Statistics about Energy & Environment in Worldwide
- Global GHG emissions from mineral nitrogen fertilizer use 2019, by type
- Total GHG emissions of metals and mining companies 2022
- Global mortality rate by energy source
- CO₂ emissions intensity of the iron and steel sector worldwide 2010-2022
- Bus carbon dioxide emissions worldwide 2000-2022
- Global per capita methane emissions 2021, by country
- Rail carbon dioxide emissions worldwide 2010-2022
- Global transportation sector CO₂ emissions 1990-2022, by region
- Share of global transportation sector CO₂ emissions 2022, by region
- Projected CO₂ emissions from all oil and gas reserves of major producers 2021
- Number of methane super-emitter events globally 2019-2022, by country
- Meta's operational greenhouse gas emissions 2017-2023
- Agriculture sector GHG emissions worldwide 1990-2023, by select country
- Share of global greenhouse gas emissions 2023, by gas
- Historic contributions to global warming worldwide 1851-2023, by country or region
- Global GHG emissions under different scenarios and the emissions gap 2030-2050
- Vale S.A.'s operational GHG emissions 2017-2022, by scope
- Breakdown of Vale S.A.'s operational GHG emission 2022, by source
- IBM's GHG emissions worldwide 2019-2023
- Change in methane emissions worldwide 1990-2023, by sector
- Methane emissions worldwide 1990-2023, by sector
- Global waste-related methane emissions 2023, by country
- Global share of nitrous oxide emissions 2023, by sector
- Proportion of fair share contribution to climate finance 2020, by select country
- Greenhouse gas emissions worldwide 2023, by country
- Global transportation sector GHG emissions 2023, by country
- Global international aviation CO₂ emissions 1970-2023
- Global CO₂ emissions change 1990-2023, by country
- Global transportation sector CO₂ emissions 1970-2023
- Global GHG emissions 1990-2023, by sector
- Global distribution of CO₂ emissions 2023, by sector
- Global CO₂ emissions 1970-2023, by sector
- Global international shipping CO₂ emissions 1970-2023
- Global average atmospheric abundance of nitrous oxide 2001-2024, by month
- Annual methane emissions worldwide 1970-2023
- Endesa's greenhouse gas emissions 2016-2022, by scope
- Projected CO₂ emissions from five oil and gas super majors 2050, by company
- Share of SBTi-approved emissions reduction targets 2022, by alignment
- Global lifecycle emissions of electric and combustion vehicles 2021, by stage
- Global greenhouse gas emissions 2021, by sector
- Food-related GHG emissions if meat-eaters became vegan 2018, by penetration rate
- Food emissions intensity 2011-2017, by category
- Chevron's global air pollutant emissions 2016-2022, by type
- Number of companies with science-based emission targets and commitments 2015-2023
- Number of companies with science-based targets 2023, by industry
- Average life expectancy loss due to PM2.5 worldwide 2021, by region
- Share of companies with science-based emission reduction targets 2023, by region
- Caterpillar's GHG emissions intensity worldwide 2018-2023
- Breakdown of CO<sub>2</sub> shipping emissions worldwide by ship type 2019
- Caterpillar's absolute GHG emissions worldwide 2018-2023, by Scope
- Caterpillar's Scope 3 GHG emissions worldwide 2018-2023, by business segment
- Basic materials industry emission intensity 2022-2050, by segment
- CO₂ emissions per person 2050
- Global fossil CO₂ emissions shares 2023, by fuel type
- Share of CO₂ savings worldwide in the net zero scenario 2022-2050, by measure
- Cumulative CO₂ savings worldwide in the net zero scenario 2022-2030, by measure
- Cumulative CO₂ savings worldwide in the net zero scenario 2030-2050, by measure
- Global CO₂ emissions from combustion and industrial processes 2022-2050, by scenario
- CO₂ emission intensity of container ships by ship size 2021
- Global methane emissions from the oil and gas industry 2023, by source
- Breakdown of global GHG emissions from oil and gas operations 2022, by activity
- Change in global aviation and transport emissions 1990-2023, relative to 1990 levels
- Global transportation sector CO₂ emissions shares 2023, by major economy
- Global carbon market size 2019-2022, by region
- Global fossil CO₂ emissions per capita 2023, by sector
- Global power sector CO₂ emissions change in the G20 2020-2023, by country
- Global change in G20 carbon dioxide emissions 2020-2023, by sector
- Projected change in CO2 emissions worldwide 2021, by select country
- Global trade volume of CO₂ in carbon markets 2019-2022
- Global transportation sector CO₂ emissions change 2023, by country
- Share of global transportation sector CO₂ emissions 2023, by country
- Global transportation sector CO₂ emissions 1990-2023, by country
- CO₂ emissions from the most polluting power plants globally 2009-2018
- Petrobras' greenhouse gas emissions 2015-2023
- Global power sector emissions per capita 2021, by select country
- Global transportation sector CO₂ emissions per capita 2023, by country
- Global transportation sector CO₂ emissions 2023, by country
- Global warming potential (GWP) 2021, by gas type
- CO₂ emissions from fossil fuel and industrial purposes in G20 countries 2023
- Global international aviation CO₂ emissions y-o-y change 1990-2023
- Per capita CO₂ emissions in G20 countries 2023
- Meta's annual carbon removals 2020-2023
- Meta's scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions 2019-2023
- Lifetime GHG emissions of commercial aircraft delivered by Boeing 2020-2023
- Lifetime GHG emissions of commercial aircraft delivered by Airbus 2019-2023
- Trade volume of CO₂ in carbon markets worldwide 2019-2022, by region
- CO₂ emissions of the world's biggest fashion brands 2022, by company
- Black carbon emissions per ship per year worldwide 2017, by vessel type
- Global population with/without clean cooking access 2000-2016
- Lowest global energy prices from generating sources by country H1 2020
- Global production costs of hydrogen by source 2018
- Global buildings final energy consumption by key country 2014
- Johnson & Johnson's bought energy consumption 2010-2019
- Johnson & Johnson's consumed on-site energy generation 2019, by source
- P&G's energy consumption by segment 2020
- Target's direct and indirect energy use by source 2019
- Atmos Energy's revenue 2013-2020
- Petroleum liquids: global installed generation capacity outlook 2035
- World geothermal electricity generation - regional comparison 2035
- Renewable electricity consumed by major global IT companies 2017