Statistics about Technology & Telecommunications in United Kingdom
- Average time taken to load a web page on 3G & 4G in the UK in 2014, by test location
- Average 3G and 4G HTTP upload speeds in the UK in 2014, by provider
- Distribution of Vodafone's 4G HTTP download speeds in the UK in 2014
- Average 3G and 4G HTTP download speed in the UK in 2014, by provider
- Proportion of communication through social networks in the UK in 2014, by device
- Proportion of email communication in the UK in 2014, by device
- Proportion of photo & video message communication in the UK in 2014, by device
- Mobile network operators' spectrum holdings in the UK in 2014, by network operator
- Unique mobile subscriber penetration rate 2019 and 2025, by region
- United Kingdom: access to decent fixed broadband coverage 2020, by country
- Market share of mobile technology in the United Kingdom 2021-2030, by generation
- Total costs of 5G eMBB deployment in the United Kingdom 2020, 2025 and 2040
- 700MHz (5G) coverage in the United Kingdom 2023-2025
- 3.5GHz (5G) coverage in the United Kingdom (UK) 2023-2025
- Share of macro sites in the UK with 700MHz and 3.5GHz (5G) mMIMO deployment 2023-2030
- Share of 5G users using mobile services in 5G early adopter markets 2023
- Mobile APRU change before and after launching 5G in selected countries 2023
- UK: fixed broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 2000-2022
- Number of fixed broadband subscriptions in the United Kingdom 2000-2022
- Internet subscription fees: weekly household expenditure in the UK 2023, by income
- Average download sync speed in urban & rural areas in Northern Ireland 2021
- Number of fixed broadband subscriptions in the United Kingdom UK and EU 2008-2013
- Distribution of web browsing speeds on Three's 3G networks in the UK in 2014
- Fastest latency by mobile networks in the United Kingdom 2019
- Coverage of ultrafast broadband for businesses in Scotland by 2020, by channel
- UK micro businesses in the information sector: monthly internet connection payments
- Coverage of ultrafast broadband in Scotland by 2020, by channel
- Coverage of ultrafast broadband for businesses in Wales by 2020, by channel
- Coverage of ultrafast broadband for businesses in Northern Ireland 2020, by channel
- Coverage of ultrafast broadband in Northern Ireland by 2020, by channel
- Average daily cellular data usage by country 2015
- Internet connection speed in the United Kingdom (UK) 2007-2017
- UK micro businesses: frequency of using online services for working from home
- UK micro businesses: frequency of online banking usage in 2014
- UK micro businesses: frequency of making video calls and conferencing in 2014
- UK micro businesses: frequency of making online sales in 2014
- UK micro businesses: frequency of posting online adverts 2014
- UK micro businesses: type of fixed-line internet connection used in 2014
- UK survey: knowledge about broadband internet connection speed at home
- Monthly payments made by UK micro businesses for internet connection 2014 by industry
- UK micro businesses in the hospitality sector, by type of internet connection used
- Micro businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) by type of internet supplier used
- Industry share of A2P SMS in select countries 2017
- Share of B2C SMS traffic by industry worldwide 2017
- Share of UK micro businesses that use internet connection for business 2014
- Availability of ultrafast broadband in Scotland 2017, by download speed
- Availability of ultrafast broadband in England 2017-2019, by download speed
- Availability of ultrafast broadband in Wales 2017, by download speed
- Fixed broadband lines in the United Kingdom 2016-2018, by technology
- Devices used to make voice calls over the internet in the UK in 2020, by gender
- UK: estimated 3G and 4G premises coverage 2014, by mobile network operator
- Leading industries for customer experience in the UK 2019
- Residential broadband connection speed in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2019
- Share of monthly broadband usage per connection type in the UK 2022, by region
- Share of households with broadband internet access UK 2011-2019
- Mobile data: ranking of importance of unlimited data plans in the UK 2017
- Mobile internet services: market value in the United Kingdom (UK) 2009-2015
- Average monthly data usage in urban & rural areas in Northern Ireland 2022
- Mobile connections in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2023, by type
- Mobile retail revenue in the United Kingdom (UK) 2007-2023
- Average monthly broadband usage per household in the UK 2022, by region
- Highest average monthly broadband usage per household in the UK 2022, by town/city
- Lowest average monthly broadband usage per household in the UK 2022, by town/city
- Outgoing SMS & MMS messages in the United Kingdom (UK) 2007-2023
- U.K. mobile telecommunications revenues: data revenue share 2004-2014
- UK mobile networks: Call volumes 2007-2023, by call type
- Accessing the internet at home in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012, by technology
- Monthly ARPU through post-paid mobile subscribers in the UK 2007-2023
- UK mobile network: Quarterly mobile revenue, by service type Q1 2020 - Q1 2024
- UK mobile network: Quarterly retail revenues from data services Q1 2012-Q1 2024
- UK: leading internet service providers by use 2024
- Total voice call minutes in the United Kingdom (UK) 2007-2023, by fixed and mobile
- Vodafone contract churn rate in the UK 2014/15-2024/25, by quarter
- Premises with superfast broadband service in the UK 2013-2017
- UK broadband penetration: proportion of households with fixed broadband 2012-2017
- Mobile communications: percentage of total telecommunications revenues in the UK 2016
- Revenue in the Data Center market United Kingdom 2018-2029
- Internet contracts: selection decision in the UK 2017
- Average internet connection speed from Q1 2014 to Q1 2017 in the UK
- Vodafone: Monthly charge of a mobile broadband contract in the UK 2011-2013
- UK: turnover of data processing; hosting & related services 2008-2015
- Devices used to make voice calls over the internet in the UK in 2020
- Monthly outbound fixed voice call minutes in selected European nations 2016
- Monthly mobile data use per capita in selected European nations 2016
- Cell phones: monthly data volumes available in the UK 2017
- Superfast fixed broadband coverage in selected European nations 2016
- Total telecommunications revenues in selected European nations 2016
- Per capital telecommunications revenues in selected European nations 2016
- UK survey: knowledge about broadband internet connection speed at home 2020
- Total amount of WiFi hotspots in major cities in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013
- Mobile phone operators' market shares in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013
- Average cable download speeds in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2019
- Average ADSL download speeds in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2017
- Average FTTx download speeds in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2019
- Mobile operators: carrier market shares in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018
- Internet access locations outside home in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2021
- Wired and mobile internet access spending in the UK 2006-2015
- Speed of download by mobile network in the United Kingdom (UK) 2024
- Mobile network operators: mobile and wi-fi internet activity in the U.S. and U.K.
- Number of households with fixed broadband in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012-2017