Statistics about Energy & Environment in Worldwide
- Global solar heating and cooling employment 2012-2023
- Global solar thermal heat consumption 2016-2022
- Shipments of solar PV manufacturers 2023
- Global solar PV employment 2012-2023
- Global weighted average capital cost of capital of solar PV 2021, by country
- Global solar thermal heat consumption in buildings 2016-2022
- Global solar thermal industrial heat consumption 2016-2022
- Global solar PV energy investments 2013-2022
- Global weighted average cost of capital of offshore wind power 2021, by country
- Global weighted average cost of capital of onshore wind power 2021, by country
- Annual capacity factor of onshore wind globally 2010-2023
- Global solar PV tracker market shares based on shipments 2023, by company
- Off-grid solar companies funded globally 2012-2022
- Global investment in off-grid solar companies 2013-2022, by type
- Global investment in off-grid solar companies 2013-2022
- CAGR of the global building integrated photovoltaics market 2023-2032, by region
- Global renewable heat consumption 2016-2022
- Global capacity factor of geothermal power 2010-2023
- Module shipments by the Renewable Energy Corporation for 2013-2017
- Global renewable share of heat consumption 2016-2022
- Remaining small hydropower potential worldwide 2022, by region
- Global benchmark capex for utility-scale solar PV 2010-2020
- Installed small hydropower capacity worldwide 2022, by region
- Installed capacity of small hydro power worldwide from 2013 to 2022 (in gigawatts)
- Potential capacity of small hydro power worldwide 2013-2022
- Change in small hydropower capacity worldwide 2019-2022, by region
- Global renewable energy heat consumption breakdown 2022, by source
- Wind energy industry employment worldwide 2009-2023
- Airborne wind annual capacity installation forecast globally 2025-2035
- Solar photovoltaic-thermal collector capacity worldwide 2018-2023
- Solar photovoltaic-thermal collector capacity worldwide 2023, by country
- Global renewable power generation breakdown 2022, by technology
- Global renewable heat consumption 2022, by source
- Global wind market forecast by cumulative capacity 2017-2022
- Annual revenue of Hanwha Q-Cells from 2012-2017
- Airborne wind LCOE forecast globally 2025-2050
- Global projection of floating solar PV installations 2031, by leading country
- Global renewable energy sector jobs 2012-2023
- Global renewable energy employment 2023, by region or country
- Leading renewable energy companies worldwide 2024, by revenue
- Global market value of building integrated photovoltaics 2018-2032
- Global wood pellet trade volume 2012-2022
- Biomass electricity generation revenues worldwide 2011-2022
- Berkshire Hathaway Energy's global operating revenue FY 2010-2023
- Global installed pumped storage hydropower capacity by region 2019
- Global wood pellet production by select country 2018
- Global investment in renewable energy capacity 2004-2019
- Global solar PV capacity installations 2023
- Global hydropower consumption 2023, by country
- Global market value of building integrated photovoltaics 2022-2032, by region
- Global solar thermal heat consumption forecast 2022-2030
- Number of large-scale solar thermal systems in buildings worldwide 2020-2023
- Global renewable energy patent share by country 2016
- Countries with the most M&A deals in the global renewable sector 2020-2023
- Companies with the most M&A deals in the global renewable sector 2020-2023
- Global solar PV manufacturing capacity in 2021, by component
- Public and private renewable energy investments breakdown worldwide 2013-2020
- Global private renewable energy investments 2018-2020, by type of investor
- Public and private renewable investments breakdown worldwide 2020, by technology
- Global renewable energy investments 2020, by financial instrument
- Global public renewable energy investments 2018-2020, by type of investor
- Global offshore wind energy investments 2013-2022
- Global onshore wind energy investments 2013-2022
- Global change in levelized cost of energy by technology 2009-2018
- Global renewable energy investment by technology 2010-2019
- Global female representation at board level in renewably energy organizations 2018
- Global impediments against women's in renewable energy deployment 2018
- Global share of women in renewable energy-related jobs in 2018
- Siemens Gamesa's annually installed capacity FY 2012-2022
- Global renewable electricity capacity outlook 2021-2029
- Global offshore wind pipeline share 2019, by manufacturer
- Share of sales in EMEA* of Renewable Energy Corporation by segment 2015
- Annual revenue of Renewable Energy Corporation from 2013-2015
- Solar PV - new installed capacity worldwide 2000-2023
- Global off-grid renewable energy investments 2010-2021
- Global geothermal energy investments 2013-2022
- SunPower's revenue FY 2010-2023
- Sunpower's net income FY 2012-2023
- Sunpower's total assets FY 2011-2023
- SunPower's operating expenses FY 2012-2023
- Global onshore wind components manufacturing capacity breakdown 2021, by region
- Global onshore wind manufacturing capacity in 2021, by component
- Average installed costs of renewable energy globally 2023, by technology
- Monthly number of announced M&A deals in the global renewable sector 2021-2023
- Largest markets worldwide: solar PV energy installed capacity 2012-2023
- Share of renewable energy in global energy consumption 2015 & 2021, by end use
- Global number of patents for renewable energy technologies 2000-2020 by technology
- Capacity of large-scale solar thermal systems in buildings worldwide 2020-2023
- Global market value of building integrated photovoltaics 2022-2032, by technology
- Capacity of large-scale solar thermal systems in buildings worldwide 2023, by country
- Global solar thermal industry turnover 2015-2023
- Global market capitalization of selected renewable energy companies 2024
- CAGR of the global building integrated photovoltaics market 2023-2032, by technology
- Average capacity factor of renewable energy technologies worldwide 2023
- Global market value of building integrated thin film photovoltaics 2018-2032
- Global number of dwellings using solar thermal energy 2000-2020
- Global new solar PV capacity forecast by select country 2024-2028
- Global market value of building integrated crystalline silicon solar PV 2018-2032
- Annual levelized cost of electricity of onshore wind worldwide 2010-2023
- Global leading countries by number of operating hydropower plants 2024