Statistics about Energy & Environment in United Kingdom
- Generation of electricity from renewable sources in England 2019, by region
- Wind power capacity in the UK 2010-2023, by type
- Installed capacity of feed-in tariff solar PV in the UK 2010-2019, by size band
- Forecast of estimated LCOE generation in the United Kingdom 2016, by energy source
- Offshore energy employment in the UK 2021-2030
- Electricity produced from renewables in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2022
- Renewable capacity in the UK 2010-2023
- Fuel types replaced by solar thermal systems under the RHI in Great Britain 2014-2019
- Fuels replaced by air source heat pumps under RHI in Great Britain 2014-2019
- Load factor of electricity from solar PV in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010 to 2023
- Share of bio and waste energy in the United Kingdom (UK) 1990-2019
- Energy used for heat generation from anaerobic digestion in the UK 2010-2022
- Indigenous bioenergy and waste energy production in the UK 2000-2018
- Installed wind power capacity in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2023
- Fuels replaced by biomass under RHI in Great Britain 2014-2019
- Opinions on communities benefiting from renewable energy in the UK 2012-2021
- Offshore wind cumulative capacity low scenario in the European Union 2030, by country
- Belief in benefits of renewable energy sources in the United Kingdom 2012-2021
- Opinion of large renewable energy developments in the United Kingdom 2012-2020
- Energy used for heat generation from active solar heating in the UK 2010-2023
- Number of renewable energy generating sites in Wales 2016-2019, by source
- Electricity generation from renewable sources in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012-2018
- Sales of renewable energy in England (UK) 2007-2012
- Support for solar power developments in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012-2024
- Onshore wind capacity in the United Kingdom (UK) 2009-2023
- Installed capacity of solar PV power in Wales 2010-2023
- Heat paid for by the UK Renewable Heat Incentive between 2014-2018
- Wind energy share in electricity demand in the UK 2010-2022
- Number of bioenergy generating plants in the United Kingdom (UK) 2016-2022
- Energy used for heat generation from biodegradable waste in the UK 2010-2022
- Renewable energy used for electricity, heat and transport in the UK 2010-2022
- Energy from waste cumulative installed capacity in the United Kingdom (UK) 2009-2022
- Wood and waste wood energy supply to the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2017
- Landfill gas energy supply to the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2017
- Bioenergy supply to the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2017, by type
- Biomass electrical generation in Great Britain 2014-2018, by fuel type
- Plant biomass cumulative installed capacity in the United Kingdom (UK) 2009-2022
- sewage sludge digestion installed capacity in the United Kingdom (UK) 2020 by site
- Annual renewable PPA deals signed in the UK 2014-2023
- Import value of the biomass and waste industry in the United Kingdom (UK) 2014-2017
- Renewable PPAs annual contracted capacity in the UK 2014-2023
- Load factor of electricity from anaerobic digestion in the United Kingdom 2010-2019
- Installed capacity of wind power in Wales 2008-2023
- Offshore wind capacity in the United Kingdom (UK) 2009-2023
- Renewable source electricity generation in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012-2017
- Renewable energy capacity installed in the UK 2023, by source
- Load factor of electricity from plant biomass in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2022
- Load factor of electricity from animal biomass in the UK 2010-2022
- Tonik fuel mix in the United Kingdom (UK) 2016-2018
- Power generated from anaerobic digestion in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2016
- Number of customers of Big Six energy suppliers in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018
- Good Energy fuel mix in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018
- Solarplicity fuel mix in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018
- Octopus Energy's fuel mix and fuel investment shares 2018-2020
- Ecotricity fuel mix in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018
- Installed capacity of wind power in Scotland 2008-2023
- Co-operative Energy fuel mix in the United Kingdom (UK) 2017/18
- Wind power contribution to the electricity supply mix in Great Britain 2014-2018
- Complaints resolved in eight weeks by green energy suppliers Great Britain 2014-2019
- Complaints resolved by Octopus Energy by end of next day Great Britain 2017-2021
- UK wind installed capacity outlook due to Covid-19 2020
- Employment in the wind industry in the UK 2019, by sector
- Renewable energy shares (RES) in the United Kingdom (UK) 2014-2018, by sector
- Monthly renewable electricity production in the UK 2023, by source
- Solar photovoltaic power installed 2014 by EU member
- Capacity of largest offshore wind turbines in the UK 2020 by site
- Renewable energy generation and capacity breakdown in the UK 2019, by source
- SSE plc fuel mix in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018
- Support for additional costs for eco-friendly packaging in Great Britain 2019
- Forecast: wreck dismantling revenue UK 2008-2018
- Forecast: non-hazardous waste treatment and disposal revenue UK 2009-2018
- UK Department for BEIS waste disposal 2016-2018, by method
- Radioactive waste volume in the United Kingdom (UK), by levels of radioactivity
- Yearly quantity of plastics placed on market and plastic waste in the UK as of 2020
- Plastic waste sources in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018, by sector
- Fly-tipping incidents in England from 2007-2019
- Scotland: landfill waste 2005-2015
- Support for plastic bag charge extension in Great Britain 2019
- Plastic item consumption in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018, by type
- Forecast: hazardous waste treatment and disposal revenue UK 2009-2018
- Plastic product usage reduction in Great Britain 2019, by item
- Household food waste in the United Kingdom (UK) 2007-2015
- LA collected regular household waste in London, England 2001-2023
- Fossil CO2 emissions from waste-to-energy in the United Kingdom 2017
- LA collected waste per capita from households in England 2010-2022
- Fly-tipping incidents in England from 2007-2018, by waste type
- Distribution of plastic packaging waste exports UK 2017, by destination
- Amount of plastic drinks packaging placed on the market in the UK 2017, by region
- Support for plastic product bans in Great Britain 2018, by age
- Total plastic drinks packaging placed on the market in the UK 2017, by type
- Usage of thin-gauge carrier bags in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2010 to 2014
- Support for plastic product bans in Great Britain 2018, by item
- Plastic packaging waste destinations from the United Kingdom (UK) 2017, by country
- Concerns with plastic pollution in the ocean in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018
- Self-reported levels of household food waste in the United Kingdom (UK) 2011-2016
- Pennon Group's regulatory capital value in the UK 2012-2018
- Pennon Group's renewable energy generation in the UK 2012-2018
- Fly-tipping prosecution outcomes in England from 2007-2018
- LA collected residual household waste per household in England 2001-2023
- Plastic packaging concerns in the United Kingdom (UK) 2017, by age