Statistics about Society in United States
- Share of federal arrests by district and offense type U.S. FY 2018
- Effectiveness of fraud risk mitigation measures in the U.S. 2016
- Barriers to fraud mitigation in the U.S. 2016, by payment type
- Internal controls to mitigate fraud risk in the U.S. 2016
- Distribution of the U.S. financial institutions that experienced fraud losses 2016
- Payment fraud attempts on U.S. financial institutions 2016, by assets
- Fraud loss per card payment transaction in the U.S. 2019, by transaction type
- Synthetic credit card fraud in the U.S. 2015-2017, with forecasts up to 2020
- Consumer complaints, by complaint type U.S. 2022
- Consumer complaints in the U.S. 2001-2022
- Consumer complaints of fraud U.S. 2001-2022
- Share of identity theft complaints, by nature of crime U.S. 2021
- Consumer complaints of identity theft U.S. 2001-2022
- U.S. points of contacts in fraud incidents 2023
- Amount lost in fraud complaint cases filed with the U.S. FTC. 2014-2022
- Frequency of methods used by fraudsters to contact consumers U.S. 2022
- Number of federal arrests by citizenship and offense type U.S. FY 2018
- Reported cases of identity theft, by age of victims U.S. 2022
- Number of reported cases of fraud, by state U.S. 2022
- Payment card fraud losses in the U.S. 2012-2014, with forecasts to 2018
- U.S. fraud that resulted in financial damage in 2023, by method
- Number of security class action filings U.S. 2005-2019, by type
- IPR infringement: seized textile products value in the U.S. 2008-2019
- Number of arrests in the U.S. for federal offenses 2014, by type
- Share of exchange-listed companies with class action filings U.S. 2005-2019, by type
- Number of security class action filings U.S. H1 2010-H2 2019, by type
- Ways of protecting online cards against fraud in the U.S. 2016
- Arrests in the U.S. for federal public-order offenses 2014, by type
- IPR infringement: seizures involving textile products in the U.S. 2008-2012
- Drivers behind technology adoption in financial crime detection in the U.S. 2019
- Cases of fraud in the U.S., by country in which reported company is based, 2016
- Rate of identity theft reports, by state U.S. 2022
- Identity theft complaints, by nature of crime U.S. 2022
- U.S. employee theft: median loss based on company size 2016
- Share of Americans who donate money or time to environmental causes 2018, by age
- Nonprofit environmental and conservation organizations - Number by amount of revenue
- Environmental and conservation organizations - Net assets by type
- Endangered wildlife and plant species in the U.S. 2024
- Ownership of environmentally friendly items at home among U.S. adults 2016
- The largest rivers in the U.S. as of 2005, by length
- U.S. adults' who bring their own shopping bags 2016
- U.S. adults on main cause of climate change by political belief 2018
- U.S. tree cover loss 2001-2017
- Reported direct structure fire property damage in the U.S. 1977-2019
- U.S. fire statistics: number of structure fires 2021, by property use
- U.S. civilian fire injuries 1977-2019
- Opinion on environmental stimulus packages in the U.S. 2020, by political party
- U.S. home structure fires: reported direct property damage 1977-2019
- Share of Americans who drive less/use alternative transportation 2018, by age
- Share of Americans who recycle electronics 2018, by age
- U.S. fire statistics: incident rates 2021, by community size
- U.S. costliest winter events - overall insured losses 1950-2022
- U.S. cities with the most heavy cloud cover days up tp 2011
- U.S. cities with high average wind speeds, 2011
- Most costly U.S. wildland fires - estimated insured losses 1991-2020
- Share of Americans who pay more for eco-friendly products and services 2018, by age
- Number of fires per hour in the U,S, in 2017, by type
- Americans who support politicians based on environmental positions 2018, by age
- U.S. fire statistics: fire department responses, by type of call 2018
- U.S. adults on whether climate change is affecting their community 2019
- Share of U.S. population at risk of rising sea levels by city 2060-2100
- U.S. adults on whether the government is doing enough to protect the environment 2020
- United States: length of shoreline and coastline as of 1948, by state
- Environmental and conservation organizations - distribution of revenue sources
- Support for job training during transition to green economy by party U.S. 2019
- Number of earthquakes in the United States by magnitude 2012
- U.S. structure fires reported 1977 to 2019
- Share of Americans in favor of faster transition to clean energy sources 2019
- Share of Americans in favor of faster transition to clean energy by age 2019
- United States: water area 2018, by state or territory
- Threatened wildlife and plant species U.S. 2023
- Fatalities due to natural disasters in the U.S. 2023
- Number of severe natural disasters in U.S. 2023, by type
- U.S. adults' attitudes towards the media coverage of climate change 2016
- Reported direct fire property damage in the U.S. 1977-2021
- United States: lowest point in each state or territory as of 2005
- United States: average elevation in each state or territory as of 2005
- U.S. firefighter injuries 1977-2020
- U.S. land use area by land type 2017
- U.S. fire statistics: property loss due to fire 2021, by property use
- Number of earthquakes in the United States by magnitude from 2005 to 2012
- Number of home structure fires in the U.S. 1977-2021
- U.S. home structure fires: civilian injuries 1977-2019
- Share of Americans who use rechargeable batteries 2018, by age
- Water pollution concerns in the U.S. 2024, by type
- Survey on the precipitation during the last winter, as of 2014
- Most severe heat waves and cold waves in the U.S. 1900-2016, by economic damage
- Top 20 metropolitan areas in the United States in 2010, by land area
- Number of U.S. highway vehicle fires 1980-2021
- Projected fatalities caused by extreme heat events by U.S. city 2019
- Length of major U.S. embankment systems 2019
- U.S. highway vehicle fires: property damage 1980-2019
- BP oil spill disaster - payments to victims
- Share of Americans who recycle glass, plastic, or paper 2018, by age
- Number of civilian fire injuries per day in the U,S, in 2017, by type
- Number of wildland fires U.S. 1990-2023
- Perceived impact of climate change policies among U.S. adults by ideology 2018
- Length and breadth of the Great Lakes in the U.S.
- Major U.S. cities with the most rainy days 1981-2010
- U.S. adults who say scientists understand that climate change is occurring 2016