Statistics about Technology & Telecommunications in United Kingdom
- Most popular consumer electronics brands amongst millennials in Great Britain 2024
- Expenditure on electric liquidizers and blenders in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2015
- AO World consumer electricals online market share in the UK 2019 and 2020, by product
- Ownership of bean-to-cup machines in the United Kingdom (UK) 2014-2015
- Expenditure on centrifuges/electric juicers in Great Britain 2021
- Audio, video and music average weekly retail spend in Great Britain 2017-2023
- Number of music and video retail stores in the UK 2023, by employees
- Most popular household appliance brands in Great Britain 2024
- AO World consumer electricals market share in the UK 2019 and 2020, by product
- Ownership of electric food mixers in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2015
- Expenditure on pod coffee machines in Great Britain 2021
- Expenditure on bean-to-cup machines in the United Kingdom (UK) 2015
- Number of electrical appliance stores in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2022
- Ownership of centrifuges/electric juicers in Great Britain 2021
- Computers and telecomms equipment: Sales value quarterly index in Great Britain 2024
- Computers and telecommunications average retail spend in Great Britain 2017-2023
- Monthly household appliances retail sales value index in Great Britain 2016-2024
- Currys revenue worldwide 2013-2024
- Channel distribution of TV purchases in the UK 2018
- Electrical appliance retail sales volume index monthly in Great Britain 2016-2024
- Number of HMV stores in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2017
- Electronics purchase channel choice in the United Kingdom (UK) August 2020
- Most popular consumer electronics brands in Great Britain 2024
- Membership of loyalty programs by consumer electronic retailers in the UK 2017
- Computer and telecommunications retail sales in Great Britain 2017-2024
- Music/video recordings and equipment: monthly sales value index in Great Britain 2024
- Music and video retail sales volume index monthly in Great Britain 2016-2024
- Online search figures of electronics and home entertainment websites in the UK 2020
- Share of websites most visited by TV purchasers in the UK 2018
- Share of desired landline phones in the UK in 2017, by brand
- Landline phones: using them is a trend in the UK 2017
- Average urban, suburban and rural download speeds in the UK 2015
- BT landline: time taken to resolve customer issues in the UK 2017
- Monthly household spend on fixed voice and data services in the UK 2007-2018
- Cathode-ray television tubes: sales value in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012-2018
- Residential fixed-line broadband connections in the UK 2010-2019, by headline speed
- UK fixed-line broadband: Variations of download speed by time of the day 2013-2019
- UK fixed-line broadband: average broadband speeds 2011-2019, by ISP package
- 200Mbit/s ISP packages: download speed as a share of max speed by daytime in the UK
- Share of reasons for owning a landline phone in the UK 2017
- Households with internet access in GB from 2014 to 2020, by household composition
- Daily lengths of landline phone use in the UK 2017
- Reasonable prices for landline phones in the UK 2017
- Landline phones: most frequent type of call use in the UK 2017
- Charges of fixed & mobile number portability in the United Kingdom (UK) 2011-2017
- Superfast and fiber broadband coverage in the United Kingdom July 2024, by nation
- Number of premises passed by full fiber networks in the United Kingdom (UK) July 2024
- Number of days needed to port a fixed number in the UK and EU 2011-2017
- TalkTalk landline user satisfaction with handling of complaints in the UK 2011-2020
- Households with internet access in Great Britain from 2014 to 2020
- Fixed broadband connections in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2023, by type
- Share of BT customers whose landline issue was resolved on first contact UK 2013-2020
- BT landline user satisfaction with handling of complaints in the UK 2011-2020
- Virgin Media landline user satisfaction with handling of complaints UK 2011-2020
- Landline phone purchase intentions in the UK 2017
- Average residential fixed broadband download speed in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
- Fixed broadband price comparison selected countries 2018, by speed level
- Pay TV: customer service satisfaction after complaint in the UK 2012-2018
- Resolution of landline issue after one contact in the UK 2015, by type of issue
- Landline phones: preference of use over cell phones in the UK 2017
- Internet take-up and intentions in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013
- Landline phones: continuity in the UK 2017
- Number of mobile network operators in the United Kingdom (UK) 2007-2014
- UK telecom operators: fixed voice retail revenue 2007-2016
- Internet penetration of households in the United Kingdom (UK) 2000-2020
- Type of device used for international calls in the UK 2017, by frequency
- New entrants` DSL lines in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2018, by type of access
- Frequency of making or receiving phone calls on landline phones in the UK 2015
- BT landline user customer service satisfaction level in the UK 2011-2015
- Great Britain - households with landline
- Number of bundled operators in the United Kingdom (UK) 2007-2014
- Great Britain: households using cable TV companies for Internet access 2003-2013
- UK telecom operators: Fixed voice retail revenue from international calls 2007-2014
- Frequency of use of landline phones in the UK 2017
- Virgin Media landline: time taken to resolve customer issues in the UK 2017
- LLU monthly rental cost per fully unbundled loop in the UK 2009-2014
- Share of owned landline phones in the UK 2017, by brand
- UK telecom operators: Fixed voice volumes of calls to mobile 2007-2018
- United Kingdom: Broadband retail revenue 2007-2016
- UK fixed-line broadband: average broadband speeds 2017
- UK households: ownership of internet connection 1998-2018
- Time taken to resolve landline user issues in the UK 2017
- UK telecom operators: Broadband and narrowband retail revenue 2007-2016
- UK households: ownership of landline telephones 1970-2018
- Use of landline phones in UK households in 2019, by type of phone call
- Fixed broadband lines in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2018, by speed
- Fixed broadband lines in the United Kingdom (UK) 2006-2018, by operator
- Fixed broadband lines in the United Kingdom (UK) 2006-2018, by technology
- Reasons for contacting landline service providers in the UK 2018
- Sky landline user satisfaction with handling of complaints in the UK 2011-2020
- Households with a landline telephone in the UK 2018, by household composition
- Popularity of landline phones in the UK 2017
- Virgin Media landline user customer service satisfaction level in the UK 2011-2015
- Number of fixed line operators in the United Kingdom (UK) 2007-2014
- Fixed broadband and fixed voice services: simple average bundle pricing in the UK
- ADSL broadband: average and maximum download speeds in the UK in 2015, by area
- Average price of residential fixed broadband connections in the UK 2007-2014
- Recognition of landline phone manufacturers in the UK 2017
- TalkTalk landline: time taken to resolve customer issues in the UK 2017
- United Kingdom: Fixed broadband coverage 2020, by country