Statistics about Energy & Environment in United Kingdom
- Monthly maximum temperature in Wales 2015-2024
- Monthly maximum temperature in Scotland 2015-2024
- Monthly maximum temperature in Northern Ireland 2015-2024
- Annual change in average daily sun hours in the United Kingdom 2001-2020
- Monthly number of days with air frost in the UK 2015-2024
- Monthly minimum temperature in Scotland 2015-2024
- Monthly minimum temperature in Wales 2015-2024
- Monthly minimum temperature in Northern Ireland 2015-2024
- Average annual temperature projections in the UK 2020-2099, by emission scenario
- Monthly average number of heating degree days in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018-2022
- Average heating degree days in the United Kingdom (UK) 2002-2021
- UK: regional annual rainfall 2011-2023
- Monthly mean temperature in England 2015-2024
- Total annual sunshine hours in the UK 1930-2023
- Monthly maximum temperature in the UK 2015-2024
- Monthly minimum temperature in the UK 2015-2024
- Monthly mean temperature in the UK 2015-2024
- Monthly hours of sunlight in the UK 2015-2024
- Monthly rainfall in the UK 2014-2024
- Mean annual temperature in the UK 1961-2023, by country