country or region
- Distribution of solar polysilicon manufacturing capacity 2021, by country or region
- Global renewable energy investment value 2004-2019, by sector