Statistics about Internet in United States
- Amazon: number of mobile-only U.S. visitors 2014, by age group
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to access the internet 2013, by ethnicity
- U.S. daily concurrent media usage 2015, by device
- U.S. smartphone usage time per day 2014-2016
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to access the internet 2013, by age
- U.S. tablet usage time per day 2014-2016
- U.S. smartphone internet usage as of December 2014, by channel
- Mobile internet users in Japan 2014-2015, by age
- U.S. mobile communication channel preference 2017, by gender
- Mobile device usage while watching TV in the United States 2013
- Leading U.S. second screen devices used during TV consumption 2017
- U.S. tablet usage for educational activities at school in 2013
- Use of cell phones to access health information in 2010-2012, by ethnicity
- Tablet video viewers in the United States 2013-2020
- U.S. smartphone user mobile browser usage preference 2014
- U.S. home shopping network viewer second screen usage 2014, by age
- Share of U.S. teen mobile internet users in 2015, by ethnicity
- U.S. mobile device usage for placing orders ahead of time at restaurants in 2012
- Baby Boomers: mobile and tablet research activities 2013
- Travelers who share their travel activities online in real time
- Most popular social media apps in the U.S. 2019, by session length
- Most popular social media apps in the U.S. 2019, by monthly sessions
- Recent communication app usage in the U.S. 2017
- U.S. small company mobile app adoption 2018
- Types of websites visited via smartphone
- App usage frequency in the U.S. 2017, by type
- Leading mobile device activities in the U.S. 2017
- Most popular e-commerce apps in the U.S. 2019, by reach
- Time spent on mobile activities of U.S. teen smartphone users 2016
- U.S. Gen Z: most used apps 2015, by type
- Most popular social media apps in the U.S. 2019, by engagement
- Leading mobile activities for U.S. users 2021
- U.S. travelers who check their personal email on vacation
- Number of U.S. Facebook Messenger users 2018-2022
- Leading mobile messengers in the U.S. 2019, by users
- Leading Android app categories in the United States 2019
- Leading Android app reach in the United States 2019
- Leading health and fitness apps in the U.S. 2018, by users
- Leading uses of brand apps in the U.S. 2019
- Survey 2011 - Check-in service users in the U.S., by smartphone platform
- Check-in services: gender distribution of U.S. users 2011
- Fastest growing mobile apps in the U.S. 2017
- Time spent on mobile app categories in the U.S. 2019
- U.S. Hispanics mobile app reach 2019, by vertical
- Leading mobile messengers in the U.S. 2019, by session duration
- Leading iOS shopping app reach in the United States 2019
- Leading health and fitness apps in the U.S. 2018, by reach
- Leading iOS app categories in the United States 2019
- Leading Android shopping app reach in the United States 2019
- Most popular mobile messenger in the U.S. 2017
- Instagram Direct usage in the U.S. 2017, by gender
- U.S. daily time spent on apps 2013-2015
- U.S. mom smartphone shopping activities 2015
- Leading mobile messengers in the U.S. 2019, by monthly usage
- U.S. travelers - feeling anxious without technology on vacation
- Leading mobile messengers in the U.S. 2019, by monthly sessions
- U.S. entertainment app users 2013-2014, by category
- Social network updates on vacation - young U.S. travelers
- U.S. Gen Z: daily hours spent on mobile device 2015
- U.S. WhatsApp usage reasons 2019
- U.S. number of WhatsApp users 2019-2023
- Leading mobile messengers in the U.S. 2019, by reach
- Share of ad revenue-generating apps according to app developers 2019
- U.S. Gen Z: most popular music apps 2015
- U.S. users smartphone activities at work 2021
- Number of apps installed by U.S. mobile users 2019
- Mobile WhatsApp usage frequency in the United States 2017
- Most popular social media apps in the U.S. 2019, by reach
- U.S. smartphone app user engagement 2015, by category
- U.S. restaurant app usage reasons 2015
- U.S. smartphone app users 2014-2015, by category
- Reach of most popular U.S. smartphone apps 2024
- Apple Appstore usage in the U.S. 2018
- Importance of local mobile information according to U.S. consumers 2013
- U.S. average monthly app user engagement 2014, by gender
- Projected mobile holiday shopping volume according to U.S. shoppers 2016
- U.S. users selected mobile activities daily 2020-2021
- U.S. smartphone user mobile app usage preference 2014
- Average cost per installation for Android and iOS apps in the U.S. 2016
- U.S. messenger app data usage 2016, by connection type
- Google Play Store usage in the U.S. 2018
- Perceived impact of WeChat ban to American companies in China 2020
- App store usage in the U.S. 2018
- U.S. mobile shopping app user acquisition costs 2020
- U.S. smartphone activities carried out while dining at a restaurant 2016
- Health and fitness app access frequency of U.S. users 2014
- Reasons for using health and fitness apps according to U.S. users 2014
- Leading mobile browser activities in the U.S. 2017
- U.S. grocery shopper food and beverage app usage 2010-2013
- Most popular apps that male U.S. online users cannot do without 2020
- Importance of WeChat and Tencent for the business of American companies in China 2020
- Mobile activities performed at a vehicle dealership in the U.S.. in 2012
- U.S. travelers who feel distracted by technology
- Distribution of U.S. smoking cessation app downloaders 2012-2013, by education
- U.S. consumer willingness to receive selected ads via FB Messenger 2016, by age group
- Features expected from a luxury brand mobile app in 2012
- Average active app usage in the United States 2014, by gender
- U.S. app launch growth rate 2016, by industry
- Distribution of U.S. smoking cessation app downloaders 2012-2013, by gender
- U.S. mobile shopping in-store service usage 2014