Statistics about Internet in United States
- U.S. household mobile internet connection usage 2015, by state
- Mobile internet users in the United States 2020-2029
- U.S. vehicle shoppers who have visited an automotive website via smartphone 2010-2012
- U.S. Hispanic mobile internet users 2015, by age group
- U.S. Hispanic mobile internet users 2015, by family income
- U.S. simultaneous related-content internet and TV users 2014-2018
- Teen internet access in the United States in 2012, by gender
- Frequency of U.S. smartphone social usage while watching TV 2019
- No phone zones in romantic partners' homes in the United States 2021, by gender
- Reasons why U.S. internet users value their mobile connections 2009
- Mobile-only visitors to leading U.S. websites 2016
- U.S. users who used their smartphone while watching TV 2019, by education
- U.S. users who used their smartphone while watching TV 2019, by income
- U.S. users who used their smartphone while watching TV 2019, by ethnicity
- U.S. users who used their smartphone while watching TV 2019, by age group
- U.S. users who used their smartphone while watching TV 2019, by gender
- Frequency of U.S. tablet usage while watching TV 2019
- Frequency of U.S. smartphone usage while watching TV 2019
- Private and work-related mobile internet usage in 2011
- U.S. daily mobile sessions 2016-2017, by ethnicity
- Tablet use while watching TV in the United States 2019
- U.S. simultaneous internet and TV users 2018-2022
- Smartphone use while watching TV in the United States 2019
- Most visited mobile websites in the United States 2017
- Mobile websites: cross-channel features used by U.S. retailers in 2012
- Share of time spent on U.S. travel properties via mobile devices 2012
- Mobile internet: most visited U.S. travel properties in June 2012
- Second screen usage devices in the U.S. 2018
- U.S. users who used their tablet while watching TV 2019, by gender
- U.S. users who used their tablet while watching TV 2019, by age group
- Share of U.S. teenagers with tablet access 2015, by age and gender
- U.S. users who used their tablet while watching TV 2019, by ethnicity
- U.S. users who used their tablet while watching TV 2019, by income
- U.S. users who used their tablet while watching TV 2019, by education
- U.S. mobile users that get annoyed by app push notifications 2017, by age group
- U.S. farmer tablet usage 2016, by age group
- U.S. Hispanic mobile internet users 2015, by gender
- Arguments between romantic partners due to smartphone use in the U.S. 2021, by gender
- U.S. Hispanic mobile internet users 2015, by primary language
- Share of U.S. mobile internet users 2014-2015, by age
- U.S. TV and second screen access reach 2014-2018, by device
- Mobile internet usage in the U.S. by time of day
- Mobile internet households in the United States 2010-2015
- U.S. daily second screen usage during TV consumption 2015, by device
- U.S. home shopping viewer activities on second screen 2014, by age
- Taking photos with a mobile phone - typical internet users *
- Allowing romantic partners access to smartphones in the U.S. in 2021, by gender
- Impact of smartphones on relationships in the United States 2021
- Sharing phone password with a romantic partner in the United States 2021, by gender
- Average size of mobile downloads in the U.S. 2016
- Snooping on the phone of a romantic partner in the United States 2021, by gender
- Priorities in the bedroom for smartphone users in the U.S. 2021, by gender
- Mobile internet usage reach in the United States 2020-2029
- Smartphone usage when having dinner with a partner in the U.S. 2021, by gender
- Morning habits for smartphone users the United States 2021, by gender
- Time spent on smartphone compared with partner in the U.S. 2021, by gender
- Average time spent daily on a smartphone in the United States 2021
- Ambivalent networkers - difficulty giving up mobile phones and internet
- Mobile internet usage via mobile phone - types of internet users*
- U.S. second screen related content users 2015-2018
- Directions and maps on mobile phones - types of internet users*
- U.S. smartphone activities while driving 2012
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to access the internet 2013, by gender
- U.S. average concurrent media usage 2015, by platform
- Leading second screen usage environments in the U.S. 2017
- Second screen activities of U.S. users while watching TV 2017
- U.S. daily mobile minutes 2016-2017, by ethnicity
- Length of time U.S. teen internet users cannot go without their smartphone 2017
- U.S. mom daily smartphone activities July 2014
- Share of U.S. teen mobile internet users in 2015, by gender and age
- U.S. second screen level of attention during TV consumption 2017
- Number of U.S. mobile-only online users 2015-2021
- U.S. mobile communication channel preference 2017, by ethnicity
- Computer use while watching TV in the United States 2017
- Most popular smartphone activities in the United States 2018, by frequency
- U.S. concurrent digital media access reach 2015
- U.S. TV second screen usage penetration among online users 2017
- U.S. Millennials activities while watching TV 2016
- U.S. Gen X activities while watching TV 2016
- U.S. affluents: digital activities via mobile phones 2013
- Share of U.S. cell phone owners getting real-time information in 2012
- FIFA World Cup: simultaneous second screen usage 2018
- U.S. daily mobile online usage 2018-2022, by channel
- Use of cell phones to access health information in 2010-2012, by gender
- U.S. daily time spent on internet access via smartphone 2017-2018
- U.S. mobile communication channel preference 2017
- U.S. online user second screen usage while watching TV 2017
- U.S. digital device user activities while watching TV 2018
- U.S. Millennials: mobile phone internet penetration 2013-2018
- U.S. Millennials: mobile phone internet users 2013-2018
- U.S. mobile communication channel preference 2017, by age group
- Use of cell phones to access health information in 2010-2012, by age group
- iPad: usage time distribution in the United States 2013
- Share of U.S. teen mobile internet users in 2015, by age
- U.S. second screen activities related to TV content 2017
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to access the internet 2009-2013
- U.S. Millennials: tweeting live experiences 2013
- U.S. Baby Boomer activities while watching TV 2016
- Smartphone owners: reasons for using their phones while watching TV 2012
- U.S. tablet video viewership growth 2013-2020