Statistics about Media in United States
- Average spending on newspapers and magazines in the United States in 2011, by format
- Devices used for reading online magazines in the U.S. in 2011
- Digital magazine penetration among U.S. tablet owners 2013
- Share of publishers adopting paywalls in the U.S. in 2012, by publication type
- Share of U.S. print media publishers offering paid apps 2012, by publication & device
- Investor's Business Daily circulation 2015
- Opinions on tablet platforms of local newspapers in the U.S. 2012
- Ways to access newspaper content online in the United States in 2012
- African American daily newspaper circulation in the U.S. 2014-2022
- New Yorker - circulation 2015
- Hispanic daily newspaper circulation in the U.S. 2014-2022
- Hashtag use of major American news outlets on Twitter 2011
- Twitter follower growth of major American news outlets 2011
- Newspaper/magazine subscription payment frequency in the U.S. 2017, by age group
- Leading newspapers in the U.S. 2015, by digital traffic
- Average audience of U.S. Sunday newspapers in 2011 and 2012, by household income
- Average audience of U.S. Sunday newspapers in 2011 and 2012, by education level
- Opinions on local print newspapers in the U.S. 2012
- Opinions on smartphone platforms of local newspapers in the U.S. 2012
- Actions performed as a result of reading an e-magazine in the U.S. 2011
- Future of print newspapers in the U.S. 2012-2013
- Rolling Stone - circulation 2015
- Print subscribers among U.S. (non-)mobile device users 2012
- Print subscribers among smartphone and tablet users in the U.S. 2012
- Purchasing methods of local newspapers in the U.S. in 2011
- Reasons for not reading local newspapers in the U.S. from 2009 to 2011
- Frequency of reading local news online in the U.S. from 2009 to 2011
- Ethnicity distribution of Vice Media Group employees U.S. 2019-2020
- Popularity of local newspapers' websites in the U.S. from 2007 to 2011
- Reasons for reading local newspapers in the U.S. from 2009 to 2011
- Tablet app adoption among U.S. daily newspapers in 2011, by circulation
- Sharing e-magazines with others in the United States in 2011
- Newspaper readership on tablets in the U.S. in 2012, by gender
- Newspaper readership on tablets in the U.S. in 2012, by age
- Number of magazine apps downloaded in the U.S. 2011
- Ethnicity distribution of Hearst employees U.S. 2020
- U.S. print media total advertising revenue 2003 to 2010
- Smartphone editions of U.S. newspaper with largest circulation 2014
- Trust in magazines in the U.S. 2014, by age
- Orange County Register: circulation 2013-2014
- Employment in the U.S. periodical publishing industry from 2008 to 2010, by firm size
- Devices used for reading online newspapers in the United States in 2011
- Response to ads in online newspapers in magazines in the United States in 2011
- Vanity Fair: audience 2015, by platform
- U.S. household expenditure on newspapers and magazines 2017-2022
- Mobile app adoption among U.S. daily newspapers in 2011, by circulation
- Fastest growing U.S. newspapers 2013-2014, by circulation growth
- Gannett's digital subscriber base 2017-2023
- Los Angeles Times: circulation 2013-2014
- Importance of dual revenue in mobile publishing in the U.S. in 2009 and 2012
- U.S. mens lifestyle magazines' advertising revenue in 2013
- Digital subscribers to independent, local newspapers in the U.S. 2023
- U.S. art and culture magazines - advertising revenue from 2009 to 2013
- Social media offerings that add value to magazine subscriptions in the U.S. 2012
- U.S. entertainment and lifestyle magazines - advertising revenue in 2013
- U.S. financial and business magazines - advertising revenue from 2009 to 2013
- Newspaper reach in the U.S. 2016, by age
- U.S. fashion magazines - advertising revenue from 2009 to 2013
- Lee Enterprises number of employees 2013-2018
- Advertising revenue - U.S. news magazines from 2009 to 2013
- Advertising revenue - U.S. women's magazines from 2009 to 2013
- U.S. sports magazines' advertising revenue in 2013
- Public opinion on newspaper endorsements in the U.S. 2016
- GQ's advertising revenue from 2006 to 2013
- Digital sales of news magazine circulation in the U.S. 2011-2015
- Reader's Digest's advertising revenue from 2006 to 2013
- Most awarded media in the U.S. 2018, by number of Pulitzer Prizes won
- Leading U.S. magazines 2014, by nonpaid circulation
- New York Times: circulation 2013-2014
- Gender distribution of New York Times employees U.S. 2015-2020
- Likelihood of considering newspaper subscription in the U.S. 2017, by gender
- Ethnicity distribution of New York Times employees U.S. 2015-2020
- Ethnicity distribution of Condé Nast employees U.S. 2020
- Ethnicity distribution of Gannett employees U.S. 2021
- Trust in the Washington Post in the U.S. 2017
- ESPN Magazine - circulation 2015
- Digital share of print media audience in the U.S. in 2014, by publication type
- Acceptance of illegal copying of digital print media content in the U.S. in 2011
- Opinions on computer platforms of local newspapers in the U.S. 2012
- Digital newspapers features in the United States in 2012, by format
- Playboy - circulation 2015
- Digital newspaper reach in the U.S. 2015, by age & gender
- Number of newspaper articles on ethics in the pharma industry in the U.S. 2013
- Maxim - circulation 2015
- Audience of print national newspapers in the U.S. 2019, by income
- Gannett's publishing revenue from 2008 to 2014
- Revenue in the Newspapers & Magazines market United States 2019-2029
- Number of users in the Newspapers & Magazines market United States 2019-2029
- Uses for action codes in U.S. magazines Q2 2012
- Leading U.S. women's magazines in H1 2013, by digital circulation
- Total revenue estimates for U.S. magazines from 2000 to 2011
- Single copy revenue for U.S. magazines from 2000 to 2011
- Magazine ad spend in the U.S. 2013-2018, by platform
- The Economist - circulation 2015
- Advertising revenue of U.S. periodical publishers in 2010
- A.H. Belo revenue 2011-2020
- Leading daily newspapers with paywalls in the U.S. 2014
- Average daily time spent on reading magazines in the U.S. in 2010, by educational background
- Average daily time spent reading magazines in the U.S. 2010, by age group
- Gannett's quarterly revenue 2014-2024