Statistics about Agriculture in Russia
- Forecast grain exports value in Russia 2019-2024
- Fruits and berries trade flows in Russia 2013-2021, by type
- Annual agricultural production volume index Russia 2011-2017
- Potato production in Russia 2013-2021
- Forecasted gross cereals and grain production in Russia 2018-2024
- Fruits and berries consumption volume in Russia 2013-2021, by type
- Potato export and import volume in Russia 2013-2021
- Potato consumption in Russia 2013-2021, by type
- Subsidy volume for construction and upgrade of Russian agribusinesses 2017, by area
- Forecasted domestic grain consumption in Russia 2017-2024
- Subsidy volume in Russian agribusinesses in 2017, by segment
- Satisfaction with financing sources for Russian agribusinesses 2018
- Highest earning agricultural holdings in Russia 2021
- Meat and meat products stock and production volume in Russia 2013-2021
- Milk and dairy consumption volume in Russia 2013-2021, by type
- Feedback on obtaining subsidies for agribusiness in Russia 2015-2019
- Rusagro Group revenue 2023, by segment
- Revenue of Cherkizovo Group in Russia 2022, by segment
- Total area under cultivation in Russia 2007-2020
- Rusagro Group revenue 2014-2023
- Federal funds allocated to support investment lending in agriculture Russia 2017
- Annual value of agricultural subsidies in Russia 2017-2019, by sector
- Egg consumption in Russia 2013-2021, by type
- Egg exports & imports in Russia 2013-2021
- Annual revenue of Russian agricultural industry 2015-2018, by sector
- Gross cereal and grain production volume in Russia 2018-2024, by region
- Milk and dairy stock and production volume in Russia 2013-2021
- Annual agricultural production value Russia 2013-2017, by subsector
- Domestic consumption of grain in Russia 2015-2018, by type
- Barley export volume from Russia 2017-2025
- Egg production in Russia 2013-2023
- Russian global animal husbandry production share in 2018, by type
- PBT margin of Russian agricultural industry 2015-2018, by sector
- Fish production volume in Russia 2016-2020
- Crab production in Russia 2016-2020
- Perceived importance of sustainable fishing in Russia 2019
- Production of fish products in Russia December 2022, by type
- Fish import volume in Russia monthly 2021-2022
- Public support to curb overfishing in Russia 2019, by type of policy
- Catch of aquatic biological resources in Russia 2022, by species
- Catch of aquatic biological resources in Russia 2019-2022
- Frequency of fish purchases in Russia in 2019
- Fish export volume in Russia 2021
- Fish importing regions from Russia 2021
- Fish import volume in Russia 2021, by import origin
- Forest industry CAGR in Russia 2015-2020, by segment
- Forest area in Russia 2023, by federal district
- Forestry export value from Russia 2018-2021
- Roundwood export value in Russia 2019, by country
- Forestry export value growth in Russia 2009-2029
- Share of land area covered by forest in Russia 2006-2021
- Area covered by forest in Russia 2006-2021
- Value of wood imports into Russia monthly 2021-2023
- Value of wood exports from Russia monthly 2021-2023
- Roundwood export volume in Russia 2022, by country
- Wood volume in forests in Russia 2010-2021
- Russia’s share in forestry products consumption in the EU 2021, by type
- Total timber stock in Russia 2021, by federal district
- Volume of registered forestry companies in Russia 2019-2022
- Forestry export value in Russia 2022, by product
- Meat consumption volume in Russia 2019-2020, by type
- Production of pigs for slaughter in Russia 2020, by region
- Meat consumption volume growth in Russia 2020
- Retail mutton price in Russia monthly 2022, by type
- Turkey meat production volume in Russia 2018-2021
- Number of farm cows Russia 2003-2023
- Cattle livestock population in Russia 2003-2023
- Number of rabbits in farms in Russia 2003-2022
- Number of farm bee colonies in Russia 2003-2022
- Number of farm goats in Russia 2003-2023
- Poultry inventory in Russia 2003-2022
- Number of farm sheep in Russia 2003-2023
- Number of farm horses in Russia 2003-2023
- Number of farm pigs in Russia 2003-2023
- Leading pork producers in Russia 2023, by production for slaughter
- Exotic meat export volume in Russia 2018-2020, by type
- Largest pork producers Russia 2023, by production share
- Livestock inventory in Russia monthly 2021-2022, by type
- Meat and meat products consumption volume in Russia 2013-2021, by category
- Number of farm reindeer in Russia 2003-2023
- Pork production share in Russia 2022, by federal district
- Poultry production share in Russia 2022, by federal district
- Pork production volume in Russia 2022, by federal district
- Poultry production volume in Russia 2022, by federal district
- Pork products exports share from Russia 2021, by type
- Meat production volume in Russia 2014-2023
- Ranking of turkey producers Russia 2023, by production volume
- Beef & lamb production share in Russia 2021, by federal district
- Pork exports share from Russia 2021, by destination
- Exotic meat import volume in Russia 2018-2020, by type
- Production volume of pork in Russia 2015-2020
- Subsidy allocation for dairy cattle breeding in Russia 2017, by region
- Farm animal feed production volume in Russia 2019-2022
- Largest processed meat producers Russia 2020, by production share
- Ranking of poultry producers Russia 2020, by production share
- Share of meat sales of Cherkizovo Group in Russia 2020, by segment
- Poultry products exports share from Russia 2021, by type
- Evolution of the production volume of beef in selected countries worldwide 2010-2018
- Livestock and poultry production for slaughter in Russia 2021-2022, by type
- Pig production for slaughter in Russia monthly 2021-2022