Statistics about Agriculture in United States
- Value of animal slaughtering industry shipments 1998-2011
- Total quantity of high proteins used for feeding 2001-2016
- Total feed consumed by livestock and poultry in the U.S. 2000-2016
- Share of laying hens by management in the U.S. 2022
- Top U.S. states based on inventory of cattle and calves 2019
- Projected butter production
- Animal protein used for feeding in the U.S. 2001-2016
- Top U.S. states based on number of turkeys raised in 2018
- Roughage-consuming animal units in the U.S. 2000-2016
- U.S. chicken production 2009-2019
- Head value of cattle and calves in the U.S. 2001-2019
- Total value of cattle and calves in the U.S. 2001-2019
- U.S. imports of hides and skins by top countries of origin 2013
- Quantity of milkfat produced per cow 1999-2019
- Top U.S. states based on total value of chickens 2023
- U.S. total red meat production 2000-2019
- U.S. cattle hide exports by top destination countries 2017
- U.S. pig and hog skin exports by top destination countries 2017
- Number of U.S. federal milk order markets 1999-2017
- Milk produced per cow 1999-2024
- Head value of sheep and lambs in the U.S. 2001-2019
- Total value of sheep and lambs in the U.S. 2001-2019
- Number of sheep and lambs slaughtered in the U.S. 2000-2019
- Number of sheep and lambs shorn in the U.S. 1999-2019
- Total number of pullets by top U.S. states 2016
- Total shorn wool production value in the U.S. 1999-2019
- U.S. total veal production 2000-2019
- Projected per capita cheese consumption in the U.S. 2010-2033
- Top U.S. states based on number of laying hens 2023
- Consumers' assumptions regarding animal welfare labels in the U.S. 2020
- Top countries of destinations for U.S. beef and veal exports 2020
- Production of foie gras in volume by country 2014
- U.S. farm income from dairy products 2010-2024
- U.S. sheep & lambskin exports by top destination countries 2020
- Total value of selected livestock in the U.S. 2019
- Total U.S. milkfat production 1999-2019
- Quantity of milk used on farms where produced 1999-2019
- Quantity of U.S. milk marketed by producers 1999-2019
- Total number of pullets in the U.S. 2003-2019
- U.S. farm income from livestock and products 2001-2024
- Value per head of chickens in the U.S. 2000-2019
- Total value of all chickens in the U.S. 2000-2019
- Number of mature chickens lost and sold 1999-2019
- U.S. egg imports and exports 2001-2020
- Total value of U.S. turkey production 1999-2019
- Consumer perception of reducing climate change impact from livestock 2021
- Value of mature chicken sales in the U.S. 1999-2019
- U.S. total pork imports and exports 2006-2024
- Revenue of livestock production support services in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Number of hogs slaughtered in the U.S. 2000-2023
- Total number of laying hens in the U.S. 2000-2023
- U.S. total pork production 2000-2023
- U.S. imports of furskins by top countries of origin 2013
- U.S. total lamb and mutton production 2000-2024
- Top U.S. states based on live weight production of hogs 2023
- U.S. leading states in natural cheese production 2012
- Top U.S. states based on milk production 2020 to 2023
- U.S. total lamb and mutton imports and exports 2006-2024
- Revenue of beekeeping in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Revenue of dairy farms in the U.S., 2009-2014
- Top U.S. states based on number of milk cows 2020-2024
- Projected cheese prices 2010-2033
- Projected U.S. cheese production by type 2022-2033
- Revenue of chicken & turkey meat production in the U.S., 2009-2014
- U.S. total beef and veal imports and exports 2006-2024
- Number of milk cows in the U.S. 1999-2023
- Percentage of U.S cow milk production by operation size 2012
- Projected domestic use of cheese 2010-2025
- Revenue of chicken egg production in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Revenue of timber services in the U.S., 2009-2014
- Revenue of sheep farming in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Revenue of hog & pig farming in the U.S., 2008-2013
- WH Group revenue from hog production 2019, by location
- U.S. turkey production 2001-2020
- Revenue of fish & seafood aquaculture in the U.S., 2008-2013
- Consumers' concern about farm animal welfare in the U.S. 2017
- Evolution of the production volume of beef in selected countries worldwide 2010-2018
- Total consumption of butter in the U.S. 1999-2023
- Total U.S. milk production 1999-2024
- U.S. shell egg market by type 2022
- U.S. area harvested of certified organic commodities 2019, by category
- Organic farming in the U.S.: average certification costs per farm 2008/2015
- U.S. import value of organic avocados 2011-2016
- U.S. import value share of organic avocados by type 2011-2016
- Major certified organic commodities sold by U.S. farms 2014-2016, by category
- Organic food market: leading countries 2022, based on sales
- U.S. harvested area of organic cantaloupes and muskmelons 2014-2021
- Organic farmland growth in North America 2007-2022
- U.S. harvested area of organic carrots 2014-2021
- U.S. import value share of organic avocados by country of origin 2014
- U.S. certified organic farming land 2014-2022*
- U.S. harvested area of organic fresh tomatoes 2014-2021*
- Certified organic farming land in the U.S. 2021, by type
- Organic farming in the U.S.: operated certified land 2021, by ownership
- Organic farming in the U.S.: number of operated certified farms 2021, by ownership
- U.S. sales value of organically produced commodities 2021, by category
- Organic farming in the U.S.: number of operated certified farms 2021, by category
- North America: organic agricultural land area 2000-2022
- U.S. harvested area of organic field crops 2014-2021*
- U.S. harvested area of organic fruits, nuts and berries 2014-2021*