Statistics about Agriculture in Russia
- Russian agricultural import structure in 2017, by product group
- French agri-food exports to European countries in 2020
- Annual value of FDI in agriculture, forestry and fishing in Russia 2012-2018
- GVA of agriculture in Russia 2016-2022
- Russian food self-sufficiency 2021-2022, by product category
- Operating costs and revenue of Russian agroindustry 2015-2018
- Sown area with grain yields in Russia 2018, by crop and region
- Key challenges of Russian agroindustry in 2018-2019
- Agricultural production yearly development in Russia 2012-2018
- Domestic sales value of agriculture, hunting and forestry Russia 2012-2018
- Agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishery export share Russia 2012-2018
- Mean monthly salary in the agricultural sector of Russia 2012-2018
- Number of employed individuals in Russian agricultural sector 2012-2018
- Share of agricultural sector employment in Russia 2012-2018
- Agricultural state loans volume in Russia 2017-2020, by type
- National agricultural production targets in Russia 2017-2020, by type
- Agricultural production value in Russia 2018, by federal district
- Agricultural production value in Russia 2018-2023
- GVA of agriculture as a share of GDP in Russia 2016-2022
- Agricultural company profit in Russia 2012-2018, by sector
- Russian agriculture state weighted index 2015-2019
- Projected annual value of agricultural subsidies in Russia 2015-2025
- Agricultural production share in Russia 2022, by product and organization
- Corn production volume in Russia 2017-2025
- Barley production volume in Russia 2017-2025
- Corn export volume from Russia 2017-2025
- Forecasted sown area with grain yields in Russia by 2024, by type and region
- Barley consumption and production volume in Russia 2017-2022
- Sugar consumption and production volume in Russia 2017-2022
- Share of EU's produce exported to Russia by category 2013
- Agricultural area planted under apple cultivation in Russia 2016-2021
- Flour production from crops excluding wheat and wheat-rye in Russia 2016-2022
- Corn import dependence on Russia and Ukraine 2022, by country
- Sunflower seed oil production Russia 2021-2025
- Sunflower seed production in Russia 2021-2025
- Spring wheat production volume in Russia 2006-2025
- Wheat production harvest area in Russia 2006-2025, by type
- Winter wheat production volume in Russia 2006-2025
- Major protein meals export volume in Russia 2018-2025
- Major protein meals consumption in Russia 2018-2025
- Soybeans crush volume in Russia 2018-2025
- Rye production volume in Russia 2017-2025
- Wheat import dependence on Russia and Ukraine 2022, by country
- Cereal closing stocks in Russia 2000/2001-2023/2024
- Grain stock and production volume in Russia 2013-2021
- Cereal production in Russia 2000/2001-2023/2024
- Cereal domestic utilization in Russia 2000/2001-2023/2024
- Cereal domestic supply in Russia 2000/2001-2023/2024
- Wheat export volume in Russia 2012-2032
- Wheat consumption volume in Russia 2012-2032
- Wheat production volume in Russia 2012-2032
- Wheat and maize worldwide export share Russia 2016-2020
- Subsidy allocation for decoupled support of crop farming in Russia 2017, by region
- Palm oil consumption in Russia 2017/18-2021/22
- Russian and Ukrainian wheat dependence in African and least developed countries 2022
- Durum wheat import dependence on Russia and Ukraine 2022, by country
- Sunflower seeds export volume in Russia 2020-2025
- Grain import volume in Russia 2021, by type
- Grain import value in Russia 2021, by type
- Sugar production in Russia 2018-2023
- Sugar import volume in Russia 2018-2023
- Leading sugar producers Russia 2023, by market share
- Sugar export volume in Russia 2018-2023
- Dry pea production worldwide 2012-2016
- Grain export share from Russia in 2019, by type
- Sunflower seed meals export volume in Russia 2020-2025
- Oats production volume in Russia 2017-2025
- Sunflower seed oil consumption in Russia 2020-2025
- Annual output of major crops in Russia 2012-2017
- Share of sown area in Russia in 2017, by producer type
- Leading importers of Russian sunflower seed oil 2018/19
- Planted area in Russia in 2017, by type of crop
- Leading sunflower seed producers Russia 2018/19, by output
- Area planted for oilseeds in Russia 2014-2022, by type
- Sown area in Russia 2022, by agricultural crop
- Cereal import volume in Russia 2000/2001-2023/2024
- Cereal export volume from Russia in 2019/2020, by type
- MZK Export revenue 2017-2023
- Grain consumption volume in Russia 2013-2021, by consumption type
- Grain import volume in Russia 2021, by country
- Sunflower seeds consumption in Russia 2020-2025
- Cereal export volume in Russia 2001-2025
- Grain import value in Russia 2021, by country
- Barley consumption volume in Russia 2017-2025
- Sunflower seed oil export volume in Russia 2020-2025
- Sunflower seed meals consumption in Russia 2020-2025
- Major vegetable oils consumption in Russia 2018-2025
- Major vegetable oils export volume in Russia 2018-2025
- Russian grain production share in global production 2017/2018, by type
- Soybean meals consumption in Russia 2018-2025
- Major oilseeds crush volume in Russia 2018-2025
- Fruit and berries production in Russia 2013-2021
- Sown area distribution Russia 2017, by agricultural crop
- Food and agricultural export value from Russia 2021, by type
- Export volume of agricultural industry in Russia 2021, by product
- Import volume in agricultural industry of Russia 2013-2018, by product
- Largest farmland owners in Russia 2022
- Disposable meat resources in Russia 2021, by type
- Federal support for investment lending in agriculture Russia 2017-2019
- Federal budget expenditure on agricultural facility improvements in Russia 2017-2019