Statistics about Technology & Telecommunications in United States
- Feature usage of virtual assistants in the U.S. 2018
- Monthly recurring revenue of US electronic security vendors 2015-2023
- Purposes headphones are used for in the United States 2017
- Hawkeye Systems, Inc. operating profit 2020-2024
- Smart speaker usage by senior citizens in the United States 2017-2018
- Primary room for Amazon Echo use among consumers in U.S. 2016
- Users' loss of self from virtual reality headsets in the United States 2015
- Accessory products: U.S. consumer electronics sales
- Share of Americans who own a pool, hot tub, or spa 2018, by age
- Analog direct-view color TV receivers : U.S. consumer electronics sales
- MSO receivers: U.S. consumer electronics sales
- Effect of facebook acquisition on Oculus Rift in the U.S. 2015, by age group
- Gopro total equity 2019-2023
- Effect of Facebook acquisition on Oculus VR in the United States 2015
- Likely negative effects of virtual reality headsets in the United States 2015
- Rating of experience with virtual reality headsets in the United States 2015
- Hawkeye Systems, Inc. liabilities 2020-2024
- U.S. consumer's interest in buying consumer electronics in 2012, by product
- Smart speaker usage by Gen Xers in the United States 2017-2018
- Hawkeye Systems, Inc. net cash 2020-2024
- Top consumer electronic/telecom retailers in U.S. 2018-2023
- Share of senior Americans who owned selected electronic devices 2013
- Volume in the consumer electronics market United States 2019-2029
- Women who currently own or plan to purchase smart watches in 2014
- Sales of smart home devices and controllers to dealers in the U.S. 2014-2017
- Experience with virtual reality headsets in the United States 2015, by age group
- Per capita sales volume in the TV, Radio & Multimedia market United States 2019-2029
- Per capita sales volume in the Telephony market United States 2022-2029
- PC unit shipments of Apple in the United States 2010-2016, by quarter
- Information and security technologies: U.S. consumer electronics sales
- Future applications of virtual headsets in the United States 2015
- eReader - awareness of the Samsung Papyrus
- Digital direct-view TV receivers: U.S. consumer electronics sales
- Sony Reader - awareness and purchase intent
- Internet connected TVs in the United States 2013-2014
- Number of subscribers to electronic security vendors in the U.S. 2015-2022
- E-book readers in the U.S. 2011, by age group
- Estimated U.S. electronics and appliance stores per capita sales 2000-2021
- Consumer electronics audio & video products unit sales in the US 2016
- Value of intrusion detection alarm system exports in the U.S. Q2 2010-Q2 2011
- U.S. consumer spending on Apple end devices in the past 12 months 2017
- U.S. Survey: customer satisfaction with the new iPad in March 2012
- Arlo Technologies operating profit 2019-2023
- Back-to-college shopping in the U.S.: school influence on electronics spending 2016
- U.S. consumer electronics industry growth rate 2012-2024
- Uses for Amazon Echo use among consumers in U.S. 2016
- Revenue in the telephony segment United States 2019-2029
- Per capita sales volume in the computing segment United States 2019-2029
- Per capita sales volume in the telephony segment United States 2019-2029
- Volume in the computing segment United States 2019-2029
- Price in the telephony segment United States 2019-2029
- Revenue in the TV, radio & multimedia segment United States 2019-2029
- Per capita sales volume in the TV, radio & multimedia segment United States 2019-2029
- ARPU in the TV, radio & multimedia segment United States 2019-2029
- U.S. mom connected device ownership 2018
- Share of Apple iPad shipments by model in the United States 2017-2018
- Digital HDTV unit sales to dealers in the U.S. 2009-2012
- Analog displays: U.S. consumer electronics sales
- CE unit electricity consumption 2010, by device
- Ranking 2012: Consumer electronics brand equity
- LCD flat panel: U.S. consumer electronics sales
- Types of gift cards U.S. consumers plan to buy this holiday 2011
- Plasma flat panel TV factory sales in the United States 2001-2010
- Share of Americans who own a VoIP (Vonage, Skype, MagicJack, etc.) 2018, by age
- U.S. Apple iPad ownership by age group 2011
- Negative effect of virtual reality headsets on users in the United States 2015
- Amount spent on purchases through smart speakers in the U.S. 2017
- Best Buy brand profile in the United States 2024
- U.S. eReader owners, by gender 2010-2011
- DBS receivers: U.S. consumer electronics sales
- Value of traffic control equipment imports in the U.S. Q3 2010-Q2 2011
- View of success for Oculus Rift in the United States 2015, by age group
- Users' loss of self from virtual reality headsets use in the U.S. 2015, by age group
- Singing Machine revenue 2018-2022
- OLED display: U.S. consumer electronics sales
- Digital rear projection TVs U.S. consumer sales 2005-2010
- Experience with virtual reality headsets in the United States 2015
- Singing Machine liabilities 2019-2023
- Singing Machine total equity 2019-2023
- Frequency of using Apple TV in the U.S. 2018
- Tablet revenue in the United States 2015-2017
- Singing Machine net cash 2018-2022
- Singing Machine total assets 2019-2023
- Singing Machine operating profit 2018-2022
- Singing Machine gross profit 2018-2022
- U.S. consumers owning Apple devices 2017
- U.S. consumer usage frequency of Apple services and products 2017
- Household penetration rate of TV streaming boxes/sticks in the U.S. 2017 and 2018
- IoT consumer products installed base in the U.S. 2017, by category
- Awareness of the term 'virtual reality' in the United States 2015
- Smart home technology product ownership in the U.S. 2017, by category
- U.S. iPad owners: Interest in buying a 8-inch iPad, 2012
- Store sales of the leading consumer electronics/telecom retailers in U.S. 2016-2018
- Consumer electronics accessories sales in the United States 2018-2022
- Tablet ownership among U.S. parents of school children 2014-2015
- Reasons to like AR in the U.S. 2022, by use case
- Reasons to like VR in the U.S. 2022, by use case
- U.S. consumer spending on telecommunication and entertainment services 2012
- Smart phone ownership among U.S. parents of school children 2011-2015
- Tablet usage while watching TV in the U.S. 2012